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HomeNatureSingle-cell integration reveals metaplasia in inflammatory gut diseases

Single-cell integration reveals metaplasia in inflammatory gut diseases

Patient samples and tissue processing

Healthy tissue from adults

Healthy adult gastrointestinal tissue was obtained by the Cambridge Biorepository of Translational Medicine (CBTM) from deceased transplant organ donors (n = 2) after ethical approval (REC 15/EE/0152, East of England–Cambridge South Research Ethics Committee) and informed consent from the donor families. Details of the gastrointestinal regions processed and donor information are compiled in Supplementary Table 5. Donors were perfused with cold University of Wisconsin (UW) solution, fresh tissue was collected from the distal stomach (antrum/pylorus), duodenum and terminal ileum within 1 h of circulatory arrest, and tissue was stored in HypoThermosol FRS preservation solution (H4416, Sigma) at 4 °C until processing. Intestinal tissue was open longitudinally and rinsed with D-PBS and then processed to single-cell suspensions following standard protocols5,58. For tissues from donor A68/759B (D105), epithelium and lamina propria were separated into different fractions by dissection. Epithelial cells were removed by washing the intestinal mucosa twice in Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS) medium (Sigma-Aldrich) containing 5 mM EDTA (15575020, Thermo Fisher), 10 mM HEPES (42401042, Gibco), 2% (v/v) FCS supplemented with 10 mM ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 (Y0503, Merck)) while shaking at 4 °C for 20 min. Epithelial wash-offs were centrifuged at 300g for 7 min at 4 °C and incubated at 37 °C with TrypLE (Thermo Fisher) supplemented with 0.1 mg ml−1 DNase I (11284932001, Sigma) for 5 min. Cells were pelleted and filtered through a 40-μm cell strainer and resuspended in Advanced DMEM F12 (12634028, Thermo Fisher) with 10% (v/v) FCS. The remaining epithelium-depleted tissue was minced and incubated in digestion media (HBSS medium, 0.25 mg ml−1 Liberase TL (5401020001, Roche) and 0.1 mg ml−1 DNase I (11284932001, Sigma)) on a shaker at 37 °C for up to 45 min. The tissue was gently homogenized using a P1000 pipette every 15 min. For tissues from donor A68/770C (D99), full-thickness tissue was diced with a scalpel and digested in digestion media, as described above. Cells were pelleted and filtered through a 70-μm strainer before proceeding to Chromium 10x Genomics single cell 5′ v2 protocol as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Libraries were prepared according to the manufacturer’s protocol and sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 S2 flow cell with 50-bp paired-end reads.

Control tissue from preterm infants

Uninvolved tissue from preterm infants, between 23 and 31 post-conception weeks (pcw), with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), focal intestinal perforation or intestinal fistula (n = 4) were collected at the Neonatal Department of Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust with consent and ethical approval as part of the SERVIS study (REC 10/H0908/39). Tissue was resected from the infant and placed immediately into ice-cold PBS. Within 3 h, samples were enzymatically dissociated into a single-cell suspension using collagenase type IV (Worthington) for 30 min at 37 °C. Cells were filtered with 100-µm cell strainer, treated with red blood cell lysis and filtered through a 35-µm strainer. Cells were stained with DAPI before FACS sorting, selecting only for live, single cells and separating CD45-positive and CD45-negative cells. Sorted cells were then loaded onto the Chromium Controller (10x Genomics) using the Single Cell Immune Profiling kits and subsequently sequenced as per the manufacturer’s protocol.

Disease tissue from patients with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and coeliac disease

Crohn’s disease tissue used for validations was obtained from multiple sites. Adult Crohn’s disease surgical resections were collected from patients in the IBSEN III (Inflammatory Bowel Disease in South Eastern Norway) at Oslo University Hospital (n = 4) or Hospital Clinic Barcelona (n = 9), and biopsy material was collected from patients undergoing colonoscopy at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge (n = 4); all patients gave informed written consent. Fresh tissue was fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin for subsequent immunostaining. Ulcerative colitis tissue was also collected from Hospital Clinic Barcelona (n = 3) during colonic resections, with the same consent and tissue processing procedure. Coeliac disease tissue was obtained from Oslo University Hospital (n = 2) or the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUHFT) coeliac disease clinic (n = 2 treated coeliac, n = 3 untreated coeliac). As controls, healthy tissue was also collected at Oslo University Hospital from the proximal duodenum (during pancreaticoduodenectomy for patients with pancreatic cancer, n = 2) and the terminal ileum (n = 4).

