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HomeHealthy LifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for January 5 to 11, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope for January 5 to 11, 2025

Slow and steady wins the race in your weekly horoscope for January 5 to 11, 2025. The year starts with a lot of retrograde energy in the sky, inviting you to reflect and take your time. On January 6, Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer, bringing you back to frustrating topics or themes that unfolded between October 4 to November 3, 2024. People will be more reactive based on how they feel in the moment. There is a heightened need to protect one’s sense of safety, security, and what’s familiar. This can also stir up more conflict within families or resurface drama from the past. On the bright side, confronting old feelings can help clear stagnant energy and heal old wounds.

On the same day, on January 6, Mercury in Sagittarius bumps into Neptune in Pisces, and even though Mercury retrograde is over, the energy is ever-present. This planetary combination can lead to misunderstandings and cause you to hyper-fixate on some of your own fears or anxieties. Keep in mind that you don’t have access to the whole picture right now, so hold off on making assumptions or important decisions if you can. You could mix up appointment times or simply feel lost in your head or imagination. Take the pressure off yourself to be productive today and just be curious about what comes up.

The first quarter moon in Aries, also on January 6, brings you back to the new moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024. Now is the time to focus on taking courageous, inspired action on new goals. Put that plan into motion! Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Capricorn on January 8, and suddenly, boundaries are the central topic of conversation. This can be a healthy time to discuss expectations in your relationships, make commitments, and develop a long-term plan or goal. Communication is more direct and terse but productive.

On the same day, on January 8, Mercury in Capricorn slams into the Nodes of Fate (points on the ecliptic that represent your life path). Information you learn could help you make a decision that feels fated. Interactions with friends and siblings can also feel destined in some way. Trust your intuition today and lead with your inner compass. Still to come on January 8, the sun in Capricorn rams into Chiron in Aries, which represents your healing journey. Maybe you feel like you’re undergoing an identity crisis or an old wound resurfaces. This is an invitation to try something new on your healing journey and to confront feelings and insecurities you’ve ignored. If you’ve been playing small or hiding your authentic self in any way, it’s time to make a change.

The week wraps up with the Nodes of Fate and Destiny leaving the Aries-Libra axis and entering the Pisces-Virgo axis. The North Node, which represents increase and the direction we’re headed in, moves into Pisces, and the South Node, which is a point of release, enters Virgo. These two areas of your birth chart will experience profound changes and karmic events over the next 18 months. A lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17, 2024, kicked off this series and offered a preview of what’s to come. The last time the Nodes of Fate were in these signs was from March 2006 to February 2008, so you can think back to major events from that period and similar topics may re-emerge.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full January 2025 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your 2025 romance horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope:

  • Sunday, January 5: Moon enters Aries
  • Monday, January 6: Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer
  • Monday, January 6: Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
  • Monday, January 6: First quarter moon in Aries
  • Tuesday, January 7: Moon enters Taurus
  • Wednesday, January 8: Mercury enters Capricorn
  • Wednesday, January 8: Mercury in Capricorn square the Nodes
  • Wednesday, January 8: Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
  • Thursday, January 9: Moon enters Gemini
  • Saturday, January 11: Nodes of Fate and Destiny Enter Virgo + Pisces
  • Saturday, January 11: Moon enters Cancer


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

Here comes the family drama, Aries, once Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. There could be old issues with family or roommates that pop up. This is a healthy time to reflect on the resentment you’ve ignored and to give yourself space to express your frustrations in a healthy way. You could also experience more activity in your personal life or be focused on letting go of the past.

You’re thinking long-term once Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. This is an exciting time to come up with new goals for yourself. You could also learn about a raise or promotion or make lots of progress on a meaningful goal. Important people are entering your life and paying attention to you—you’re standing out, so keep putting yourself out there!

Your bad habits are old news once the Nodes of Fate enter Virgo and Pisces on January 11. You’ve come to terms with some patterns you’re ready to break. This is a longer, 18-month transit that could also reshape your daily routine in a dramatic way, like maybe you start traveling for work or find a gig working from home.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

It’s time to set the boundaries you’ve avoided, Taurus, once Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. Some conversations need to be had, and they may be temporarily uncomfortable. It’s time to speak your mind—even if it disturbs the peace. You deserve to share your feelings and needs with others. You could also experience some delays regarding collaborative projects or tension in your close friendships over the next few weeks.

