The moscot algorithm
OT for single-cell genomics
OT is an area of mathematics that is concerned with comparing probability distributions in a geometry-aware manner1. OT-based tools have been successfully applied to various problems that arise in single-cell genomics, including mapping cells across time points2,50,51,52,54,55,56,57, mapping cells from molecular to physical space3, aligning spatial transcriptomic samples4, integrating data across molecular modalities49,52, learning patient manifolds58 or mapping cells across different experimental perturbations53,59. Despite such success, the widespread adaptation of OT-based tools in single-cell genomics faces three key challenges.
First, most current OT-based tools are geared towards a single modality and cannot use the added information provided by multimodal assays. Second, computation time and memory consumption quadratically scale in cell number for vanilla OT and cubically for Gromov–Wasserstein extensions6. Such poor scalability limits the application of these tools to datasets that contain millions of cells. Third, the landscape of OT-based tools is split across programming languages and softwares that provide OT algorithms, which results in a fractured landscape of incompatible APIs. This makes it difficult for users to adapt and for developers to create new tools. By contrast, user-friendly and extensible APIs accelerate and facilitate research, as demonstrated through the scVI-tools framework60.
Moscot unlocks the full power of OT for spatiotemporal applications
Our method is built on three key design principles to overcome limitations and unlock the full potential of OT for single-cell applications: multimodality, scalability and consistency. For multimodality, all moscot models extend to multimodal data, including CITE-seq and multiome (RNA and chromatin accessibility) data. For scalability, we use both engineering and methodological innovations to overcome scalability limitations; in particular, we reduce computation time and memory consumption so that they are linear in the number of cells. For consistency, our implementation unifies temporal, spatial and spatiotemporal problems through a consistent API that interacts with the wider scverse8 ecosystem and is easy to use. Solving any of these problems in moscot follows a common pattern that translates the biological problem into an OT problem that is solved by the OTT backend12.
In the sections below, we describe how we realize these principles for temporal, spatial and spatiotemporal applications.
Moscot.time for mapping cells across time
Model rationale, inputs and outputs
Biologists frequently use time-series experiments to study biological processes such as development or regeneration that are not in a steady state. As current single-cell assays usually involve the destruction of cells, such experiments result in disparate molecular profiles measured at different time points. As previously suggested2, OT can be used to probabilistically link cells from early to late time points. We follow the WOT model in assuming that cells collectively minimize the distance they travel in phenotypic space and that cellular fate decisions are Markov; that is, cellular fate depends only on the current state and not on earlier history. Previous methods had limited scalability and were only applied to gene expression. We outline below how moscot.time overcomes these limitations.
Let \(X\in R^N\times D\) and \(Y\in R^M\times D\) represent pairs of state matrices for N and M cells observed at early (t1) and late (t2) time points, respectively. State matrices X and Y may represent, for example, gene expression (scRNA-seq) or chromatin accessibility (scATAC-seq) across D features (for example, genes or peaks). Optionally, the user may provide marginal distributions \(a\in \varDelta _N\) and \(b\in \varDelta _M\) over cells at t1 and t2 for probability simplex \(\varDelta _N:=\,\a\in R_+^N\,\). Any previous cell-level information may be represented through the marginals, including cellular growth rates and death rates.
The key output of moscot.time is a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b)\), where U(a,b) is the set of feasible coupling matrices, defined by
$$U(a,b):= \P\in R_+^N\times M$$
for constant one vector \(1_N=[1,…,1]^\top \in R^N\). We link t1 cells to t2 cells through the coupling matrix P; the ith row Pi,: represents the amount of probability mass transported from cell i at t1 to any t2 cell. The set U(a,b) contains the coupling matrices P that are compatible with the user-provided marginal distributions a and b at t1 and t2, respectively.
These definitions enabled us to formalize the aim of moscot.time: we sought to find a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b)\) that couples t1 cells to t2 cells such that their overall travelled distance in phenotypic space is minimized.
Model description
To quantify the distance that cells travel in phenotypic space between time points, let c(xi,yi) be a cost function for early (xi) and late (yj) molecular profiles, representing, for example, gene expression or chromatin-accessibility state. Moscot enables the use of various cost functions (Supplementary Note 5). We use the cost function c to measure cellular distances in a modality-specific, shared latent space, for example, principal component analysis (PCA) for gene-expression data, latent semantic indexing (LSI) for ATAC data or corresponding models of scVI-tools60.
