Regardless of how much money you spend, there aren’t many cars out there that are more fun than the Mazda MX-5 Miata. It’s an absolute hoot to drive and may actually be the perfect car. Unless you’re tall. If you’re more than six feet tall you probably won’t fit inside comfortably, which makes it hard to enjoy the Miata’s balance and handling.
If you’re shopping for a new car and happen to be tall, though, we have great news. Consumer Reports recently put together a list of cars and SUVs that its tallest testers found the most comfortable. It’s not entirely clear how tall those drivers are exactly, although one is apparently only 6-foot-2, so if you’re actually tall, you may still run into issues with some of these. Still, this list is a good place to start. Let’s take a look at the cars Consumer Reports recommends for tall drivers.