Meaningful conversations begin when Mercury enters Capricorn on January 8. Information you learn might change your mind and perspective in some way. You’re also more curious and might be ready to sign up for a class or go back to school. This is a productive time to find a mentor who can help support some of your goals.

New friendships form due to the Nodes of Fate moving into Virgo and Pisces on January 11. You’re craving a sense of community and want to cultivate connection in a meaningful way. Maybe you meet new friends through new hobbies or just by putting yourself out there and attending social events.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

Finances might feel a bit more stressful, Gemini, thanks to Mars retrograde re-entering Cancer on January 6. It’s time to reign in your spending and develop a plan to help you feel more secure and stable. Old bills can appear, and you may experience delays with checks and payments. Drama at work can also come up, and you may need to set boundaries with a co-worker or boss.

Emotional conversations from the past resurface once Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. You’re ready to do some heavy lifting and confront feelings you’ve ignored. This is a season of healing, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open up with those you trust can help some of your relationships blossom.

Your long-term desires and aspirations change once the Nodes of Fate move into Virgo and Pisces on January 11. This is an aligned time to develop new ambitious goals for yourself and to take up more space. You’re gaining attention in your field of expertise and can also make some exciting personal moves like moving or expanding your family.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

You’re the main character, Cancer, once Mars retrograde re-enters your sign on January 6. The next few weeks remind you to center yourself and to stand up for yourself! You could also return to old goals you moved away from for whatever reason. Tis the season to charge fearlessly after who and what you want. You might also experience a few more fights or boundary-setting conversations in your relationships, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Relationships and special people are on your mind thanks to Mercury moving into Capricorn on January 8. More of your mental energy is spent on the important people in your life. Maybe your partner needs more emotional support as they move through a challenging period, or perhaps you’re focused on negotiating a new collaborative project or opportunity.

You’re reconnecting with your voice and learning to speak your mind once the Nodes of Fate move into Virgo and Pisces on January 11. This is a longer, 18-month cycle that helps you shatter limiting beliefs and rewire the neural pathways in your brain! You might commit to morning affirmations or even a journaling practice. You’re ready to share your perspective in a new way, too.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

You’re in a season of release and closing out cycles, Leo, when Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. You could deal with old patterns, people, or situations that have overstayed their welcome. Endings typically coincide with big feelings, so give yourself time to process anyone or anything you’re letting go of. You might also focus more on honing a spiritual or meditative practice that can heighten your intuition and calm your nervous system over the next few weeks.

You have more responsibilities than you can keep track of once Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. You’re juggling a lot, and this can be a reminder of the importance of saying “no” or asking for help. You may also need to set some boundaries or recognize which habits you need to change in 2025.

Karmic endings and beginnings unfold in your financial world once the Nodes of Fate enter Virgo and Pisces on January 11. You’re relating to your sense of security in a new way. Some contracts may end while others present themselves. This can also be an exciting time to receive help and support from others, whether it’s emotional or even a financial investment.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

Your friendships may be a source of tension, Virgo, once Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. There could be conversations you need to have that are long overdue or even connections that have run their course. You might also experience temporary delays when it comes to chasing your goals, or decide to return to an old goal that you put on the backburner.

Here comes the lucky news you’ve been waiting for, thanks to Mercury entering Capricorn on January 8. You could hear a “yes” you’ve been waiting for or even decide to take a romantic connection to the next level. The next few weeks will ignite your creative mind and encourage you to pursue new hobbies and interests.

You’re the main character over the next 18 months when the Nodes of Fate enter your sign and Pisces on January 11. This is an aligned time to review all of your close relationships—with family, lovers, friends, and business partners. Some will change over the next 18 months, but they’re also creating space for new amazing people to enter your life.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

It’s time to make peace with some anger you’ve long ignored, Libra, once Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. Simmering feelings bubble up to the surface. You’re known for wanting to keep the peace, but there is no point in doing so if it’s eating away at you on a regular basis. This is the time to stir the pot and set boundaries.

