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HomeHealthy LifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for August 4 to 10, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for August 4 to 10, 2024

If you’re feeling a little more nostalgic than normal, your weekly horoscope for August 4 to 10, 2024 has an answer: Mercury retrograde!

August 4 is one of the busiest days of the month, and it all begins with a new moon in Leo. This new moon invites you to connect with your authentic self, and can give you the boost of confidence you need to go after your dreams. Also on August 4, Venus, the planet of connection, enters picky Virgo. Try not to be overly critical of yourself or others over the next few weeks. On the bright side, you’re more appreciative of the small things in your relationship that often get overlooked—like your partner bringing you a fresh cup of coffee in bed or remembering an obscure detail from a story you told them a week prior.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so this retrograde will kick up misunderstandings, miscommunication, technological issues, and travel delays.

Then early on August 5 (or late on August 4, depending on your time zone), communication planet Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo—and will remain retrograde most of the month until August 28. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so this retrograde will kick up misunderstandings, miscommunication, technological issues, and travel delays. If you find yourself overthinking or leaning into anxious thought patterns (Virgo territory), do your best to regulate your nervous system or try a grounding exercise. This can also be a helpful time to reflect on the ways you’d like to change your daily habits and routine for the better.

On August 7, the sun in Leo mingles with Jupiter in Gemini, stirring up a very playful and optimistic energy. People are feeling generous, open minded, and grateful. You may have a reason to celebrate or receive recognition for some of your hard work or talents.

You might hear from an old lover when Mercury retrograde in Virgo syncs up with Venus in Virgo, also on August 7. Conversations are more compassionate and, despite the ongoing retrograde, you’re able to find common ground thanks to Venus’s gentle and balanced influence. You might also feel a renewed interest and spark in a creative or personal project that lost steam from the past!

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full August 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope. 

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from August 4-10, 2024

  • Sunday, August 4: New Moon in Leo
  • Sunday, August 4: Venus enters Virgo
  • Monday, August 5: Mercury retrograde in Virgo
  • Monday, August 5: Moon enters Virgo
  • Wednesday, August 7: Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • Wednesday, August 7: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo conjunct Venus in Virgo
  • Thursday, August 8 Moon enters Libra
  • Saturday, August 10: Moon enters Scorpio

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for August 4 to 10, 2024


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

It’s time to revamp your dating profile, Aries! A new lover could be right around the corner thanks to the new moon in Leo on August 4. If you’re already coupled up, this is a great time to invest more of your energy into your relationship and tend to that romantic spark. If romance isn’t a priority, you may also begin a new hobby or creative project that’s leaving you feeling hopeful and connected to the present moment.

Your daily routine is about to experience some hiccups over the next few weeks when Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5. Have you taken on too much responsibility and been too self-sacrificing? You may need to set some boundaries and change your daily habits to help set you up for success (and take care of yourself).

You have something to celebrate on August 7 when the sun in Leo mingles with Jupiter in Gemini. Maybe you land a new contract, or a personal passion project like a TikTok account you started for fun starts to take off. Sharing your gifts and ideas with others will bring you luck. This is also a lovely day for expressing your love and gratitude for the people you care about most in your life.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

Home is where the heart is,Taurus, and it’s your main focus under the new moon in Leo on August 4. This new moon helps you clear out energy from your past, whether it’s old drama with family members or a petty landlord. You can feel a renewed sense of safety and stability in your personal relationships. Practically, you could also consider a move. Maybe you’re ready to buy, sell, or redecorate your home.

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5, and here come your old lovers, crushes, and exes! If you don’t hear from someone directly, you might find yourself thinking more about romantic trysts from your past. It can also kick up some tension in your current romantic life, or encourage you to reflect on who and what you’re attracted to and what turns you on.

You’re learning some positive financial news on August 7 when the sun in Leo teams up with Jupiter in Gemini. A loved one could also surprise you with a thoughtful, sentimental gift.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You’re learning some news that rocks your world, Gemini, under the new moon in Leo on August 4. Conversations that take place today are important to note. You might also feel a renewed sense of optimism in your own mindset, or come up with an exciting idea you want to explore.

When Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo the next day, you’ll start thinking about your sense of security. Perhaps you’re considering moving, finding new roommates, or just doing a big purge at home. You’ll also feel more sentimental over the next few weeks, and there is wisdom that can be found in reflecting on your past memories.

The lucky news you’ve been waiting for arrives on August 7, when the sun in Leo meets with Jupiter in your sign. You could learn an exciting development about a personal goal, or hear from someone who wants to make you a tempting offer. The energy is lively and social. People are eager to spend time with you and support your ideas. Have fun and share your thoughts and whims with others, even if they seem outlandish. You never know who can help you move some mountains.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

A new financial future is on the horizon, Cancer, thanks to the new moon in Leo on August 4. Maybe you’ve finally paid off some debt or you recently accepted a raise or promotion. You’re feeling more financially secure and abundant in your everyday life.

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5, and you’re going to have to watch your words closely over the next few weeks. Misunderstandings will occur left and right, and your texts and emails might be full of typos. You could also find yourself wrapped up in some gossip, so be careful who you talk about and who you share your opinions with.

You’re listening to your intuition more and more as the sun in Leo syncs up with Jupiter in Gemini on August 7. You’re making decisions that feel aligned with your needs and goals, and leave you feeling more secure and stable in the process. You’re in a flow and feel grateful for the life you’ve built.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

The world is your catwalk, Leo, under the new moon in your sign on August 4! This is your yearly reset to take up space, feel more confident, and be unapologetically you. You might post a sexy selfie, rebrand yourself or your dating profile, or even set an ambitious goal for yourself.

Pay close attention to your finances once Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5. Payments might be delayed, or discussions about potential raises can land on the backburner. You may also return to old ideas for potential revenue streams or reconsider the way you’re currently supporting yourself financially.

It can feel like a dream comes true on August 7 when the sun, in your sign, links up with Jupiter in Gemini. A new ally might show up in your life to help you make progress on a goal. Maybe you receive an exciting invitation to collaborate with a dream partner. People believe in you today and want to see you succeed!


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

It’s time to quiet your mind, Virgo, once the new moon in Leo takes place on August 4. You’re reminded how important rest is, and this can be a moment of judgment and reckoning if you’ve been overworking yourself. This is also an important time to pay attention to your intuitive mind and any ideas or messages that come through a dream or spiritual practice. The Universe is whispering to you!

Venus, the planet of blessings and connection, enters your sign on the same day, making you the main character over the next few weeks. People are eager to support you and your ideas. This can be a busy time for your dating life or even making progress on personal goals. You may also find yourself experimenting with your sense of style—is it time to finally throw caution to the wind and get that daring haircut or tattoo?

That said, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on August 5. Mercury also happens to be your planetary ruler, making this retrograde a bit more personal. The next few weeks might leave you feeling a bit unsettled, and reflecting on who you are and what you’re working toward. Are your personal goals and ambitions actually what you want out of life? Are you living authentically? Important people from your past might also resurface.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

You’re ready to chase after your next bold idea, Libra, under the new moon in Leo on August 4. Maybe you’re ready to go back to school and study something you’re passionate about, or take a risk and launch a personal business. Whatever it may be, you’re feeling inspired and supported to go after the future life you’ve always dreamed of. This is also a significant time for networking.

The next day, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, reminding you how necessary it is to slow down and rest. It’s very likely you’ve taken on too many responsibilities and it’s left you feeling exhausted in the process. It’s time to come to terms with your own self-sacrificing behaviors and to put your well-being first!

Adventure is in the air on August 7 when the sun in Leo meets with Jupiter in Gemini. You could be jet-setting with friends, or maybe you meet a life-changing mentor who helps take your interests and studies to the next level. News you learn today is also positive and encouraging. This is a great day to ask for help because luck is on your side!


