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HomeEntrepreneurWhy Action Is the Most Important Skill in the Workplace

Why Action Is the Most Important Skill in the Workplace

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There’s a quote by Brian Tracy that says, “One of the marks of successful people is they are action-oriented. One of the marks of average people is they are talk-oriented.”

I love this quote because, at the end of the day, action is what drives success. It’s the root of business growth. Taking action leads to faster results, helps you make quicker decisions and allows businesses to evolve. And when challenges inevitably pop up, taking action prevents overthinking and encourages solutions.

Unfortunately, taking action can be hard sometimes! It takes energy and often courage, and on hectic workdays, it can be difficult to take the right steps forward. However, I truly believe that building the habit of acting is critical for success.

Here’s why I think action is so valuable and how to get into the habit of taking action in the workplace.

Related: Stop Planning and Take Action

Why action matters

Action gets you results faster:

For entrepreneurs especially, the faster you can figure out what works to grow your business, the sooner you’ll see results. It’s not always a straight line to success — there’s trial and error involved. But you won’t know what works (or what doesn’t!) until you try.

Every time you take action, you’re gathering valuable information, and each step moves you closer to figuring out what works. The more you act, the sharper your instincts and decisions become.

Plus, even if your first action doesn’t work out exactly as you hoped, it often gives you the information you need to try again and get better results. Just doing *something* triggers new thoughts and ideas, giving you a fresh perspective to work from.

Momentum is everything:

We’ve all heard Newton’s first law: “Objects in motion stay in motion.” Sure, it’s a bit of a cliché, but it really rings true in the workplace. Once you get moving, it’s much easier to keep that momentum going.

When you’re action-oriented, you naturally grow faster and achieve more. You also set yourself apart from colleagues or competitors who might be stuck in place. Action shows confidence, leadership and initiative — qualities that don’t go unnoticed when it comes to career advancement.

Look at professional athletes like Kobe Bryant. Kobe wasn’t just talented — he was known for putting in extra hours and paying attention to every detail. It was that work ethic that set him apart and made him exceptional.

It’s the same for us in the workplace. When you take action, you build confidence, learn from your mistakes and develop new skills, which ultimately leads to more success.

Related: The Best Time to Take Action Is Now

How to take action when you feel stuck

We all get stuck from time to time. It’s one of the most frustrating feelings, especially when you want to be proactive and move forward. Fortunately, there are ways to push past that “stuck” feeling and get back into action — here are my favorites.

Ask yourself three questions:

When I’m feeling stuck and can’t figure out how to move forward, I ask myself three simple questions:

These questions challenge me to think about the situation from different angles.

It’s easy to get so laser-focused on the problem that you can’t see any way forward. By asking these questions, you’re shifting your perspective.

Maybe your gut is telling you something you hadn’t considered, or your heart is pointing you toward a different approach. These simple prompts can help you get unstuck and take that next step.

Any action is better than no action:

If you’re feeling stuck, it’s tempting to think you need to make some huge move to get out of it. But honestly, any action is better than none. Inaction is what keeps you stuck.

Start small. Pick the easiest thing on your to-do list and get it done. Even the smallest task can give you a sense of accomplishment, and that little boost can give you the momentum you need to tackle bigger things.

It doesn’t have to be perfect or groundbreaking — just do something. That first step will help create momentum, and before you know it, you’ll be making real progress.

Avoid perfectionism:

Perfectionism is one of the sneaky barriers that hold us back from taking action. We can get caught up in wanting every detail to be flawless, and that keeps us stuck in place. But the truth is, perfection doesn’t exist.

Everyone has a different idea of what “perfect” looks like, so trying to achieve it is a waste of time. If you struggle with perfectionism, remind yourself that “done is better than perfect.” (I give myself this reminder often!) Another trick I use is setting a time limit for tasks, which helps me avoid spending too much time tweaking every little detail.

We all fall into the perfectionism trap from time to time, but the key is to recognize when it’s stopping you from moving forward. In most cases, taking action — even if it’s not perfect — will get you closer to your goal than waiting around for everything to be just right.

Related: 4 Ways to Send Your Perfectionism Packing

At the end of the day, a lot of people have big ideas and the potential to succeed, but action is what sets the winners apart. It’s the key to getting results faster, solving problems more efficiently and unlocking new opportunities in your career.

Next time you feel stuck or unsure, remember that any action is better than none. Whether it’s a small task or a big decision, just take that first step and see where it leads you!


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