We evaluated the cost function c for all pairs of cells \((i,j)\in \)\(\1,…,N\\times \1,…,M\\) to form the cost matrix \(C\in R_+^N\times M\). Given the cost matrix C, which quantifies distances along the phenotypic manifold, we solved the optimization problem
$$P^* =\rmargmin_P\in U(a,b)\langle C,P\rangle =\rmargmin_P\in U(a,b)\sum _ijC_ijP_ij$$
known as the Kantorovich relaxation of OT1, where P* is the optimal coupling matrix. When using P* to transport t1 cells to t2 cells, we accumulated the lowest cost according to C. Subsequently, we refer to this type of OT problem as a W-type OT problem.
Introducing entropic regularization
In practice, the OT problem of equation (2) is usually not solved directly because it is computationally expensive, and the solution has statistically unfavourable properties. Instead, it is more common to consider a regularized version of the problem5,
$$P=\rmargmin_P\in U(a,b)\langle C,P\rangle -\epsilon H(P)$$
for entropy regularizer
$$H(P)=-\sum _ijP_ij(\log P_ij-1)$$
The parameter \(\epsilon > 0\) controls the regularization strength. Intuitively, entropic regularization introduces uncertainty to the solution in that it has a ‘blurring’ effect on P*. Mathematically, it renders the problem \(\epsilon \) strongly convex, differentiable and less prone to the issue of dimensionality.
The Sinkhorn algorithm for optimization
It can be shown that the solution to the regularized W-type problem of equation (3) has the form \(P_ij=u_iK_ijv_j\) for Gibbs kernel
$$K:= \exp (-C_ij/\epsilon )$$
and unknown scaling variables \((u,v)\in R_+^N\times R_+^M\). Using this formulation, we rewrote the constraints \(P1_M=a\) and \(P1_N=b\) of equation (1) to produce
$$u\odot (Kv)=a,v\odot (K^\rm\top u)=b,$$
where \(\odot \) denotes element-wise multiplication. Iteratively solving these equations gave rise to Sinkhorn’s algorithm:
$$u^(l+1):= \fracaKv^(l),v^(l+1):= \fracbK^\rm\top u^(l+1),$$
where the division is applied element-wise, and l is the iteration counter. Using this algorithm, the (unique) solution to the regularized W-type problem of equation (3), corresponding to the optimal coupling of t1 cells to t2 cells, was computed in time and memory quadratic in cell number5.
Adjusting the marginals for growth and death
Cells differentiate, proliferate and die as the biological process unfolds between time points t1 and t2. The coupling matrix P*, computed by solving equation (3), reflects a mixture of these effects. To disentangle proliferation and apoptosis from differentiation, we adjusted the left marginal a for cellular growth and death. Specifically, we followed WOT2 in defining
$$a_i=\fracg(x_i)^t_2-t_1\sum _j=1^Ng(x_j)^t_2-t_1\forall \,i\in \1,…,N\$$
where \(g:R^D\to R_+\) corresponds to the expected value of a birth–death process \(g(x)=e^\beta (x)-\delta (x)\) with proliferation at rate \(\beta (x)\) and death at rate \(\delta (x)\). We estimated growth rates and death rates from curated marker gene sets. Note that moscot comes with predefined gene sets for mice and humans. Intuitively, our adjustment enabled t1 cells that are likely to proliferate or die to distribute more or less probability mass, respectively, to t2 cells. In the absence of cellular growth and death, every t1 cell would be allowed to distribute 1/N probability mass; thus, values greater or smaller than 1/N indicate proliferation or apoptosis, respectively. For the right marginal b, we assigned uniform weights \(b_j=1/M\), \(\forall j\in \1,…,M\\). Such an adjustment encouraged the optimal coupling matrix P* to reflect differentiation rather than proliferation and apoptosis.
As it is difficult to adjust the hyperparameters of the birth–death problem, we also implemented a more intuitive and more easily adjustable estimation of the growth rates using
$$a_i=\exp \fracp_i-q_ic$$
where pi denotes a proliferation score and qi an apoptosis score, obtained using c denotes a scaling parameter.
