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HomeAutomobileWhy Are You Reading Jalopnik On Christmas Eve?

Why Are You Reading Jalopnik On Christmas Eve?

2004 Dodge Stratus

I don’t know when I’m going to have another opportunity to use this press shot of a 2004 Dodge Stratus R/T, so here you go
Photo: Dodge

Today is December 24, which means there are only a few more days remaining before the horrors of 2024 give way to a fresh, new set of horrors in 2025. For many of you, that also means it’s the day before Christmas. For some of you, it’s the day before the first day of Hanukkah. For the most obnoxious Gen X-ers who have ever walked this earth, it’s the day after Festivus. Which raises a very important question — What the heck are you doing reading Jalopnik on a day when you could be doing literally anything else?

Traditionally, traffic on Christmas Eve is what those of us in the business call “absolute ass,” presumably because instead of wasting time reading silly blogs instead of working, people take today off and spend it with family. Or they simply have today off and do something that has nothing to do with Christmas. In fact, we seriously thought about skipping today’s Question of the Day because “traffic will be dogshit” and “we probably won’t get enough answers for an Answer of the Day slideshow.”

But I don’t do these Questions of the Day for the clicks, and I certainly don’t do them because I love making slideshows. I do them for you, dear reader. And if you’re reading Jalopnik today of all days, you, loyal reader, deserve to enjoy a QOTD just like you do every other day. Because, despite what the haters say, I care. In fact, I care a lot. Not enough to read your answers on my days off, no, but you know what they say about how the thought is the only thing that really counts. And I thought about you.

So what’s the situation? Stuck in the middle of nowhere and bored? Hiding from family? Working today anyway? Unable to travel because something not so fun happened? Don’t see any reason to change your bathroom habits just because of a holiday? We want to know in the comments down below.


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