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The global human impact on biodiversity

Biodiversity change poses a critical threat to human societies from local to global scales, highlighting the urgent need for understanding the complex relationship between human pressures and their effects on ecosystems1. Human pressures, broadly classified in five main types—land-use change, resource exploitation, pollution, climate change and invasive species6—can enhance or reduce species diversity locally. Crucially, by impacting biodiversity at local scales, effects of human pressures can similarly impact biodiversity patterns among communities at broader spatial scales. This includes shifts in species composition among biological communities across a region, as well as increases and decreases in similarity between communities (homogenization and differentiation, respectively).

Despite decades of accumulating evidence of human impacts on biological communities, the trajectory of biodiversity in the Anthropocene remains unclear and attempts for syntheses have yielded mixed and debated results for both local diversity7,8,9,10,11,12 and composition of communities across space4,5,13,14. Understanding and generalizing the impacts of human pressures on biodiversity and how they are mediated by key factors, such as the spatial scale or type of pressure, remains a major challenge. Such information is critical if we are to understand whether the actions taken to prevent further loss and change of contemporary biodiversity are successful and to give insights into appropriate strategies to monitor the success of mitigation actions.

Crucially, previous research attempting to generalize biodiversity change has hitherto neglected two key elements. First, most past studies looked at biodiversity change across time using individual time series and did not contrast findings to reference controls9. Second, previous studies have rarely differentiated between changes in local diversity versus changes in variation in diversity across space. Unfortunately, the studies that have integrated these elements are generally restricted to a certain type of pressure or to a particular biome15,16,17,18,19. Consequently, we lack generalizations on the effects of human pressures on ecosystems and our understanding of biodiversity change with regard to its different dimensions remains incomplete. Thus, we are limited in our capacity to disentangle its underlying drivers. Given the multifaceted aspect of biodiversity and the plurality of drivers, organisms and spatial scales, the present lack of synthetic understanding and attribution of general impacts of human pressures on biological communities is hindering adequate actions and mitigation strategies20,21.

Here we compiled and analysed a large dataset to assess the impacts of human pressures on biodiversity, systematically contrasting impacted versus reference communities. We first identified the global trends of community homogenization and then the associated shifts in community composition and changes in local diversity. We studied these changes through a meta-analysis of distance-based unconstrained ordination plots broadly used to assess individual and case-specific effects of human pressures on community composition. We manually and systematically extracted datapoints from these ordination plots, each of these points representing the composition of an individual biological community (Supplementary Information section 1). This meta-analytical framework, first introduced by ref. 22, allowed us to discriminate between changes of homogeneity and shifts in composition of biological communities in relation to human pressures. By contrast to previous studies mostly restricted to biomonitoring time series, we focused on direct impact studies, considering any of the five most predominant anthropogenic pressures: land-use change, resource exploitation, pollution, climate change and invasive species1,6. For each study included, we compared impacted communities to the reference (control) scenario. Contrary to individual biodiversity time series, this allows direct quantification and comparison of the effects of human pressures23. Of the included studies, 32% are experimental, directly manipulating the human pressure to a reference control, whereas the remaining 68% of the studies do this impact-comparison in pairwise observational approaches.

To study the human impacts on community diversity across space, we collected 3,667 individual comparisons involving 49,401 reference communities and 48,382 impacted communities from 2,133 published studies. This global dataset includes all main groups of organisms (including plants, tetrapods, fish, insects, microbes and fungi) and is representative of the main biomes of the Earth (marine, freshwater and terrestrial). We focused and quantified changes associated with the five dominant human pressures, across several spatial scales from local to global (Fig. 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1). For each comparison, we calculated the log-response ratio—that is, the logarithm-transformed ratio of impacted to reference values—for different components of biodiversity change. First, we evaluated if the different impacted sites are more similar or dissimilar to each other than the reference sites (homogeneity: LRR homogeneity). Then, we looked at the change in species composition between impacted and reference sites (compositional shift: LRR shift). Doing so, we quantified the relative changes of the different dimensions of biodiversity across space in a standardized way. Further, we computed the change in local diversity as the log-response ratio of local diversity (LRR local diversity). We used mixed linear models to estimate the magnitude and significance of these changes and tested the effect of four groups of factors on their variation: biome, human pressure, group of organisms and spatial scale.

Fig. 1: Location of diversity comparisons and their distribution across biomes, pressures, organisms and scale.
figure 1

a, Global map of the 3,667 comparisons of diversity included in this study. b–e, Distribution of comparisons of diversity by type of biome (b), human pressures (c), groups of organisms (d) and spatial scale (e). These variables correspond to the four main factors tested in this study.

