Flippin’ Aston Martins
In Casino Royale, after Vesper gets kidnapped and Bond chases after the villains in his Aston Martin DBS. He’s supposedly going fast enough that he catches some air on a hill but when he jerks the wheel to avoid running over Vesper the DBS somehow flips and rolls while executing a simple accident avoidance maneuver that’s not that dissimilar from what you might see on MotorWeek. All resulting in a barrel roll (admittedly quite spectacular and rivaled only by the minutes-long rollover scene in Talladega Nights.)
At the very worst that should have been a spinout and instead, an exotic car somehow failed the Moose Test. That scene, as a car guy, always bother me.
Suggested by LarriveeC05
Clean 911
The self healing Porsche 911 in Commando. The car goes on its side, but Arnold pushes it over and we see a damage free car on his departure…
Suggested by Mikeuptain
Fast and Furious wasn’t a documentary?
That whole first race in Fast n Furious where Brian was racing his Eclipse against Dom. After hitting the Nos, his tuning computer reads danger to Manifold…Ok like which manifold? intake, Exhaust? and then the floor in the passenger seat falls off, like what?
Suggested by Agon Targeryan
Downshifts at Daytona
Downshifting in a situation where they are supposedly already driving as fast as possible.
Also somewhat related – when the dubbed engine sound doesn’t match the vehicle. This happens way more often than you might expect.
Suggested by Stephen
Better burnouts
OK, you know what I absolutely hate more than anything else? When there’s tire marks on the road from the previous takes…. “OK, great burnout scene, but lets do it one more time in the exact same spot”. Whether it’s parallel stripes from a burnout or fun swirls from something more intense, it always kills the mood for me. Just pick a different location, dammit!
Suggested by Kumciho
Forever fuel
That movie fuel never degrades. You often see it in Zombie movies or other similar world-as-we-know-it-ended type movies. Someone comes upon a car that’s been sitting for years, they find a battery (if they even bother to address needing a battery), they hop in, start it up and away they go! That is just not how octane-based fuel works, let alone the sea of other issues that come with an engine that has sat for years, mice chewing wires and nesting in things, moisture-related damage, etc, etc.
Suggested by Dakiraun
NASCAR engine in an EV
Gotta go with the E-Tron in the avengers making V8 noises. It seems small, and is overdubbing cars incorrectly is a running hollywood theme but this is supposed to be Tony Stark’s super cool high tech expensive future car. Like it being an EV was the entire point they picked it and yet…vroom vroom.
Suggested by JaredOfLondon
Pull up like skrrrt
Squealing tires on dirt/gravel roads. Grinds my gears every time.
Suggested by Thomas Hajicek
What’s the payload capacity of a Ford Ranchero?
In Goldfinger, crushing a 5000lb Lincoln Continental (plus anonymous mobster and what apparently should’ve been another 2000lb of gold based on value), and placing the cube in the bed of a Ford Ranchero with an 800lb payload. Odd Job should’ve been driving one of the very first lowriders.
Suggested by Maymar
Dude, where’s most of my car?
Continuing to drive a car that has no source of fuel, among other issues. See: ‘View to a Kill’
Suggested by 007 Guest