Duodenal biopsies from Oslo University Hospital were collected from newly diagnosed untreated patients with coeliac disease (n = 2) and subsequently fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin for immunostaining. Mucosal pinch biopsies from the second part of the duodenum from the OUHFT were obtained during gastroscopy of untreated patients with coeliac disease (n = 3) and treated patients with coeliac on a gluten-free diet (n = 2). Equivalent healthy control samples from the OUHFT (n = 3) were obtained from patients undergoing gastroscopy with gastrointestinal symptoms without coeliac disease. Biopsies were stored in MACS tissue storage solution (Miltenyi Biotec) before cryopreservation in freezing medium (Cryostor Cs10, Sigma-Aldrich). Samples were later recovered by thawing in a 37 °C water bath and washed in 20 ml R10 (90% RPMI (Sigma-Aldrich) and 10% FBS) before tissue dissociation. Epithelial cells were isolated using v1.11 of the published protocol ( After isolation, epithelial cells proceeded to single-cell sequencing (10x Genomics Next GEM 5′ v1.1) as per the manufacturer’s protocol. Details of samples and metadata are available in Supplementary Table 4.

Ethical approval for collection of disease tissue

Tissue collected at Oslo University Hospital was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics (REK 20521/6544, REK 2015/946 and REK 2018/703, Health Region South-East, Norway) and comply with the Declaration of Helsinki. Tissue collected at Hospital Clinic Barcelona was approved by the Ethics Committee of Hospital Clinic Barcelona (HCB/2016/0389). Tissue from Addenbrookes Hospital was collected through the Addenbrookes–Human Research Tissue Bank HTA research licence no: 12315 (Cambridge University Hospitals Trust). Tissue collected at the OUHFT was collected under the Oxford Gastrointestinal Illnesses Biobank (REC 21/TH/0206).

Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization

Intestinal tissue was embedded in OCT and frozen on an isopentane-dry ice slurry at −60 °C, and then cryosectioned onto SuperFrost Plus slides at a thickness of 10 μm. Before staining, tissue sections were post-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 15 min at 4 °C, then dehydrated through a series of 50%, 70% and 100% ethanol, for 5 min each. Staining with the RNAscope Multiplex Fluorescent Reagent Kit v2 Assay (Bio-Techne, Advanced Cell Diagnostics) was automated using a Leica BOND RX, according to the manufacturers’ instructions. After manual pre-treatment, automated processing included epitope retrieval by protease digestion with Protease IV for 30 min before RNAscope probe hybridization and channel development with Opal 520, Opal 570 and Opal 650 dyes (Akoya Biosciences). Stained sections were imaged with a Perkin Elmer Opera Phenix High-Content Screening System, in confocal mode with 1-μm z-step size, using a 20× water-immersion objective (NA 0.16, 0.299 μm per pixel). Channels were: DAPI (excitation 375 nm, emission 435–480 nm), Opal 520 (excitation 488 nm, emission 500–550 nm), Opal 570 (excitation 561 nm, emission 570–630 nm) and Opal 650 (excitation 640 nm, emission 650–760 nm). The fourth channel was developed using TSA-biotin (TSA Plus Biotin Kit, Perkin Elmer) and streptavidin-conjugated Atto 425 (Sigma-Aldrich).


For samples collected at Oslo University Hospital, sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue were cut in series at 4 µm and mounted on Superfrost Plus object glasses (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Haematoxylin–eosin staining was performed on the first sections and reviewed by an expert pathologist (F.L.J.) and the following sections were used for immunohistochemical studies. AB-PAS staining was performed by dewaxing formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples and staining with Alcian blue (8GX) (AB) at pH 2.5 for acidic mucins and periodic acid-Schiff reagent (PAS) staining for neutral mucins, as previously described70.

