The alleged insurance fraudsters who cops say used a bear suit and damaged several vehicles should’ve gone to the pros … ’cause the guy who played the bear that attacks Leonardo DiCaprio in “The Revenant” has notes.
We spoke with Glenn Ennis — the actor and stuntman in the extremely realistic bear costume (with a CGI assist) who absolutely mauled DiCaprio in the film — and he tells us he finds the details of the alleged scheme hilarious.
ICYMI, some California guys allegedly tore up their high-end cars, wearing a cheap bear costume, and tried to get an insurance company to pay for the damages. Ennis says those guys needed to do more research on how bears move … ’cause it was pretty clear to him that this wasn’t a real bear ransacking the cars.
One of the biggest giveaways in the evidence video … bears don’t move around on their knees. They’ve got all 4 legs underneath them — there’s a reason they call it a “bear crawl.”

Plus, Ennis says the bear costume was way too cheap to look real … the alleged insurance scammers should’ve paid more for a higher quality product.
Ennis, who obviously did a ton of research into how bears move, says he could’ve done a better job — and possibly gotten away with the bonkers crime.
That said, Ennis says he’d never use his bear powers for evil — so no insurance fraud or picnic basket stealing for this actor.
The actor-stuntman did have one question … what in the hell were the ideas these boneheads threw out before they settled on a Yogi disguise?!
As we told you … the 4 suspects have been charged with trying to defraud an insurance company out of $140K. Investigators — aided by biologists who reviewed the evidence video — weren’t fooled by the deception.
The 4 alleged criminals are in a pretty hairy situation … maybe they should’ve watched that ‘Revenant’ scene a few more times.