Tony Rock says his brother Chris kills the gift-giving game every Christmas … and, even makes up for the subpar presents their less successful brothers give them.
We caught up with the comedian at LAX Wednesday … and, we had to ask him how Christmas works between the seven Rock siblings — especially when it comes time to tear off the wrapping paper.
Tony says expectations are different for each Rock sibling — joking that the family expects “sh***ier gifts from the brothers who aren’t famous.”
Chris gives the best presents, Tony says … even making up for some of the less desirable gifts he gets from his other siblings.
Tony says there’s definitely a pecking order … one he’s still pretty high up on — saying he gives from the heart, but also spends a little cash as well.
Tony also tells us about the best gift he’s ever received … watch the clip until the end to hear all about it.
Chris and Tony had five other siblings — four brothers and a sister — one of whom passed away in 2006. While their younger brother, Jordan, followed their footsteps into comedy, the rest have largely stayed out of the public eye.
Unclear what Tony and Chris bought each other this year … but, sounds like they’re the kings of giving in their fam.