Multiplex immunostaining was performed sequentially using a Ventana Discovery Ultra automated slide stainer (Ventana Medical System, 750-601, Roche). After deparaffinization of the sections, heat-induced epitope retrieval was performed by boiling the sections for 48 min with cell conditioning 1 buffer (DISC CC1 RUO, 6414575001, Roche) followed by incubation with DISC inhibitor (7017944001, Roche) for 8 min. The following primary antibodies were used: anti-human MUC6 clone CLH5 dilution 1:400 (RA0224-C.1, Scytek), anti-human MUC5AC clone CLH2 dilution 1:100 (MAB2011, Sigma), anti-human CD3 rabbit polyclonal dilution 1:50 (A0452, Dako), anti-human CD8 clone 4B11 dilution 1:30 (MA1-80231, Leica Biosystems, Invitrogen), anti-human CD4 clone SP35 dilution 1:30 (MA5-16338, Thermo Fisher), anti-TCRδ clone H-41 dilution 1:100 (sc-100289, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), anti-human FOXP3 clone 236A/E7 dilution 1:1,000 (NBP-43316, Novus Biologicals), anti-human HLA-DRα-chain clone TAL.1B5 dilution 1:200 (M0746, Dako), anti-human CD68 clone PG-M1 dilution 1:100 (M0876, Dako), anti-human CD20 clone L26 dilution 1:200 (M0755, Dako), anti-human TFF2 clone #366508 dilution 1:1,000 (MAB4077, RnD), anti-human TFF3 clone BSB-181 dilution 1:1,000 (BSB-3820-01, BioSB) and anti-human pan-CK clone AE1/AE3/PCK26, ready to use reagent (RTU) (Ventana Medical System, 760–2595, Roche).

Each primary antibody was diluted in antibody diluent (5266319001, Roche), incubated for 32 min and then washed in a 1× reaction buffer (Concentrate (10X), 5353955001, Roche). OmniMap anti-mouse horseradish peroxidase (HRP) RTU (5269652001, Roche) secondary antibody was incubated for 16 min followed by 12-min incubation with diluted opal fluorophores (Opal 6-Plex Detection Kit for Whole Slide Imaging formerly Opal Polaris 7 Color IHC Automated Detection Kit NEL871001KT) following the manufacturer’s instructions. After that, bound antibodies were denatured and HRP was quenched using Ribo CC solution (DISC CC2, 5266297001, Roche) and DISC inhibitor (7017944001, Roche). Sections were then counterstained with DAPI (DISC QD DAPI RUO, 5268826001, Roche) for 8 min and mounted with ProLong Glass Antifade mountant (Molecular Probes). Imaging was performed using a Vectra Polaris multispectral whole-slide scanner (PerkinElmer). Irrelevant, concentration-matched primary antibodies were used as negative controls. For some tissue sections, bound anti-CD3, anti-CD20, anti-MUC6 and anti-MUC5AC primary antibodies were detected with secondary antibodies conjugated with peroxidase, using the automated Ventana Discovery Ultra system and DAB, purple-responsive, yellow-responsive or teal-responsive chromogens (ChromoMap DAB Detection Kit, 5266645001; DISCOVERY Purple Kit, 07053983001; DISCOVERY Yellow Kit, 07698445001; and Discovery Teal-HRP detection kit) all from Ventana Medical System.

For samples collected at Hospital Clinic Barcelona, sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue were cut into 3.5-µm sections. Immunohistochemistry was conducted for the following commercially available antibodies: anti-human MUC5AC (1:4,000; MAB2011, Sigma-Aldrich) and anti-human MUC6 (1:4,000; RA0224-C.1, ScyTek). Deparaffinization, rehydration and epitope retrieval of the sections were automatedly performed with PT link (Agilent) using Envision Flex Target Retrieval Solution Low pH (Dako). Samples were blocked with 20% of goat serum (Vector) in a PBS and 0.5% BSA solution. Biotinylated anti-mouse secondary antibodies were used (1:200; Vector). Positivity was detected with the DAB Substrate kit (K3468, Dako). Image acquisition was performed on a Nikon Ti microscope (Japan) using Nis-Elements Basic Research Software (v5.30.05).

Image quantification

For quantification of T cell density in MUC6+ and neighbouring control epithelium, tissue sections from patients with Crohn’s disease (n = 5 sections, 3 donors) and patients with coeliac disease (n = 2 sections, 2 donors) stained with antibodies to MUC6, CD3, CD4, CD8 and TCRδ (see above) were used. Individual glands/epithelium (either MUC6+ or MUC6−) were annotated manually using PathViewer v3.4.0 freehand region-of-interest tool outlining the entire gland cross-section. We subtracted 3 × 3 pixel averages of autofluorescence measurement per channel with subtraction coefficients of: DAPI (1.5), TCRγδ (0.5), MUC6 (1.0), CD4 (0.25), CD3 (0.25) and CD8 (0.25). We next used QuPath71 v0.5 with the cellpose72 v2.2.3 extension to segment T cells with the ‘cyto2’ model from maximum projection of CD3, CD4, CD8 and TCRγδ, with DAPI as the nuclear marker, an expected median diameter of 10 μm and excluding cells with diameters of less than 5 μm. Segmented cells were thresholded for mean intensity expression of T cell markers by manual inspection with cut-offs of more than 25 (CD3), more than 20 (CD4), more than 10 (CD8) and more than 10 (TCRδ) and classified into subsets based on positive and negative marker expression as indicated. Using the centroid position of cells, we counted T cells per gland if the majority of the cell area was within the region of interest and quantified the T cell density per gland area comparing MUC6+ and control epithelium.

