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HomeHealthy LifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for November 10 to 16, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for November 10 to 16, 2024

There are some interesting surprises (oooh!) in your weekly horoscope for November 10 to 16, 2024. On November 11, Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into serious Capricorn. If you’re ready to commit to a partner or business relationship, now is the time: People will be more focused on the future—whether the focus is love or personal ambitions. You have the determination to pursue your goals and make commitments that can stand the test of time!

The following day, on November 12, Mercury in Sagittarius bumps into Saturn in Pisces, stirring up some disappointing feelings. You may have received a rejection letter or feel more down than usual. This isn’t the most supportive or optimistic energy, but it can help you focus on your responsibilities and embrace a much-needed reality check. Save the heartfelt conversations for another day if you can, though—people will be a bit grumpier today. This will also bring you back to October 28 (when Venus rammed into Saturn) and resurface similar topics and conversations from that day.

You’re in a risk-taking mood under the full moon in Taurus on November 15. The full moon is nestled right next to disruptive Uranus, which can help deliver breakthroughs and surprises. The energy is unpredictable, and this full moon can help you embody a more authentic version of yourself. On the same day, Saturn stations direct in Pisces, which means the retrograde is finally over! This will link you back to June 29—when Saturn retrograde began—and weave together similar themes and storylines from that time. Take a moment to pause: How have your boundaries and commitments changed since early summer?

Relationships are on the line when Venus in Capricorn clashes with the Nodes of Fate and Destiny on November 16. You may feel pressured to make a decision about a key relationship or commitment in your life that feels destined in some way. People you encounter can also feel more karmic, like you’ve met them before in another life. Later in the day, the sun in Scorpio stares down Uranus in Taurus, bringing some personal shockwaves. This continues storylines that began on October 30 when Mercury sat across the sky from Uranus. This time around, surprising information is revealed. You’re also showing up more authentically, craving space, and tired of living up to others’ expectations. You’re ready to put yourself back in the driver’s seat, where you belong.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full November 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope:

  • Monday, November 11: Venus enters Capricorn
  • Monday, November 11: Moon enters Aries
  • Tuesday, November 12: Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
  • Wednesday, November 13: Moon enters Taurus
  • Friday, November 15: Full moon in Taurus
  • Friday, November 15: Moon enters Gemini
  • Friday, November 15: Saturn stations direct in Pisces (retrograde ends)
  • Saturday, November 16: Venus in Capricorn square the Nodes of Fate
  • Saturday, November 16: Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

You’re standing out, Aries, and it’s time to soak up the compliments and spotlight once Venus moves into Capricorn on November 11. This can be an exciting period for your career and public life. Now is the time to go after that promotion and put your work out there. People are impressed with you. The next few weeks give you a boost of confidence in every aspect of your life, so take a risk—and take advantage of it!

The full moon in Taurus brings a surprising turning point to your finances on November 15. A job or commitment could wrap up unexpectedly or maybe you learn about an offer that shows up suddenly. You may also want to spend your money in an unusual way, like making an odd purchase.

You’re making a fated choice about your life path when Venus in Capricorn clashes into the Nodes of Fate and Destiny on November 16. While you may feel like you’re under pressure, you know that the decisions you make now will help you move deeper into alignment. If you’ve felt drawn toward another direction or want to switch up your career, listen to your gut and take the first step.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

Lucky news you’ve waited patiently for finally arrives, Taurus, once Venus moves into Capricorn on November 11. You might receive an offer you can’t refuse or even find yourself with a more optimistic mindset about the future. You also have more tact and charm over the next few weeks—you can speak your desires into existence.

You’re showing the world a bold, new side of yourself under the full moon, in your sign, on November 15. You’re done playing small and keeping others comfortable. Today is all about you. How you choose to show up and what you decide to share with others might catch them off guard, but you will feel liberated in the process. You’re ready to break free from the status quo and others’ expectations.

Your relationships experience some unexpected turbulence when the sun in Scorpio faces off with Uranus, in your sign, on November 16. If a relationship has run its course, you may decide to call it quits. This can also help you address issues you’ve avoided with the important people in your life. Although you’ll have to face some temporary discomfort, it can help you both establish a healthier connection. You may also learn about a new contract or collaborative opportunity that shows up out of thin air.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You’re feeling supported both emotionally and financially, Gemini, when Venus enters Capricorn on November 11. Practically, this can bring more stability to your finances. Maybe you’re presented with a new contract or offer, or perhaps you’re paying down debt. Emotionally, this helps your close relationship explore new levels of trust and intimacy.