Unbalancedness to account for biased sampling
Our formulation of equation (3) enforced the prespecified marginals a and b to be exactly met by the solution P*. This is problematic from two perspectives.
First, the cells profiled at each time point usually correspond to a sample from the overall population. That is, small variations in cell-type frequencies across time points do not necessarily reflect underlying differentiation but might result from stochastic cell sampling. Exactly enforcing the marginals therefore implies that we encode the sampling effect in the coupling, which confounds the actual differentiation signal.
Second, our growth-adjusted and death-adjusted marginals of equation (7) are unlikely to reflect ground-truth proliferation or apoptosis rates, as they are estimated using noisy gene expression data and do not include any post-transcriptional effects. Thus, exactly enforcing these marginals propagates noise into the coupling matrix P*.
To avoid both pitfalls, we followed WOT2 to allow small deviations from the exact marginals in an unbalanced OT framework61. Specifically, we replaced the hard constraint \(P\in U(a,b)\) with soft Kullback–Leibler (KL)-divergence penalties,
$$\beginarraylP^* :=\rmargmin_P\in R_+^N\times M\langle C,P\rangle +\frac\epsilon \tau _a1-\tau _a\rmKL[P1_M\rma]\\ \,\,+\,\frac\epsilon \tau _b1-\tau _b\rmKL[(P^\top 1_N| | b)]-\epsilon H(P)\endarray$$
which may be solved at the same computational complexity level using a generalization of Sinkhorn’s algorithm. The parameters \(\tau _a,\tau _b\in (\mathrm0,1)\) are hyperparameters that determine the weight we gave to complying with the left and right marginals a and b, respectively. Values near one or zero correspond to strict or weak marginal penalties, respectively.
Multimodal data and scalability
The model we presented in the previous section is similar to the WOT2 model. However, WOT is only applied to unimodal data and has quadratic time and memory complexity in the number of cells, which largely prevented its application to atlas-scale temporal datasets that contain multiple modalities. This section presents how we extended the moscot.time model to overcome these limitations.
Application to multimodal data
We incorporated multimodal data in moscot.time through an adjusted definition of the cost function. Intuitively, we used a joint representation to render the computed distances more faithful to the phenotypic manifold. Specifically, given bimodal representations (X(1), X(2)) and (Y(1), Y(2)) at t1 and t2, respectively, we scaled these to have the same variance and measured distances in a concatenated space. In this example, (1) and (2) can represent any pair of modalities, for example, gene expression and ATAC data. This strategy naturally extends beyond two modalities to any number of jointly measured modalities, which makes moscot.time truly multimodal. Alternatively, moscot.time can be applied to representations computed using shared latent-space-learning techniques, for example, from variational autoencoders (VAEs)60,62,63.
Scalability through engineering-type innovations
Moscot.time builds on OTT12 in the backend, which offers three key engineering-type improvements: online evaluation of the cost function; GPU execution; and just-in-time compilation (jitting).
Although memory complexity of the Sinkhorn algorithm is quadratic, it can be reduced to linear through online-cost matrix evaluation with minor assumptions on the cost function. The key observation is that the Sinkhorn algorithm only accesses the cost matrix C through the matrix–vector products \(Kv\) and \(K^\top u\) (equation (6)), which are evaluated row by row. Thus, the cost function c can be queried on the fly for those cell–cell distances that are required to evaluate the current row of the matrix–vector product. Online evaluation reduces the memory complexity so that it is linear in cell number (first improvement)12.
Second, although the Sinkhorn algorithm can, in principle, be run on GPUs to accelerate optimization, the quadratic memory complexity prevents this in practice. Although CPUs can handle large memory consumption, GPUs are usually more limited (typically around 40 GB). Online memory evaluation (first improvement) renders GPU acceleration possible, and OTT implements it in practice. Performing computations on GPUs accelerates the computation of cell–cell couplings in moscot.time (second improvement).
Third, jitting compiles Python code before it is executed for the first time, which further reduces computation time (third improvement).
Combining these three engineering-type innovations enabled moscot.time to run datasets that contain a few hundred thousand cells per time point with linear memory and quadratic time complexity on modern GPUs. However, if millions of cells per time point are involved, the quadratic time complexity becomes prohibitive.