Data curation and mapping

Datasets (Supplementary Table 1) were chosen from a literature search of scRNA-seq studies5,6,7,9,19,22,23,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67. Studies were included when there was raw scRNA-seq data (FASTQ) from human gastrointestinal tract tissues (oral cavity (excluding tongue), salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, and small and large intestine).

Available metadata from each sample were collated from various data repositories and harmonized for consistent nomenclature. Metadata related to sample retrieval methods, tissue processing and cell enrichment methods were retrieved from the methods section of the original study. Where possible, the suggestions of sample metadata from the Gut Cell Atlas Roadmap manuscript were considered3. An explanation and overview of metadata included and harmonized in the atlas are available in Supplementary Table 2.

For public datasets deposited to ArrayExpress, archived paired-end FASTQ files were downloaded from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) or ArrayExpress. For public datasets deposited to the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), if the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) archive did not contain the barcode read, URLs for the submitted 10X bam files were obtained using srapath v2.11.0. The bam files were then downloaded and converted to FASTQ files using 10x bamtofastq v1.3.2. If the SRA archive did contain the barcode read, the SRA archives were downloaded from the ENA and converted to FASTQ files using fastq-dump v2.11.0. Sample metadata were gathered from the abstracts deposited to the GEO or ArrayExpress, and supplementary files from publications.

Following the FASTQ file generation, 10X Chromium scRNA-seq experiments were processed using the STARsolo pipeline v1.0 detailed in In brief, STAR v2.7.9a was used. Transcriptome reference exactly matching Cell Ranger 2020-A for human was prepared as described in the 10X online protocol ( Automated script ‘’ was used to automatically infer sample type (3′ or 5′, 10X kit version, among others). STARsolo command optimized to generate the results maximally similar to Cell Ranger v6 was used. To this end, the following parameters were used to specify unique molecular identifiers (UMI) collapsing, barcode collapsing and read clipping algorithms: ‘–soloUMIdedup 1MM_CR –soloCBmatchWLtype 1MM_multi_Nbase_pseudocounts –soloUMIfiltering MultiGeneUMI_CR –clipAdapterType CellRanger4 –outFilterScoreMin 30’. For cell filtering, the EmptyDrops algorithm used in Cell Ranger v4 and above was invoked using ‘–soloCellFilter EmptyDrops_CR’ options. Options ‘–soloFeatures Gene GeneFull Velocyto’ were used to generate both exon-only and full-length (pre-mRNA) gene counts, as well as RNA velocity output matrices.

Following read alignment and quantification, Cellbender v0.2.0 with default parameters was used to remove ambient RNA (soup). In cases where the model learning curve did not indicate convergence, the script was re-run with ‘–learning-rate 0.00005 –epochs 300’ parameters. For certain large datasets or datasets with low UMI counts, ‘–expected-cells’ and ‘–low-count-threshold’ parameters had to be adjusted individually for each sample.


On a per sample basis, scAutoQC calculated the following metrics: logarithmized numbers of counts per cell (log1p_n_counts), logarithmized numbers of genes per cell (log1p_n_genes) and the percentages of total genes expressed that are mitochondrial genes (percent_mito), ribosomal genes (percent_ribo), haemoglobin genes (percent_hb), within the top 50 genes expressed in a given cell (percent_top50), classified as soup by CellBender (percent_soup) and spliced genes (percent_spliced) (Extended Data Fig. 2). The dimensions of these eight metrics were reduced to generate a neighbourhood graph and UMAP for each sample, which was then clustered at low resolution; these clusters are referred to as quality control (QC) clusters. Classification of cells/droplets as passing or failing QC was then performed in a two-step process, first by classifying each cell as passing or failing QC based on four-metric parameters and thresholds set by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). For the atlas, the number of GMM components was set to 10 for an overfit model. scAutoQC was subsequently improved to automate the best model fit between 1 and 10 components based on the Bayesian information criterion. Then, whole clusters were classified as passing QC if 50% or more of individual cells within the cluster passed QC. The benefits of the approach include the automated nature, removing most manually set thresholds and limiting hands-on analysis. Our unbiased approach exploits both the distribution of individual metrics and their correlations. Although there are some parameters that are set up-front, they only serve as guidance for the final flagging of low quality cells and are not sensitive to small changes in the starting points (for example, setting an initial per cent of mitochondrial genes to 15% or 20% is likely to flag the same clusters). An overview of the pipeline is in Extended Data Fig. 2, and the code ( v0.1.1) and example workflow ( can be found in GitHub.