There’s tension in your close relationships when Mercury in Sagittarius rams into Saturn in Pisces on November 12. As you dive deeper into your relationships, you may also need to confront some uncomfortable truths. This is an invitation to set boundaries, discuss your commitments, or even decide to part ways.

Your subconscious begs for your attention under the full moon in Taurus on November 15. This lunation illuminates what you’ve ignored and can help you break cycles, habits, and patterns that have held you back. You could also move through a period of closure, loss, or release, which can stir up big feelings. Rest will be necessary as you spend more time with feelings you’ve avoided. A new beginning is around the corner.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

Love and connection are priorities, Cancer, when Venus enters Capricorn on November 11. You might be ready to take the next step with a lover—like moving in together or even getting engaged! Singles also have a higher chance of meeting a long-term partner if they desire it. This also brings more contract and collaborative work your way.

You’re ready to chase after one of your dreams under the full moon in Taurus on November 15. A goal you’ve worked hard toward may finally start to materialize. You may also attend a party or have something special to celebrate under these moonbeams. As for your love life, you feel more open-minded—this is a playful time to experiment with your pleasure in the bedroom.

Destiny takes over your romantic world when Venus in Capricorn bumps into the Nodes of Fate and Destiny on November 16. Something significant could unfold in your partner’s life, or maybe you will meet someone who feels fated in some way. New opportunities also have the potential to move your life path in a new direction.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

Your daily slog just got easier, Leo, thanks to Venus moving into Capricorn on November 11. If you’ve struggled to manage your daily responsibilities at work and at home, relief arrives! Over the next few weeks, you will devise solutions with more ease and you’re ready to ask for help when you need it most. You’re also gaining recognition for your hard work, and it’s starting to pay off.

The full moon in Taurus gives you the recognition you deserve on November 15. You’re standing out amongst your peers, which feels exciting and liberating! You may also make a sudden decision that surprises others or receive an offer that helps you launch the next phase of your career. Surprising news unfolds in your personal life, too. Today, you benefit from taking risks, even if it feels uncomfortable.

There’s some shock and surprise in your personal life thanks to the sun in Scorpio facing off with Uranus in Taurus on November 16. Maybe you learn a family secret that blows your mind or perhaps you decide to move across the country. This is also excellent energy for doing a cord-cutting or energetic purge. You’re ready to break cycles and let go of what no longer serves you.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

You’re in high demand, Virgo, once Venus enters Capricorn on November 11. You’re also hard to resist! You may start to notice compliments pouring in. This can be a busy time for your dating life or a fun time to reignite the spark with a lover. You’re also full of creative inspiration and this is a wonderful period to focus on the hobbies, projects, and activities that light you up. You may also feel like you’re in the right place at the right time as your manifestation powers get a little boost.

It’s time to set boundaries in some of your personal relationships when Mercury in Sagittarius bumps into Saturn in Pisces on November 12. If you’ve noticed that some of your family members or roommates are throwing some shade your way, you may need to confront it head-on. You may also need to make a responsible decision about your living situation or a family obligation. Conversations can feel heavier today, too, so try not to take it personally if people are in a grumpier mood.

An epiphany arrives under the full moon in Taurus on November 15. New ideas and information emerge that can help you see a situation with a new perspective. This can also be a moment where your talent and skills are in the spotlight. Speaking your mind will also help you feel more grounded and confident.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

You’re feeling grateful for your loved ones, Libra, when Venus moves into Capricorn on November 11. There’s nothing better than cozying up at home, surrounded by the people you care about most. This is also a fun time to experiment with home decor—maybe it’s time to rearrange your furniture or do a deep clean to freshen up the energy. This also helps ease any family tension and brings sweet news regarding your personal relationships.

Emotions run high under the full moon in Taurus on November 15. The past might feel more overwhelming and intense as old, ignored feelings appear front and center. When you choose to be present with whatever feelings emerge, it can help you surrender and release the past. Practically speaking, you may also be focused on a financial matter, like paying off a credit card or considering a job change.