Scalability through methodological innovations
To enable the application of moscot.time to datasets that contain millions of cells per time point, we must overcome the quadratic time complexity in the number of cells. Following previous work13,14,15, we achieved this by imposing low-rank constraints on the set of feasible couplings. That is, requiring \(P\in U(a,b,r)\) for non-negative coupling matrix rank r (Supplementary Note 3). Such regularization led to linear time and memory complexity in the number of cells. Low-rank Sinkhorn was implemented in OTT and available through moscot.time, which enables the application to future atlas-scale developmental studies.
Downstream applications
The coupling matrix P* optimally links t1 cells to t2 cells for the cost function c. Moscot.time uses coupling to relate cellular states and to derive insights about putative driver genes. Thus, consider a t1 cell state P of interest, where P is the set of corresponding cell indices. This state may represent, for example, a rare or transient cell population. Define the corresponding normalized indicator vector \(p\in \0,1\^N\) through
$$p_i:= \frac1i\in P,\rmelse\,0$$
for t1 cell i and |P|, the number of cells in state P. Following the original suggestion in WOT, we computed t2 descendants of cell state P by a push-forward operation of P,
$$q=P^\rm\top p$$
where \(q\in R_+^M\) describes the probability mass that cell state P distributes to t2 cells. Using P rather than its transpose, we analogously computed ancestors of a cell state Q at t2. For a global view of cell-state transitions, we aggregated pull and push operations over all states into transition matrices, which we visualized using heatmaps or Sankey diagrams. We also correlated pull and push distributions with gene expression to uncover putative driver genes.
In summary, we used pull and push operations based on our computed transport matrix P to recover putative ancestors and descendants, respectively, of cell states of interest. In biological terms, for a given t1 cell state P, we interpreted its push distribution over t2 cells as the likelihood of P giving rise to these cells. Analogously, for a given t2 cell state Q, we interpreted its pull-back distribution over t1 cells as the likelihood of these cells to give rise to Q. Accordingly, we correlated gene expression with the density of the pull-back distribution to pinpoint putative driver genes of transitioning into state Q. Using positive and negative correlations, such a strategy will reveal consistently upregulated or downregulated genes, respectively, in cells that are likely to transition to state Q.
Coupling more than two time points
Following the WOT model, we coupled several time points by assuming that the state of tr + 1 cells depends only on the state of tr cells and not on any other earlier or later states. The index r runs over time points, \(r\in \1,…,R\\), for R time points. This Markov assumption enabled us to chain together time points by matrix multiplication. For time points \(\t_1,…,t_R\\) and corresponding sequential coupling matrices \(\P^(1),…,P^(R-1)\\), we linked t1 \(t_1\)-cells to tr cells by matrix multiplication, \(P^(1)P^(2)…P^(R-1)\).
Feature-sparse OT maps using Sparse Monge
Sparse Monge47 is a method to perform (linear) OT in high-dimensional spaces while selecting only the most relevant genes per single cell. The concept builds on entropic maps, which enabled the estimation of deterministic Monge maps from discrete entropy-regularized OT couplings. Given the dual potential \(g_\varepsilon \) corresponding to the target cells (obtained using the output of the Sinkhorn algorithm), the entropic map \(T_\varepsilon \) for the squared Euclidean cost64 is defined as
$$T_\varepsilon (x)=\frac\frac1n\sum _i=1^nY_ie^\frac1\varepsilon \left(g_\varepsilon (Y_i)-\frac12\parallel x-Y_i\parallel ^2\right)\frac1n\sum _i=1^ne^\frac1\varepsilon \left(g_\varepsilon (Y_i)-\frac12\parallel x-Y_i\parallel ^2\right)$$
Sparse Monge extends the entropic map estimators to more general costs. That is, translation-invariant costs of the form \(c(x,y)=h(x-y)\) with \(h:R^d\to R\). In particular, this enabled us to choose sparsity-inducing costs. While we refer to the original publication47 for a more comprehensive list of such costs, we here restrict it to the elastic L1 cost given as
$$h(z)=\frac12\rmz\rm_2^2+\gamma \rmz\rm_1$$
with \(\gamma \) denoting the scaling regularizer. Thus, the entropic map estimator is given as
$$T_\varepsilon (x)=x-\rmST_\gamma \left(x-\mathop\sum \limits_j=1^mp^j(x)(y^j+\gamma \rmsign(x-y^j))\right)$$
where the soft threshold operator is defined as
$$ST_\gamma (z)=)_+\odot z$$
and the weights are the factors as given in equation (12)
$$p^j(x):=\frac\exp (-(h(x-y^j)-g_j)/\varepsilon )\mathop\sum \limits_k=1^m\exp (-(h(x-y^k)-g_k)/\varepsilon ).$$ for spatial reference mapping
Model rationale, inputs and outputs
Techniques to simultaneously measure the spatial context of a cell and its transcriptional state have matured in recent years. In particular, spatial resolution, the field of view and the number of profiled transcripts have increased22,65. However, current approaches still fall short of measuring the full transcriptome at true single-cell resolution. This experimental difficulty has fuelled the development of a range of computational tools that map dissociated single-cell reference datasets onto spatial coordinates, a problem known as spatial mapping23,66,67,68. Solving a spatial-mapping problem can provide two types of information.