Assembly of the healthy reference

After samples were run through scAutoQC, they were pooled and cells were flagged as failing QC, along with samples where less than 10% of cells or 100 cells total passed QC (18 samples). In total, we removed 596,449 (31.22%) low-quality cells during this initial filtering step. Cells were further filtered through automated doublet removal based on scrublet scores, removing a further 67,846 from the healthy reference (Extended Data Fig. 2). Cells from healthy/control samples were integrated using scVI73,74,75 (v0.16.4) with donorID_unified as batch key, log1p_n_counts and percent_mito as continuous covariates, cell cycle genes removed and 7,500 highly variable genes. For comparison, we integrated with Harmony76 (v0.1.7) and BBKNN77 (v1.4.1) using donorID_unified as the batch key and ran through the standard scIB benchmarking pipeline78 (v1.1.4), assessing batch correction metrics based on donorID_unified as batch key.

Annotations of the healthy reference

Cells from the core atlas were grouped by Scanpy (v1.8.0) leiden clustering into seven broad lineages based on marker gene expression (annotation level 1; Extended Data Fig. 1a). Each lineage was split, and reintegrated with scVI (using the settings above but selecting for 5,000 highly variable genes with lineage-dependent gene list exclusions: cell cycle genes removed for all non-epithelial subsets, ribosomal genes removed for all epithelial subsets and variable immunoglobulin genes removed for B/B plasma cells) to annotate cells at fine resolution (annotation level 3). Mesenchymal populations were further split by developmental age group (first trimester fetal, second trimester fetal/preterm and adult/paediatric). Epithelial cells were further split by gastrointestinal region and/or developmental age group (oral all ages, oesophagus all ages, stomach all ages, small intestine first trimester fetal, small intestine second trimester fetal/preterm, small intestine adult/paediatric, large intestine first trimester, large intestine second trimester fetal/preterm, large intestine adult/paediatric). For fine-grained annotations of objects by broad compartment (and age/region if applicable), a combined approach including automated annotation with leiden clustering and marker gene analysis was used. Celltypist53 predicted labels were calculated for the entire core atlas using various relevant models (Cells_Intestinal_Tract v2, Immune_All_Low v2 and Pan_Fetal_Human v2 based on studies5,15,53) and custom-label transfer models based on intestinal6 and salivary gland79 datasets. During annotation, further doublets were manually removed based on a combinatorial approach considering factors such as coexpression of different cell-type marker genes, scrublet scores, gene counts, positioning relative to other cells and CellTypist predictions. Notebooks for all annotations are available via our GitHub ( MGN cells (MUC6+) in the healthy reference in the small intestine were identified in the healthy duodenum with leiden clustering resolution 0.5, and further refined to remove any residual doublets or MUC6− cells by subclustering.

Data projection and label prediction for diseased data

To include the disease data, we started from the raw data, remapped and applied scAutoQC to the disease data, ensuring that the healthy and disease references are comparable. Models for disease projection were made on the full healthy reference dataset (without doublets) using scANVI80 incorporating broad (level 1) annotations, based on the healthy reference scVI model. We projected disease data using scArches81 with the scANVI model. To annotate at fine resolution, we first predicted broad (level 1) lineages in the projected disease data using a label transfer method based on majority voting from k-nearest neighbour (kNN). Broad lineages were then split as for the healthy reference. For all lineages except epithelial, lineage-specific disease cells were projected onto the respective healthy reference lineage-specific latent space and fine-grained annotations predicted using the same method as for broad lineage predictions. Owing to an underrepresentation of epithelial cells, we added additional epithelial cell data from coeliac disease duodenum (unpublished data from the Klenerman laboratory (M.E.B.F., unpublished) and Crohn’s disease ileum and colon22, increasing the amount of diseased epithelial cells from 57,406 to 92,342 cells plus an additional 219,472 cells from healthy controls/non-inflamed tissue. These additional datasets were not remapped, instead these studies were added based on the raw counts matrix. Split epithelial cells from the original disease set (remapped data) and the additional disease sets (from count matrices) were concatenated and reduced to a common gene set of 18,485 genes. The resulting epithelial dataset was further split by region (stomach, small intestine and large intestine), prepared for projection using scANVI_prepare_anndata function (fills 0s for non-overlapping genes) and projected onto the respective healthy reference epithelial region-specific latent space embeddings.