Family is on your mind when Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. Maybe you’re spending more time with family or hashing out some drama. You could also be more focused on your living environment. Perhaps you’re ready to reorganize your living room or do a deep clean and decluttering of your space.

You’re closing out cycles and changing your habits once the Nodes of Fate enter Virgo and Pisces on January 11. This is a healthy time for self-reflection and owning up to the patterns and behaviors you’ve outgrown and contributed to over the past few years. This cycle helps you streamline your routine to put you in the best position for future success.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

It’s time to stand up for what you believe in, Scorpio, when Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. The next few weeks will help you speak your mind and share your beliefs, even in the face of fear and adversity. You’re learning to reconnect with your voice and to feel empowered in the process. You might get into a few more debates, but speaking your truth will set you free.

You’re full of new ideas when Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. You could focus on developing a new plan you want to implement or on negotiating a new contract. You’re also spending more time with friends and doing things that you actually enjoy. You could get a few fun invitations over the next few weeks that are too hard to turn down!

Romance is in the air once the Nodes of Fate move into Virgo and Pisces on January 11. New lovers could enter your life, or the way you relate to pleasure is shifting in some way. You might also experience a revamp in how you spend your free time and what hobbies or activities bring you the most joy.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

Watch out for overspending, Sagittarius, when Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. You might rethink some of your spending habits and develop a tighter financial budget. Emotionally, this is a time to explore your inner world, fears, and psyche. You may invest more of your time in self-reflection or healing work as you’re ready to break free from the past and redefine yourself.

You’re coming up with new ways to save for your future when Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. You might decide to apply for new jobs or focus on new ways to bring some extra income home every month. This can also be a fun time to spoil yourself—whether with your favorite takeout or purchasing something you’ve had your eye on for a while.

You’re redefining what home means to you once the Nodes of Fate move into Virgo and Pisces on January 11. There could be major changes in your living situation or with your chosen family. Maybe some relationships change, or you decide to bury old grudges. You could also pivot to focus on a new calling or chase after a new ambitious goal.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

You’re dealing with relationship drama, Capricorn, once Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. There could be some unfinished business you need to address with a lover, roommate, or business partner. This is also a healthy time to set boundaries, discuss expectations, and end contracts or commitments that no longer feel aligned. And exes can also pop back into your life, too!

It’s time to focus on your personal goals when Mercury moves into your sign on January 8. You’re ready to recommit to yourself and devise a plan to bring your desires to life. You could also learn important, personal news or have discussions in your close relationships that feel meaningful.

You’re ready to expand your mind once the Nodes of Fate move into Virgo and Pisces on January 11. You might consider going back to school or picking a skill or craft you want to master. This is a fun time for exploration and following your curiosity. You can also let go of limiting beliefs and change how you speak to yourself over the next few months.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Your daily commitments and routine might feel a bit more stressful, Aquarius, once Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. Your plate is full, and you may need to set boundaries and offload some responsibilities over the next few weeks. If you continue down the path you’re on and keep wearing yourself down, you could catch a cold! Don’t be afraid to say no.

You’re craving some solitude once Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. Spending time alone can help you recharge but also reconnect with your imagination. You need some downtime to tune out everyone else’s opinions. This is a healthy period to pick up a grounding spiritual practice that can help regulate your nervous system.

A new job or opportunity is on the horizon once the Nodes of Fate enter Virgo and Pisces on January 11. Some career opportunities might end, but other, more aligned contracts can also appear! This is an exciting time to merge your passion with the work you contribute to the world. You can also experience some fated shifts in your financial situation, including more financial security.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

You’re returning to an old hobby or passion project, Pisces, when Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6. This can be an inspiring time to pick up projects you started that fell by the wayside. Old activities you enjoyed when you were younger might also be appealing again. This can also spell some drama for your romantic relationships—you may need to set boundaries or deal with exes.

New sources of support or allies enter your world once Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8. This can bring exciting news and collaborative opportunities your way. You’re also in a more social mood; this is a great time to put yourself out there and meet new people.

Your relationships are under review once the Nodes of Fate move into your sign and Virgo on January 11. This can bring fated endings and beginnings to your close one-on-one relationships. Maybe you’re ready to get engaged or break free from an old relationship that’s run its course.



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