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

You’re ready to show the world a new side of yourself, Scorpio, under the new moon in Leo on August 4. It’s very possible you’re taking on a new level of responsibility, whether it’s at work with a promotion or making an important personal commitment.

Old friends from your past resurface once Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5. This can be a time for making amends and letting go of old petty drama, or for recognizing which people are truly worthy of your time and attention. You may also lose some steam on a personal project. Know that this is a period for rest so new inspiration can find you!

Someone important is paying you respects when the sun in Leo connects with Jupiter in Gemini on August 7. It’s possible you’re up for a raise or promotion, or maybe you finally receive some long overdue compliments for a project you’ve worked hard on. You could also invest in your future in some way by exploring other career paths, intimacy in your close relationships, or building your financial security.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

It all feels possible, Sagittarius, thanks to the new moon in Leo on August 4. A new idea emerges or a conversation that takes place that sparks your interest. This energy helps you clear out any limiting beliefs and gives you a more positive, can-do attitude over the next few weeks. You might also feel called to book some travel or learn something new. You’re craving more adventure!

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5, and you may experience some hiccups at work. Maybe you’re irritated with a boss, or talks of a promotion or raise are delayed. You could also have important players from your past re-enter your life–from exes to old work colleagues. This is an important time for you to not rush and push forward on your goals, but rather take the time to reflect on whether or not what you are currently working toward feels fulfilling and aligned.

Your partnerships fill you with joy when the sun in Leo mingles with Jupiter in Gemini on August 7. Maybe a collaborative project you’re working on makes progress and gains you some recognition for your hard work. This is also a beautiful day to show off your mind and talents. Your words and gifts can reach and inspire a wide audience today.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

You’re feeling grateful for the support you have in your life, Capricorn, under the new moon in Leo on August 4. A relationship you have might deepen as you open up and share parts of yourself you keep hidden. New business and professional opportunities or relationships might also form around this time. This is also an ideal time to get back on track with a budget.

Watch your words over the next few weeks once Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5. It won’t take much for people to misunderstand you or your intentions. This may also coincide with temporary feelings of aimlessness. Maybe you feel like your drive and optimism about a certain project, person, or conversation feels like it’s evaporated. Allow yourself time to reflect on what’s coming up for you, and trust a solution will emerge by the end of the retrograde on August 28.

You’ll get some temporary relief to any retrograde mishaps on August 7, when Mercury retrograde in Virgo meets with Venus in Virgo. Someone from your past wants to pay their respects and compliments. You can clear up misunderstandings today or even speak your mind in an effective and compassionate way.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Your relationships are front and center, Aquarius, thanks to the new moon in Leo on August 4. New significant people enter your life, whether it’s a lover or business partner. This can also bring on new work opportunities or clients your way. Couples will also undergo a shift in their relationship dynamic. You might discuss the future, confront any unaddressed tension, or choose to part ways if you’ve outgrown one another.

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo the next day and you can expect some financial hiccups. Checks might get lost in the mail or contracts might fall through. If you’re waiting to hear back about a job you applied for, expect some temporary delays. Emotionally, this can be a raw and challenging time that encourages you to spend time with the feelings you’ve been ignoring.

Your job is to focus on luck, love, and fun when the sun in Leo meets with Juptier in Gemini on August 7. Maybe a social media account you made is starting to take off or you’re spending the day sharing a hobby you love with a partner. People are intrigued by you, so ask for what you want!


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

You’re ready to kick a bad habit, Pisces. The new moon in Leo on August 4 helps you reflect on how you spend your time, and how you can improve your own time management. If there are behaviors in your life that you know are holding you back, now’s the time to commit to making a change. You might also take on a new, big project or personal responsibility that changes the way you structure your daily routine.

When Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5, your exes may come out of the woodwork. This retrograde makes you rethink your current relationship or relationships from the past. What can you learn from that past relationship? This is a time to be curious about your own relationship patterns and dynamics.

A loved one might show up to support you when you need it most on August 7, when the sun in Leo teams up with Jupiter in Gemini. In general, you’re feeling more grateful for the little blessings and the people that show up for you in your everyday life.


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