To refine level 3 annotations on disease cells, we utilized the scArches weighted kNN uncertainty metric. We labelled cells as unknown if they had an ‘uncertainty score’ greater than the 90th quantile for each lineage. For epithelial cells, the 90th quantile was calculated separately for cancer cells and non-cancer cells to account for high uncertainty labelling of tumour cells. To refine the labels of these unknown cells, we performed leiden clustering (resolution = 1) and reassigned the label based on both majority voting of the higher certainty cells (above the cut-off) and marker genes. In stomach epithelium, there was one cluster of unknown cells, likely to be cancer cells, which could not be assigned a label and was therefore left annotated as unknown. In large intestinal epithelium, we found a cluster that corresponded to metaplastic Paneth cells (a cell type not present in the healthy reference), which were reannotated based on the distinct marker genes (Extended Data Fig. 4).

Technical and biological variation

To determine the contribution of different metadata covariates to the integrated embedding of the healthy reference data, we performed linear regression for each latent component of the embedding with each covariate as previously described82. We performed the analysis per cell type based on level_1_annot (broad level) and level_2_annot (medium level) annotations, and for all ages or adult/paediatric only (excluding developing and preterm samples). It should be noted that although this analysis can be informative, many of the covariates included in our atlas are correlated, for example, specific studies with tissue processing methods, diseases, ages or organs. Therefore, multiple covariates can explain the same variance in the data.

Differential abundance analysis

To identify differentially abundant cell populations, we used Milo83 (Milopy v0.0.999), which tests for differentially abundant neighbourhoods from kNN graphs. For comparisons between healthy developing (6–31 pcw, including preterm infants ex utero) and adult/paediatric gut, Milo was run separately per tissue with more than two donors for each group (stomach, duodenum, ileum and colon) using default parameters. For comparisons between organs in the healthy adult gut (18 years of age or older), Milo was run for each organ (oral mucosa, salivary gland, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and mesenteric lymph node) versus the others combined with the covariates of tissue_fraction and cell_fraction_unified and otherwise default parameters. For comparisons between disease and healthy adult samples, Milo was run comparing disease and controls from an individual study, rather than all disease and controls in the atlas, on the kNN graph from joint embedding, which has been shown to have greater sensitivity for detecting disease-associated cell states84. We focused comparing inflamed with neighbouring inflamed tissue from the Martin (2019)6 dataset.

Differential gene expression analysis

Differential gene expression (DGE) analysis was performed using Scanpy rank gene groups function (Wilcoxon rank-sum test with default parameters) and/or by pseudobulking (decoupler85) and DESeq2 (ref. 86) analysis. For Scanpy DGE analysis, samples were preprocessed by downsampling to 200 cells per cell type per donor and removing ribosomal-related and mitochondrial-related genes to limit unwanted batch and technical effects. Decoupler pseudobulking (v1.5.0) was performed combining donor-cell-type combinations, summing raw counts per gene across cells for each combination. DGE analysis was then performed with DESeq2 (v1.38.0), with log2(fold change) (log2FC) shrinkage calculated using the ashr (v2.2_63) estimator. Genes were classified as differentially expressed when log2FC ≥ 0.5 or log2FC ≤ −0.5 and adjusted P ≤ 0.05. For comparison of metaplastic Paneth cells, INFLAREs and oral mucosa fibroblasts with healthy counterparts, minimum cells per donor-cell-type combination for pseudobulking was 2 and DESeq2 was run without covariates. For oral mucosa fibroblasts, comparison was between oral mucosa fibroblasts in healthy oral mucosa versus inflammatory fibroblasts annotated as oral mucosa fibroblasts in diseased ileum. For all other comparisons, minimum cells were 10 and study was included as a covariate, and comparison was between small intestinal cells in IBD versus healthy controls. DESeq2 run on bulk data from the GSE126299 LCM dataset compared metaplastic glands and inflamed epithelium from patients with IBD using default settings, without covariates. For gene set analysis, the output from Scanpy rank gene groups was filtered to contain genes with a minimum log fold change of 0.25 and a P value cut-off of 0.05. The resulting gene list was used for gene set analysis using the GSEApy (v1.0.4) enrichr function with relevant gene sets such as MSigDB, KEGG and GO Biological Process examined. Gene scores for epithelial cells were calculated using Drug2Cell87 score function with default parameters. Gene scores for fibroblasts were calculated using the Scanpy score_genes function with default parameters. Full gene lists used for gene scores are available in Supplementary Table 6. Odds ratio and P value of gene overlap for MGN and INFLARE marker genes in different gastrointestinal regions were calculated using GeneOverlap88 (v0.99.0), with the genomic background set to 18,485 genes as the total number of genes used in the marker gene analysis.