The first is an annotation-centric perspective, whereby spatial mapping annotates cell types using single-cell-resolved spatial transcriptomic technologies (for example, MERFISH69 and Seqfish70). The second is a feature-centric perspective, whereby spatial mapping imputes unmeasured gene expression in the spatial domain for techniques that do not achieve full transcriptome coverage (for example, MERFISH71 and seqFISH+).
As previously suggested in NovoSpaRc3, a variant of OT can be used to probabilistically map reference cells into the spatial domain. We followed the NovoSpaRc model in assuming that cells in physical proximity tend to have similar gene-expression profiles. In other words, we assumed that there exists a (possibly noisy and imperfect) correspondence between physical and expression distances. Previous approaches faced several limitations, including scalability, applicability beyond gene-expression reference data and incorporation of spatial information in the mapping problem. With, we produced a model that applies to both the sample-centric and feature-centric perspectives, scales to large datasets and incorporates multimodal information. Moreover, explicitly makes use of spatial information when solving the mapping problem.
Let \(X\in R^N\times D_x\) and \(Y\in R^M\times D_y\) represent a pair of state matrices for N cells and M samples (for example, cells, spots, among others) observed in the dissociated reference and the spatial dataset, respectively. We assumed state matrices to represent gene expression for different numbers of genes, Dx for the dissociated reference and Dy for the spatial dataset. We allowed further multimodal information in X, for example, from joint RNA and ATAC readouts72,73,74. In addition, let \(C^Y\in R_+^M\times M\) encode spatial similarity among the M samples in Y (we define CX below). Depending on the spatial technology, CY contained either Euclidean distances among spatial locations or similarities in spatial graphs. Optionally, as in moscot.time, the user may provide marginal distributions \(a\in \varDelta _N\) and \(b\in \varDelta _M\) over cells in the dissociated reference and samples in the spatial dataset. In the context of, these may represent sample-level uncertainties or estimated cell numbers per spot in the spatial dataset for barcoding-based spatial technologies.
The key output of is a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b)\) that links cells in the dissociated reference with samples in the spatial dataset. In particular, the ith row Pi,: represents the amount of probability mass transported from cell i in the reference to any spatial sample j.
These definitions enabled us to formalize the aim of we sought to find a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b\)) that related reference cells with spatial samples such that their distance in the shared transcriptome space is minimized while the correspondence between molecular and spatial similarity is maximized.
Model description
To quantify the global distance between the reference and spatial datasets in the shared transcriptome space, we followed moscot.time and defined a cost function \(c(x_i,y_j)\) and associated cost matrix \(C\in R_+^N\times M\). The matrix C quantified expression distance in raw gene space or a shared latent space computed using PCA or scVI. Note that the shared latent space was constructed using only those genes that had been measured in both the dissociated reference and the spatial dataset.
