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HomeHealthy LifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for August 18 to 24, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for August 18 to 24, 2024

If you thought things couldn’t get more dramatic with your astrology this month, your weekly horoscope for August 18 to 24, 2024 proves you wrong! You’re learning surprising news or having odd conversations when Mercury retrograde in Leo clashes into Uranus in Taurus on August 18. This brings you back to July 21, when Mercury last met with Uranus. Whatever caught you off guard around that time returns again—this time with more surprises!

Also on August 18, the sun in Leo meets up with Mercury retrograde in Leo. This marks the halfway point of your Mercury retrograde journey, and typically coincides with a moment of clarity. Big ideas and solutions may come through. The two luckiest planets in the sky link up on the same day when Venus in Virgo bumps into Jupiter in Gemini. This typically brings a more light-hearted, celebratory energy but can also lead to overindulgence.

The skies turn rough on August 19 when Venus in Virgo stares down Saturn in Pisces. This can kick up feelings of rejection, isolation, and disappointment—especially in your close one-on-one relationships. The full moon in Aquarius on the same day ratchets up the drama even more. This full moon may require you to set some boundaries or recognize where you’ve reached a limit in a relationship.

On August 22, Venus in Virgo connects with Mars in Gemini. When the two planets that symbolize sex and desire meet like this, you’re either fighting or, well, having a very sensual encounter.

Still on the same day (August 19), the sun in Leo rams into Uranus in Taurus. You’re embodying the archetype of a rebel today: eager to take risks, show up authentically, and shock others along the way. Jupiter in Gemini will crash into Saturn in Pisces on the same day, which will also feel like a reality check. You may need to get more serious and take daily dedicated action to make progress on your goals or dreams.

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, changing the cosmic vibe and putting you in the mood to get organized, come up with a plan, and work toward your goals. This is a lovely time to incorporate grounding exercises into your daily routine and to focus on the small things in your life that you are grateful for. On the same day, Venus in Virgo connects with Mars in Gemini. When the two planets that symbolize sex and desire meet in a tense and steamy aspect like this, you’re either fighting or, well, having a very sensual encounter.

Healing is your focus on August 23, when Mercury retrograde in Leo meets with Chiron in Aries. This brings you back to July 18, and conversations or feelings that were emerging from within around then. On the same day, Mercury retrograde in Leo mingles with Mars in Gemini, inspiring you to take action. You’ve reassessed some of your ideas and plans and are ready to implement a new strategy. The week wraps up with Mars in Gemini connecting with Chiron in Aries on August 24—once again highlighting your healing journey. This would be a great day for energy work, a massage, an inner child meditation, or somatic healing.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full August 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from August 18-24, 2024

  • Sunday, August 18: Mercury Retrograde in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
  • Sunday, August 18: Sun in Leo conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Leo
  • Sunday, August 18: Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini
  • Monday, August 19: Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
  • Monday, August 19: Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
  • Monday, August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius
  • Monday, August 19: Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
  • Monday, August 19: Moon enters Pisces
  • Wednesday, August 21: Moon enters Aries
  • Thursday, August 22: Sun enters Virgo
  • Thursday, August 22: Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini
  • Friday, August 23: Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries
  • Friday, August 23: Moon enters Taurus
  • Friday, August 23: Mercury Retrograde in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini
  • Saturday, August 24: Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for August 18 to 24, 2024


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

You’re feeling more hopeful, Aries, thanks to the sun in Leo teaming up with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. If you’ve suffered from a lack of creativity or writer’s block, your inspiration returns! You’re also craving a bit of novelty and may explore new hobbies, old hobbies, or kinks with a partner.

Balance is key when Jupiter in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces on August 19. You have a lot of ideas you want to pursue, but only so much time. Today you may need to relinquish some of your projects and get real about your own bandwidth. You may also be a little extra hard on yourself in the process, so pay attention to how you speak to yourself.

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re ready to rework your daily habits and routine. Maybe you’ve been wanting to start your mornings with a green drink and 10-minute walk around the block. There is no time like the present to make these changes!


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

It’s hard to avoid the past,Taurus, on August 18 when the sun and Mercury retrograde link up in the sky. You might have a heart-to-heart with a roommate or important family member, or finally reach a decision about where you want to live. If you find yourself in a more sentimental mood, reflecting on your past can help you understand it with a new lens.