Cell–cell interaction analysis

Cell–cell interaction analysis was performed using LIANA+ (v1.0.4)89, CellChat (v1.1.1)90 and CellPhoneDB v3 (statistical_method)91 to determine cell–cell interactions occurring in the small intestine during Crohn’s disease. Interaction analysis was performed on remapped data, to avoid loss of genes or interactions lost when merging additional count matrices (see ‘Data projection and label prediction for diseased data’ for more detail). Before analysis, data were preprocessed by downsampling to 50 cells per cell type per donor. Normalized count matrix with cell annotation metadata were processed through the standard CellChat and CellPhoneDB pipeline, with the communication probability truncated mean/threshold set to 0.1. Output of LIANA+ analysis was further analysed using NMF with ligand–receptor mean expression and considering only interactions expressed in at least 5% of cells. This analysis resulted in 10 interaction programmes by an automatic elbow selection procedure. Pathway enrichment analysis on the resultant ligand–receptor loadings was performed using decoupler’s univariate linear model method with pathway prior knowledge from PROGENy92; only factors in which at least one pathway was significantly enriched (false discovery rate ≤ 0.05) were included for analysis. Using the differential analysis statistics from DESeq2, as described above, we generated a list of deregulated ligand–receptor interactions in IBD versus healthy, or for INFLAREs and oral mucosa fibroblasts, comparing the disease cells to the appropriate healthy counterparts (see above).

cNMF analysis

To identify shared activity and cell identity gene programs cells from diseased small intestine (Crohn’s disease, paediatric IBD and coeliac disease with a total of 99,465 cells), we analysed raw counts with cNMF (v1.3.4)93. We used the default processing and normalization of cNMF, which considers 2,000 highly variable genes along with 100 iterations of NMF. All other parameters were set at default values. We tested hyperparameter values of K, the number of factors, ranging in steps of 1 from 5 to 80, and picked on inspection a favourable tradeoff between factor stability and overall model error at K = 44. For determining consensus clusters, we excluded 6% of fitted cNMF spectra with a mean distance to kNNs above 0.3. The resulting per-cell gene program usage was compared across fine-grained cell annotations, identifying gene programs corresponding to the identity of MGN cells and other relevant cell types (goblet, stem and surface foveolar cells). To assess programs specific to health or disease, we performed analysis on all cells from small and large intestines using identical parameters, downsampled randomly to 200 cells per cell type per donor (resulting in 313,879 cells). In this case, we tested for values of K in steps of 2 from 10 to 80, choosing an optimal K = 64.

Trajectory analysis


To infer the developmental trajectory giving rise to MGN or INFLAREs in the ileum IBD, we used monocle3 (v1.3.1)94 on a subset of data containing cells in the ileum from studies5,6,22. We performed Scanpy Louvain clustering on the original UMAP representation generated from the scANVI latent space to account for batch effects and inferred developmental trajectories along pseudotime by choosing the node assigned the highest number of epithelial stem cells as the root node. We then extracted the MGN or INFLARE-specific trajectory by selecting the nodes assigned the highest number of MGN or INFLAREs as the final nodes. Finally, we determined genes whose expression changes along pseudotime by using ‘monocle3::graph_test’, which leverages a Moran’s I-test considering gene expression changes within groups of k = 25 neighbouring cells on the principle trajectory graph.


We analysed epithelial cell trajectories in the ileum from patients with IBD from studies5,6 by running transcriptome-based pseudotime estimation using Palantir (v1.3.1)95. Before running Palantir, we reintegrated the datasets using scVI with settings described above in ‘Assembly of the healthy reference’.

We used the default Palantir parameters with 500 waypoints specifying the root cell with the maximum gene score (using Scanpy rank genes function) of LGR5, ASCL2, RGMB and OLFM4. We then computed a CellRank96 (v2.0.1) kernel (Markov transition probability matrix) for Palantir pseudotime to allow projection of directional cell-state transitions onto the UMAP. To predict macrostates (potential terminal cell states), we ran CellRank’s Generalized Perron Cluster Analysis on the Markov matrix and then computed the fate probability for each cell under each terminal-state lineage. We calculated the top lineage driver genes along the stem → TA → INFLARE lineage using CellRank inference and generalized additive models. All corresponding visualizations were made using the plotting functions available in the CellRank package.