Gromov–Wasserstein for structural correspondence
In NovoSpaRc3, the authors showed how introducing a structural correspondence assumption between gene expression and spatial information enhanced their ability to accurately solve the spatial-mapping problem. In particular, they assumed that cell pairs should be coupled such that there is a correspondence between distances in gene expression and distances in physical space. Following their suggestion, we encoded the structural correspondence assumption in a GW-type OT problem,
$$P^* :=\textargmin_P\in U(a,b)\sum _ijklL(C_ij^X,C_kl^Y)P_ikP_jl$$
for spatial distance matrix \(C^Y\in R_+^M\times M\), defined as above, and reference distance matrix \(C^X\in R_+^N\times N\), quantifying molecular similarity among cells in the dissociated reference. To compute CX, we measured the expression distance among reference cells in a latent space defined using PCA or scVI. Correspondence between CX and CY was quantified entry-wise using the cost function L, which was set to the squared Euclidean cost by default. This cost was evaluated element-wise; that is, \(L(C_ij^X,C_kl^Y)=(C_ij^X-C_kl^Y)^2\).
Intuitively, the GW-type problem aimed to find a coupling matrix to maximize the structural correspondence between gene expression and spatial information. Note that individual genes may still show sharp gradients in the spatial domain, and the structural correspondence assumption applies to aggregated molecular profiles.
The model
The model is a combination of the W term, which quantifies the expression distance between the reference and the spatial dataset, and the GW term, which quantifies the structural correspondence between the reference and the spatial dataset, to create a FGW-type OT problem11,
$$\beginarraylP^* := \textargmin_P\in U(a,b)\alpha \sum _ijklL(C_ij^X,C_kl^Y)P_ikP_jl\\ \,+\,(1-\alpha )\sum _ikC_ikP_ik-\epsilon H(P),\endarray$$
where we added entropic regularization at strength \(\epsilon \) and introduced the weight parameter \(\alpha \) to control the relative contribution of the W term and the GW term. The objective function contained the following cost matrices:
\(C\in R_+^N\times M\) compares reference cells with spatial samples in terms of expression in shared genes.
\(C^X\in R_+^N\times N\) compares reference cells among each other in terms of gene expression.
\(C^Y\in R_+^M\times M\) compares spatial samples among each other in terms of spatial distance.
We optimized the objective function of equation (15) using a mirror descent scheme6 (Supplementary Note 1). To account for uneven cell-type proportions between the reference and the spatial datasets, we optionally allowed for unbalancedness in the FGW-type problem75.
Multimodal data and scalability
The model presented here is an extension of the NovoSpaRc3 model, which is restricted to a certain cost function and only supports feature-centric interpretation. Furthermore, NovoSpaRc is only applicable to unimodal data and has cubic time complexity and quadratic memory complexity in the number of cells, which largely prevents its application to atlas-scale spatial datasets and references that contain multiple modalities. This section extends the model to overcome these limitations.
Multimodal reference datasets
Multimodal data contains additional information about the molecular state of cell that can guide the mapping process. Although previous methods could apply mapping learnt from gene-expression data to other modalities collected for the same cells23, is different because it makes use of multimodal information in the actual mapping problem. In other words, our approach uses multimodal information when learning the mapping rather than learning the mapping based on unimodal data and subsequently applying it to jointly captured modalities.
Consider a dissociated reference dataset with multimodal data matrices X(R) and X(O), where R refers to gene expression and O refers to another modality, for example, chromatin accessibility76 or surface marker expression77,78. We constructed the across-space cost matrix C and the spatial cost matrix CY as before but modified the construction of the reference cell cost matrix CX. Similar to moscot.time, we concatenated joint representations or used joint latent-space-learning techniques62,79,80 to obtain a single molecular representation and to measure distances in this representation to define CX. Our multimodal approach enabled the learning a more faithful correspondence between molecular similarity in the dissociated reference dataset and spatial proximity in the spatial dataset.
Atlas-scale spatial mapping
For the squared Euclidean loss function L and within-space cost functions CX and CY, we implemented to have quadratic time and memory consumption by exploiting low-rank properties of the Euclidean distance (Supplementary Note 2). Similar to moscot.time, solving our FGW-type problem in the backend using OTT granted us GPU execution and jitting. Although this led to good performance on datasets of intermediate size (approximately 10,000 cells in reference and spatial datasets), the quadratic scaling became prohibitive for atlas-scale datasets.