You’re making waves professionally under the full moon in Aquarius on August 19. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, and here comes the recognition, maybe in the form of a raise, promotion, or praise for your efforts. You could also feel ready to make another major life change, like getting engaged or parting ways with a lover.

All eyes are on you once the sun enters Virgo on August 22. Luck is on your side for the next few weeks, and you’re ready to soak up what life has to offer. This is an aligned time to connect with your inner child or inner teen. What would make them proud? Pick up old hobbies or projects that make you feel inspired and excited. This can also be a great time to start dating, or explore who and what you’re attracted to in your relationships.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You’re ready to share how you really feel, Gemini, once the sun in Leo connects with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. This is a beautiful day for self-expression and sharing your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others. Your mind is curious—don’t keep those thoughts to yourself!

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, putting you in a quiet and introspective mood. The next few weeks encourage you to slow down, rest, and spend time with your chosen family. You might feel more nostalgic over the next few weeks, or find yourself wanting to do a deep purge of your home and your belongings.

On the same day, Venus in Virgo rams into Mars in your sign. This can kick up tension and disagreements in your close, personal relationships. Maybe you and a lover disagree about where you live next, or a family member ruffles your feathers during a conversation. Conflict abounds today, but it’s also possible you’re putting a lot of energy into a situation at home. Is it finally time to redecorate?


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

You’re feeling confident in your craft, Cancer, when the sun in Leo teams up with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. Maybe you learn about a new job opportunity, or are in negotiations for a raise. You may also have a bright idea you want to pursue to make some extra cash on the side.

Stern conversions and boundaries are necessary when Venus in Virgo stares down Saturn in Pisces on August 19. Your relationships feel a bit heavier today, and people are simply in a bad mood. Don’t let this hold you back from speaking your truth. You deserve to address any simmering resentment and set healthier expectations moving forward.

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re booked and busy! You’re also craving more time with quality friends and family. New, important ideas and conversations also emerge, and you’re ready to put a plan in action to bring some of these ideas to life!


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

Life’s been annoying as Mercury retrograde moves through your sign, Leo, but you’re finally experiencing some clarity when the sun and Mercury retrograde, both in your sign, meet on August 18. Maybe you’re ready to have an important conversation with a partner, or recommit to a goal or idea that you pursued in the past. This can also bring about personal revelations about your identity, authenticity, and help you refine where you want to head next on your path.

The following day, on August 19, there’s a shift in your one-on-one relationships under the full moon in Aquarius. This isn’t cuddly energy, and will require you to set boundaries and discuss uncomfortable topics or walk away from unhealthy connections. It’s also possible a personal goal you’ve been working toward begins to materialize, or maybe a contract or client relationship runs its course.

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, putting your attention on your resources. Over the next few weeks you might feel like getting a better handle on your finances and setting new financial or savings goals for yourself. You might also be in an indulgent mood and feel like treating yourself with items you’ve had your eye on for a while!


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

Pay attention to your dreams, Virgo, when the sun in Leo mingles with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. A new creative idea can pop up during your sleep or even while you shower. It’s like there’s a light shining on your subconscious, and you can experience important breakthroughs today.

Your romantic relationships heat up on August 22 when Venus, in your sign, slams into Mars in Gemini. This can be a busy day for flirting, dating, or getting caught up between the sheets with a lover. But it can also bring fights! You’re also feeling creatively inspired and maybe you’re ready to make a decision or take the next step with a passion project.

You are the main character of the zodiac for the next few weeks once the sun enters your sign on the same day. You’re gaining more attention simply for who you are, and others can’t get enough of your talent and gifts. This is a lucky time to ask for help and to share your ideas with others. New significant relationships may also begin to form, or perhaps you’re setting new, ambitious goals for yourself.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

An old friend might reach out this week, Libra, when the sun in Leo connects with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. You may also decide to return to an old project you had started, but drifted away from in the past.

You’re more exhausted than normal and craving some time alone when Venus in Virgo sits across the sky from Saturn in Pisces on August 19. People are testing your patience, and your relationships aren’t a source of joy today. You might also be more aware of the hidden dynamics in your relationships that are unhealthy and need to be addressed.