The past resurfaces when Venus in Capricorn rams into the Nodes of Fate and Destiny on November 16. You’re more aware of the patterns and cycles in your family lineage and their impact. You could also learn news about a family member or make a decision about your living situation that feels fated in some way.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

Your communication skills are off the charts, Scorpio, thanks to Venus entering Capricorn on November 11. You have the influence to win others over with your ideas and thoughts and the tact and charm to share your ideas effectively. This can also bring some exciting news and is a favorable time for negotiation. You may also feel called to get involved in your local community or sign up for a class to learn something new.

The full moon in Taurus shines a spotlight on your relationships on November 15. You’re craving more independence and novelty in your partnerships. For some, this could look like parting ways but for others, this could simply mean trying something new and unexpected with your lover. You could also learn about a surprising contract or offer out of the blue. Interactions with others definitely feel unpredictable today.

You’re the main character when the sun, in your sign, stares down Uranus in Taurus on November 16. This continues the shocking storyline that began under the full moon but helps you recenter yourself in the narrative. It’s time to show up unapologetically and to go after who and what you want. You’re in a risk-taking mood, even if it makes others feel uncomfortable. Put your desires first!


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

You’re feeling less stressed by your financial situation, Sagittarius, once Venus moves into Capricorn on November 11. The next few weeks offer a sweet spot to ask for a raise, go after a promotion, or receive new work offers. You’re also feeling a boost of confidence in your own skills and talents. You may also be in a mood to treat yourself–you’ve worked hard to get here and deserve to spoil yourself!

It’s time to defend yourself and your needs when Mercury, in your sign, slams into Saturn in Pisces on November 12. You might deal with some haters or people who don’t support your current path. This is your reminder that your energy is a currency and you can decide who you share it with. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and explicitly ask for what you deserve.

The full moon in Taurus gives you permission to let go of commitments that are wearing you down on November 15. This lunation can mark the end of an ongoing commitment or responsibility that’s taken much of your time, energy, and effort. You may also have a breakthrough regarding a habit you want to break. You’re bound to feel more exhausted than normal, so do your best to not overdo it.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

Life is looking up, Capricorn, thanks to Venus moving into your sign on November 11. Luck is easy to come by when the planet of blessings moves through your sign—you’re feeling more confident and making progress on personal goals. This can also be an auspicious time for your dating life. New, important connections and sources of support show up in your world.

The full moon in Taurus puts you in a more romantic mood on November 15. This brings attention to your love life. Maybe you meet someone new, or you’re ready to move on from a relationship that’s run its course. You’re also in a more daring, experimental mood regarding your personal hobbies—and pleasure. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone!

You’re making fated decisions about your desires and relationships when Venus, in your sign, rams into the Nodes of Fate and Destiny on November 16. It may feel like the choices you make today have the potential to alter your life path—and they do. Know that as long as you listen to your instincts, you’re moving in the right direction.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

You’re craving some time alone, Aquarius, once Venus enters Capricorn on November 11. Solitude can help you birth new ideas and solutions you’ve been seeking. This is also a lovely time to focus on creating a supportive wellness routine and spiritual practice that will help you feel more grounded. If you’ve been overworking yourself, you have an easier time saying no and protecting your free time, too.

Matters at home and in your personal life undergo some seismic shifts under the full moon in Taurus on November 15. Maybe your refrigerator breaks, or you randomly decide you want to find new roommates. Some sort of unexpected disruption can take place involving your living situation. You may also learn some surprising news about a family member or have a breakthrough in a relationship, too.

Saturn ends its retrograde in Pisces on the same day, November 15, and you’re feeling back on track with your finances. You’ve got a plan in place! This can help you pay down debt, reach new financial goals, and set healthy boundaries around spending. You could also receive a new job offer or promotion that helps boost your cash flow.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

Your support system is growing, Pisces, and you’re feeling grateful for your community when Venus enters Capricorn on November 11. You’re craving more time with friends and spending time networking, which can put you in touch with some influential people who can help move the needle on some of your dreams. Singles have a higher chance of meeting someone through dating apps or friends, too.

The full moon in Taurus helps reconnect you with your voice on November 15. There is something you’ve wanted to share and you’re tired of keeping it to yourself. Maybe you get a piece published, or you make a video on social media that goes viral. You could also share some surprising feelings with a family member or friend that leaves you feeling free and authentic. News that you learn today also has the potential to shock!

On the same day, Saturn, in your sign, ends its retrograde, and you’re ready to recommit to your dreams on November 15. You know you’ve got to put in the time and effort to reach your goals. The good news: You have the determination and a plan. This is also an important day for you to put yourself first and set boundaries as needed.



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