Contrary to general expectations, we find no evidence of systematic biotic homogenization in response to human pressures (Fig. 2a). The overall log-response ratio for homogeneity is close to zero, yet negative, which suggests biotic differentiation (LRR homogeneity = −0.062, 95% confidence interval (CI) = −0.012 to −0.113). Although the theory of biotic homogenization of communities under human pressure prevailed for a long time24, recent case studies show that biotic differentiation can be regularly observed14. Our exhaustive meta-analysis generalizes this observation, showing that the average impact of human pressures, across all published studies, is biotic differentiation. Critically, however, we find that spatial scale significantly mediates the effects of human pressures on community homogeneity (χ2 = 10.8, P = 0.029), showing from a wide range of contexts that both phenomena (biotic homogenization and differentiation) are widespread. Specifically, human pressures tend to homogenize communities at larger scales (positive LRR homogeneity; Fig. 2a) and differentiate them at smaller scales (negative LRR homogeneity). Large-scale biotic homogenization, when reported, is often linked to the redistribution of species and the facilitation of their dispersal over long distances by humans13,25,26,27,28,29. The fact that local studies show biotic differentiation can be explained by a finer sampling grain and better characterization of communities at small spatial scales, which can make biotic differentiation more apparent14,30. Furthermore, the well-known distance–dissimilarity relationship suggests that communities that are spatially closer are on average more similar31, and thus more prone to differentiation than at larger scales. Finally, stochastic effects and ecological drift can promote biotic differentiation32, and are likely to have more important roles in local impact studies in which strong pressures can completely destabilize communities by drastically reducing the number of individuals. In our systematic analysis, we indeed find a significant biotic differentiation in response to resource exploitation (LRR homogeneity = −0.117, 95% CI = −0.197 to −0.036) and pollution (LRR homogeneity = −0.071, 95% CI = −0.129 to −0.012), two types of human pressure capable of modifying ecosystems in a pronounced way over a short period of time, and thus increasing the importance of ecological drift in community assembly.

Fig. 2: Impacts of human pressures on homogeneity and shifts in composition of biological communities.
figure 2

a, log-response ratio of community homogeneity (logarithm-transformed ratio of impacted to reference values, LRR homogeneity). b, log-response ratio of community composition shift (LRR shift). The global response (all data) is shown on the first row of each panel and is separated by factors in the following rows. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of comparisons. For each category the dot represents the marginal mean computed from the model; dot size is proportional to number of studies included. The larger bar shows the 95% confidence interval and the thinner bar represents the 99% confidence interval.

By contrast, and in line with general expectations, we find a clear shift in community composition in response to human pressures (LRR shift = 0.564, 95% CI = 0.467 to 0.661) whose magnitude varies according to the type of biome (χ2 = 12.3, P = 0.002), pressure (χ2 = 42.5, P < 0.001), group of organisms (χ2 = 26.1, P = 0.001) and spatial scale (χ2 = 39.2, P < 0.001) considered (Fig. 2b). Our analysis shows unequivocally that community composition is impacted by human pressures. Such a strong shift can be directly and consistently linked to habitat changes benefiting certain species at the cost of others through environmental filtering and niche processes. Notably, we find that all five types of human pressures (land-use change, resource exploitation, pollution, climate change and invasive species) included in our analysis significantly shift the composition of biological communities (Fig. 2b). These five ubiquitous human pressures are clearly identified in the millennium ecosystem assessment and many studies have shown how they can impact the composition of biological communities since its publication28,33,34,35,36. Our results show that these human pressures systematically change the composition of communities and provide critical insights on the magnitude of effects across human pressures, supporting the notion that all human pressures need to be considered when attempting to bend the curve on biodiversity loss37. We find that habitat change and, above all, pollution have a particularly strong effect on community composition shifts. Yet, we acknowledge that experimental studies of these two human pressures may have compared reference controls to generally relatively high treatment levels (see Extended Data Figs. 27 for stratified analyses separating experimental from observational data) and that ranking human pressures can be strongly context- and metric-dependent37. We also show significant differences in composition shifts between groups of organisms. Microbes and fungi, which contain predominantly smaller species, have the highest shifts in the composition of their communities, whereas the effect is less pronounced for mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles. It has been shown that smaller species, which generally exhibit higher diversity, shorter life cycles and higher dispersal rates relative to larger species, have higher rates of community composition change38,39. Here we provide evidence that this difference among groups is directly reflected in the magnitude of their response to human pressure. As for homogenization, spatial scale has an important role, with shifts in composition becoming increasingly marked as the spatial scale considered is reduced. Again, this result can be explained by better detection of rare species at finer spatial grain. However, directed shifts are also driven by the capacity of a new pool of species to colonize several impacted sites to establish similar communities, which is expected to be more likely at smaller spatial scales.

