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HomeHealthy LifestyleYour Daily Horoscope for December 4, 2024

Your Daily Horoscope for December 4, 2024

It’s a mind-numbingly busy day in the cosmos, so strap in for a wild ride. Your daily horoscope begins with an oppositional early morning meetup between retrograde Mercury and Jupiter. This has everything to do with how we think and communicate, and it can cause bouts of insomnia—possibly because we’re glued to our socials and following the news. (Note that this aspect happened just a few weeks ago, in mid-November so we may be revisiting themes from that time.)

Next up, the sun in Sagittarius gets into an aggressive alignment with Saturn in Pisces, pitting our instinct toward hope and optimism against a sober version of reality. The upshot? Sweet Venus blows kisses to idealistic Neptune a few hours before the moon conjoins the planet of love this evening. Aim to soften any sharper edges with self-love and affection—this is the sugar that helps the planetary medicine go down.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full December 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope


March 21–April 19
Daily horoscope image with Aries zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

You may be in your social justice warrior era today, Aries. But here’s the thing: just because you’re correct on the facts, know the truth, and serving up your own fiery brand of righteousness, doesn’t mean the people around you will join your parade. With Mercury and Jupiter opposing each other from your philosophy zone to your house of talking and thinking, you may have to temper your delivery very slightly, but you can still pack a verbal punch. Just don’t go for the TKO in round one.


April 20–May 20
Daily horoscope image with Taurus zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

Your planetary ruler Venus is sweetening up a rather difficult day Taurus, which may help you bypass the most stressful bits this Wednesday. These are the last few days of her transit through Capricorn, your sister earth sign, and it’s worth leaning all the way into love and luxury, and a full-tilt fantasy of the best vacation ever. With the planet of beauty blowing kisses to Neptune in your social zone, spending time with friends is extra heartwarming.


May 21–June 20
Daily Gemini horoscope image with Gemini zodiac sign against a rainbow pattern.

Gemini, it’s a bit of a stressful day in your corner of the cosmos. Your relationships are right in the crosshairs of the opposition between your ruling planet Mercury and Jupiter, currently in your own sign. Both planets are retrograde and unreliable. Don’t take anything a lover, partner, or even a business partner says at face value. There’s a high likelihood that you didn’t hear it correctly the first time. Clarify, clarify, and then clarify some more.


June 21–July 22
Daily Cancer horoscope image with Cancer zodiac sign against a rainbow pattern.

With the moon still opposite your own sign and several other planets causing confusion and frustration Cancer , this is one of those days when observing, chilling, and avoiding conflict is your best strategy. Venus makes everything a bit easier to bear during the late afternoon and evening, and because she remains in your partnership zone for a few more days, you can totally lean into the “everything is love” angle.


July 23–August 22
Daily horoscope image with Leo zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

Thanks to the Mercury-Jupiter opposition between your house of friends and your romance zone Leo, your love and social life could be a source of WTF today. It may be that you favor one over the other, or you’re unsure what a particular person means to you: Are they your bestie, lover—or both? Clear communication is the only way through, but you may not comprehend the whole truth until after Mercury retrograde ends on December 15.


August 23–September 22
Daily horoscope image with Virgo zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

With your ruling planet Mercury up to some serious shenanigans today, you could be pretty out of sorts. Your home and professional spheres are caught up in this strange and confusing opposition between fact and fiction. You’re a stickler for details Virgo, but they may be hard to come by at the moment, so know that even if it feels like it’s “just vibes” right now, you’ll get the whole truth later in the month.


September 23–October 22
Daily horoscope image with Libra zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

You might be a bit starry-eyed today, thanks to the sweet sextile (a friendly angle) your ruler Venus is making to idealistic Neptune. This is a rose-colored glass lens Libra, and sure, it’s not necessarily accurate, but if it brings delight, why fight it? When the moon comes together with the planet of love in the evening, it’s a perfect moment for a romantic homemade meal, or at least some great takeout shared with your lover.


October 23–November 21
Daily horoscope image with Scorpio zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

Love and money are hot topics today Scorpio, with serious Saturn in your Tinder house squaring off with the sun in your financial zone. Stress from one life arena can cause tension in the other, and vice versa, but know that whatever seems to be brewing might be a complete misunderstanding. Don’t make assumptions about the motives of others until you do a proper fact-check.


November 22–December 21
Daily horoscope image with Sagittarius zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

Relationships are hella confusing today, and you may have to check your ego at the door. Your ruling planet Jupiter is in your partnership zone opposed to Mercury in your own sign, which can bring out your inner battle warrior with bae. The vibe is pretty loud and obnoxious, Sagittarius, so aim to breathe deep before you go off. Don’t hit send on a text typed in a heighted emotional state, either. Hold off, come back tomorrow, and see if you still want to say that.


December 22–January 19
Daily horoscope image with Capricorn zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

Everyone around you might be imploding, Capricorn, but you’re sitting pretty in Venus-land. The planet of love, beauty, and relationships is spending her final few days in your sign and she makes a sweet sextile (a cosmic high-five) to dreamy Neptune in your communication zone. This is excellent for sexting, whispering sweet nothings, or declaring your love. Just don’t forget that Mercury retrograde is still in effect, so any words you share—even the most ardent ones—might require clarification in a few weeks.


January 20–February 18
Daily horoscope image with an Aquarius zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

As the sun and Saturn square off today Aquarius, you might feel extra frustration in your financial arena, as if you’re being tested by the company you keep. This could be a “keeping up with the Joneses” thing, where someone in your social circle either flaunts wealth or complains about money stress. You might get yourself into a compare-and-despair situation for no reason, Aquarius. Just do your own thing and don’t worry about what anyone else.


February 19–March 20
Daily horoscope image with Pisces zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

The astro-weather is intense for you today, Pisces. The sun is squaring somber Saturn in your own sign from your tenth house of career, and this can make you feel very serious about your professional path. You may think you’re still far from an important goal, yet rather than being bummed out about it, why not try feeling grateful about having that goal in the first place? The very idea that your work has meaning can be a source of big-time inspo.


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