Once the sun enters Virgo on August 22, you’re feeling a little overworked and ready to set some boundaries. It can feel like your responsibilities and commitments are more draining than normal. Boundary-setting conversations will be necessary, along with some time alone. You’re overdue for some good R&R.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

You’re making an important decision about your life path, Scorpio, when the sun in Leo mingles with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. If you’ve been waiting to hear back from a potential employer about a job, or resume talks with a boss about your next step, the conversation may pick up. You might also decide to make a career change and try something new.

A full moon in Aquarius shines a dramatic spotlight on any issues or situations with family, your sense of security, or a living situation. Maybe resentment with a family member or roommate boils over, or you learn important information about something unfolding in a loved one’s life.

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re ready to lighten the mood and have more fun. The next few weeks are ideal for connecting with friends and finding community with people who make you feel appreciated. This is a great time to test out some new hobbies, volunteer, or join workshops or classes with other people who share similar interests. You may also put more effort into a goal.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

You’re returning to an old idea or conversation that excites you, Sagittarius, when the sun in Leo meets with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. Your mind and intuition are active today, and there’s no problem you can’t solve! You may also learn some ground-breaking news that offers a perspective shift. You could also have a conversation with someone that clears the air. Using your voice and sharing your thoughts and ideas are central to your success today.

Your plans are thrown to the wayside when the sun in Leo rams into Uranus in Taurus on August 19. Cancel your meetings and boring appointments, because you’re craving more adventure and fun in your day! You could also receive a last-minute invitation that is too good to turn down. You may also simply have odd conversations today or learn some shocking news!

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, bringing your attention to your career and public life. The next few weeks are a great time to make progress on your personal and professional goals You’re also receiving more recognition for your hard work and sometimes that can translate into work opportunities or even a raise.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

You’re feeling emotional, Capricorn, which can be a bit uncomfortable for you as the sun in Leo links up with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. It might feel like part of your past has been haunting you, or maybe you’ve been caught up in obsessive or anxious thoughts. But this planetary pairing can encourage you to feel in order to heal.

It’s time to find a healthier balance in your everyday life when Jupiter in Gemini slams into Saturn in Pisces on August 19. Your daily routine is full of personal and professional responsibilities, and there’s nearly no time for fun, or even for chasing after some of your dreams. This is an important time to nix obligations that aren’t your burden to carry, to learn to ask for help, and to set boundaries around your free time.

New, exciting conversations begin once the sun enters Virgo on August 22. Maybe you’re booking some travel or discussing a potential collaborative opportunity. Your mind is on fire and the options feel endless. Spend time fostering your imagination and dreaming up the next steps on your path and phase in your life.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Are you staying or are you going, Aquarius? That’s the question to answer once the sun in Leo teams up with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. If exes re-entered your life this retrograde, you may also make a final decision about whether they can stay or if it’s time to go. This is also a make-it-or-break-it moment to hash out any drama with important people in your life.

There’s a powerful and tense full moon in your sign on August 19 that amplifies a feeling of finality in your relationships. It’s impossible for you to ignore how you’ve changed, and you want the important people in your life to accept you fully. You may need to set boundaries or defend your desires and authenticity if there’s someone in your life who’s giving you pushback.

Once the sun enters Virgo on August 22, you’re in an introspective mood, ready for some self-reflection, and to engage in any necessary healing and repair work. This is a powerful time to work with your psyche, reflect on the past, and extend compassion to the parts of yourself you hide and reject. Spending time with your shadow side can kickstart your next transformation and bring you more into alignment.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

You’ve identified the habit you’re ready to change, Pisces, when the sun in Leo meets with Mercury retrograde in Leo on August 18. This is an important day to change up your daily habits. You may also consider asking for help today, especially if you’ve been overwhelmed with a particular personal or professional commitment that is leaving you depleted or resentful.

Your relationships enter some bumpy terrain when Venus in Virgo locks eyes with Saturn, in your sign, on August 19. You may find yourself having uncomfortable conversations in a relationship, setting boundaries, or perhaps you’re simply discussing the future with someone. If you’ve reached your limits with someone, you may choose to walk away from unhealthy relationships and collaborations.

Fortunately, once the sun enters Virgo on August 22, you’re able to focus on those important relationships and any necessary conflict resolution, repair, or boundaries for the next few weeks. Couples may spend more time together nurturing their connection, and singles could meet someone new and significant in their life. This also brings more work and collaborative opportunities your way.


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