As changes in community diversity across space can be tightly coupled to changes in local diversity40, we further examined changes in local diversity in relation to human pressures. We extracted 1,139 comparisons of local diversity (taxonomic richness) between reference and impacted communities (Fig. 1a) for a subset of 727 publications and computed for each comparison the log-response ratio for this local diversity (LRR local diversity). Overall, we find clear evidence that sites impacted by human pressures have lower local diversity (LRR local diversity = −0.181, 95% CI = −0.291 to −0.071; Fig. 3). We find that the type of pressures (χ2 = 11.3, P = 0.023) and group of organisms (χ2 = 41.7, P < 0.001) significantly affected local diversity change. Similarly to the results for compositional shifts, pollution and habitat change are the strongest drivers of local diversity loss. Previous syntheses are in line with our finding on the impact of land-use change on local biodiversity16,41,42. However, contrary to community composition shifts, it is the largest organisms that are experiencing the strongest negative effects of human pressures for local diversity. We speculate that contemporary declines reported in vertebrate populations1,43 may be a manifestation of these pressures, given the intrinsic link between population size and risk of local extinction. The trajectory of local diversity in the Anthropocene is the subject of intense and long-standing debate7,8,9,10,12,44. These studies are built on time-series analysis, which generally lack an impact–reference comparison, may be limited by the number of sites and the accuracy of the measurements45, and must be based on adequate null model expectations23. We circumvent these challenges by systematically comparing impacted sites with reference sites (that is, control–impact design). In such designs, the control and impacted sets of sites are assumed to be comparable and any differences between the two treatments is attributed to a change in the impacted group relative to the reference group, which is considered as a stable baseline. Although this approach may be in some cases less sensitive than the gold-standard ‘before–after control–impact’ (BACI) design, which explicitly accounts for pre-existing differences between the impact and reference groups46, it remains by far the most widely used method to measure the real and direct effect of human pressures on biological communities (more than 95% of the studies considered had a control–impact design and less than 5% had a BACI design). With this impact-focused perspective, we quantify and recall the direct and adverse effects of human pressures on local biodiversity.

Fig. 3: Impacts of human pressures on local diversity.
figure 3

log-response ratio of local diversity (logarithm-transformed ratio of impacted to reference values, LRR local diversity). The global response (all data) shown on the first row is separated by factors in the following rows. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of comparisons. For each category the dot represents the marginal mean computed from the model; dot size is proportional to the number of studies included. The larger bar shows the 95% confidence interval and the thinner bar represents the 99% confidence interval.

Finally, our results show a link between changes in local diversity and shifts in composition and homogenization of biological communities across space. Although an interdependency of these different aspects of biodiversity is theoretically predicted40, large-scale integrations are rare as many studies focused on one component only. We report that LRR homogeneity increases (Fig. 4a,b) and LRR shift decreases (Fig. 4c,d) with an increase of LRR local diversity (χ2 = 11.0, P < 0.001 and χ2 = 42.0, P < 0.001, respectively). In other words, a greater loss of species is associated with a stronger shift in composition and more differentiated communities. With a few exceptions, this pattern is highly consistent across biomes, types of pressure, groups of organisms and spatial scales (Fig. 4b,d). Inherent to any comparative study, the observed relationship does not allow us to deduce causality, yet a direct dependency between changes in local diversity, compositional shift and homogenization is not only in line with theoretical predictions, but corroborates the adverse effects of human pressures and their tangible repercussions on the various dimensions of biodiversity.

Fig. 4: Relationships between local diversity and homogeneity and community composition responses to human pressures.
figure 4

a, Scatterplot showing the relationship between the log-response ratio (logarithm-transformed ratio of impacted to reference values, LRR) of community local diversity and homogeneity (n = 1,139). The black line shows the relation estimated from the linear mixed model and the grey area its 95% confidence interval. The green lines represent the relation estimated for each biome separately (continuous, marine; dashed, terrestrial; dotted, freshwater). b, Model slopes estimated from subsets of each category. Error bar represents standard error. c, Scatterplot showing the relationship between the log-response ratio of community local diversity and composition shift (n = 1,139). The black line shows the relation estimated from the linear mixed model and the grey area its 95% confidence interval. d, Model slopes estimated from subsets of each category. Error bar represents standard error.

Bending the curve of contemporary biodiversity loss and change is one of the greatest challenges facing our society47,48. Ambitious targets have been proposed to reverse biodiversity change, yet the direction and magnitude of interdependent effects on different levels of biodiversity are still broadly debated. In particular, attributing the change in biodiversity to fundamental drivers has lagged behind21. By systematically assessing how the five main global human pressures impact biodiversity, we quantitatively attribute biodiversity change in impacted versus reference communities, integrating effects on both local diversity change and changes in community composition. Our comprehensive analysis provides a new and highly detailed picture of the state of knowledge available on the signal of human impacts on biodiversity and is thus an important benchmark for the development and assessment of future conservation strategies.


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