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HomeAutomobileTraffic Jams: Pulp - ‘Razzmatazz’

Traffic Jams: Pulp – ‘Razzmatazz’

A photo of a Pulp album cover.

Screenshot: Pulp via YouTube

Morning, how is the day going so far? We had the first snowfall of the year settling on the ground when I woke up, which means people around these parts are either excited like a kid in a candy shop, or pissed at the thought of shoveling snow for the next few months. Guess which camp I fall into?

Thankfully, if you’re the kind of person who’s grumpy at the site of snow or slow to find joy first thing in the morning, then I’ve got you covered. Because there are a few simple words of wisdom that a great man once taught me that always set me on the right track when I’m feeling blue: Things get better with a little bit of razzmatazz. So, here’s three minutes and 39 seconds of razzmatazz to brighten your day.

The kind of razzmatazz that perks you up on a gloomy Tuesday could be one of so many things. Maybe it’s a perfectly crafted pumpkin spiced late, maybe your car started up on the first try when you fired it up in the garage, or perhaps you found a double yolk when you cracked open your morning eggs.

For me, razzmatazz in the morning can be something as mundane as a banana that’s at the perfect ripeness for breakfast, or it could be waking up to the dulcet tones of ’90s heartthrob Jarvis Cocker, which is the kind of razzmatazz I’m calling for today.

That’s because this razzmatazz is, of course, “Razzmatazz” by Sheffield indie icons Pulp. So why don’t you make yourself a brew and find your razzmatazz while listening to my “Razzmatazz” and consider the question: Is this the most times the word razzmatazz has ever been written on Jalopnik? Enjoy.


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