Genes2Genes trajectory alignment

We used Genes2Genes (G2G)68 to compare the INFLARE trajectory (stem → TA → INFLARE) in the diseased IBD to three other different trajectories: (1) the stem → MGN trajectory in the healthy duodenum, (2) the stem → enterocyte trajectory in the diseased ileum, and (3) the stem → goblet trajectory in the diseased ileum.

Preparing trajectories for comparison. For comparison 1, we ran scVI integration and Palantir pseudotime analysis as above for healthy small intestinal epithelial cells to facilitate reconstruction of the stem → MGN trajectory in the healthy duodenum. To be more confident, we also took only the stem and TA cells that have a pseudotime estimate less than the mean pseudotime of the INFLARE population (as there were some outlier stem/TA cells with higher pseudotime values in the INFLARE pseudotime range). For comparisons 2 and 3, we used the already estimated Palantir pseudotime. To extract lineage-specific cells with high confidence, we assessed the fate probability distribution (estimated by Palantir) for the INFLARE lineage across all the cells annotated under the non-lineage-specific cell types (that is, a negative control under the cells not annotated as either stem, TA or INFLARE), and removed the stem and TA cells if their fate probability was less than the 75th percentile of the negative control.

Trajectory alignment. G2G aligns genes along reference and query trajectories by running a dynamic programming algorithm that optimizes matching and mismatching of gene expression distributions between timepoints. This function formulates an alignment cost based on a minimum message length inference framework. As per the G2G workflow, we first discretized each pseudotime trajectory into interpolation timepoints at equal-length intervals based on the optimal number of bins inferred using the optbinning package. We then ran G2G (under its default settings) for each of the three trajectory comparisons to align transcription factors97 using log1p normalized gene expression and pseudotime estimates for each cell. For comparison 1, we considered 1,171 transcription factors common between the healthy and disease datasets, whereas 1,262 common transcription factors were aligned for comparisons 2 and 3. Interrogating the output of G2G alignment, we considered mismatches between trajectories when transcription factors had an alignment similarity ≤ 50% and optimal alignment cost ≥ 30 nits (in the unit of Shannon information).

Bulk RNA-seq deconvolution

For bulk deconvolution analysis, we first downloaded published bulk RNA-seq datasets of adult IBD from the GEO database (GSE111889), paediatric IBD from the ArrayExpress database (E-MTAB-5464) and the Expression Atlas (E-GEOD-101794), The Cancer Genome Atlas colon adenocarcinoma using R package TCGAbiolinks (v2.18.0), coeliac disease data from the GEO (GSE131705 and GSE145358) and RNA-seq from laser capture microdissected pyloric metaplasia, inflamed and control epithelium (GSE126299). A single-cell reference for deconvolution analysis was then prepared by subsetting the overall object to only include cells from the small intestine in IBD and downsampling to 200 cells for each fine-grained cell-type annotation. BayesPrism98 (v2.0) was used for deconvolution analysis with raw counts for both single-cell and bulk RNA-seq data as inputs. Both the ‘cell-type labels’ and the ‘cell-state labels’ were set to fine-grained annotations. Ribosomal protein genes and mitochondrial genes were removed from single-cell data as they are not informative in distinguishing cell types and can be a source of large spurious variance. We also excluded genes from sex chromosomes and lowly transcribed as recommended by the BayesPrism tutorial. For further analysis, we applied a pairwise Welch t-test to select differentially expressed genes with the ‘pval.max’ being set to 0.05 and ‘lfc.min’ to 0.1. Finally, a prism object containing all data required for running BayesPrism was created using the new.prism() function, and the deconvolution was performed using the run.prism() function. For correlation analysis, we calculated the Pearson correlation between (1) the estimated abundance of INFLAREs and other cell types, and (2) the estimated INFLAREs abundance and gene expression in bulk RNA-seq datasets. For the later calculation, we first normalized raw counts in the expression matrix from each bulk dataset using R package DESeq2. To estimate the number of patients with INFLAREs in bulk RNA-seq data, we categorized samples by MUC6 expression with a cut-off higher than the mean + 2× the standard deviation, stratifying patients as MUC6-high above this cut-off.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.


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