To overcome the quadratic time and memory complexities, we made use of a recently proposed low-rank GW formulation14,15 (Supplementary Note 2), which extended the original low-rank Sinkhorn formulation (Supplementary Note 3). This enabled to relate hundreds of thousands of dissociated reference cells to spatial locations.
Downstream applications supports both sample and feature-centric downstream analysis techniques.
Annotation-centric perspective
In this perspective, we had cell-type or cell-state labels available in the reference, which we used to map to the spatial dataset. Suppose we are given a set of one-hot encoded reference labels through the matrix \(F\in \\mathrm0,1\^N\times S\) for S cell types or states. We obtained annotated cell types in the spatial domain using the matrix \(G=P^\top F\in R_+^M\times S\). For each spatial sample j, the row Gj,: contained the mapped cell-type likelihood for each of the S cell types or states. We could then assign discrete cell types to the spatial sample by either taking the label of the most likely match in the dissociated samples or by taking the most likely element of the transport matrix aggregated to cell type level.
Feature-centric perspective
In this perspective, we had more genes measured in the dissociated reference dataset than in the spatial dataset. We aimed to use the solution of the mapping problem to impute spatial gene expression. This setting is relevant for spatial technologies that do not achieve full transcriptome coverage. Let \(\widetildeY\in R^M\times D_x\) denote inferred expression in the spatial domain; it holds
$$\widetildeY=P^\top X$$
Analogous definitions hold for additional modalities collected in the dissociated reference; for example, we can use equation (16) to map chromatin accessibility or surface-marker expression into spatial coordinates.
To facilitate further downstream analyses of mapped spatial data, interfaces with squidpy81, a spatial analysis toolkit that contains various visualization and testing capabilities. For example, squidpy can be used to test for the spatial enrichment of mapped cell-type annotations or to quantify spatial variability of imputed gene expression. for aligning spatial transcriptomic data
Model rationale, inputs and outputs
The rapidly increasing number of spatial datasets poses substantial data-analysis challenges. In particular, faithful integration of spatial data across tissue slides, individuals and laboratories is currently an open problem that limits our ability to study tissue architecture across scales22,82. Different terms exist to refer to spatial integration problems; here we prefer to speak of spatial alignment. Solving a spatial alignment problem can serve two principal objectives: joint analysis and 3D construction.
Joint analysis aligns spatial datasets against a CCF82, which enabled us to gain statistical power by jointly considering multiple samples and enable new types of analysis, such as expression variability in space. Aligning data against CCFs will be a crucial step towards building spatial atlases. For3D reconstruction, aligning sequential adjacent tissue sections enabled us to build faithful 3D tissue models.
As previously suggested in PASTE4, FGW-type OT11 can be used to probabilistically align spatial datasets. However, the previous PASTE method was targeted to small-scale 10x Visium datasets, and the authors considered a maximum of 4,000 spots per sample in their applications83. The scalability of PASTE is limited because it cannot run on GPUs and does not make use of entropic regularization, jitting or recent low-rank formulations of FGW-type OT. Furthermore, PASTE is limited to adjacent Visium tissue slides from the same individual because it cannot handle varying cell-type proportions. Moreover, the approach does not make use of multimodal molecular readout.
With, we produced an approach that overcomes these limitations. In particular, scales to large and diverse spatial datasets through GPU acceleration, entropic regularization6, jitting84 and low-rank factorizations14,15. Our approach can integrate samples from different individuals with varying cell-type proportions through an unbalanced formulation and applies to spatial technologies beyond 10x Visium, including assays that use in situ sequencing or situ hybridization. Furthermore, our approach makes use of multimodal information if available.
Let \(X\in R^N\times D_x\) and \(Y\in R^M\times D_y\) represent a pair of state matrices for N and M spatial samples observed in two spatial datasets. We refer to X and Y as the left and right datasets, respectively. We assumed that state matrices represent gene expression for varying gene numbers Dx and Dy. Optionally, we allowed additional multimodal readout at both left and right datasets. In addition, let \(C^X\in R_+^N\times N\) and \(C^Y\in R_+^M\times M\) encode spatial similarity among the N samples in X and the M samples in Y, defined through, for example, Euclidean distance in space or similarities in spatial graphs22,81. Optionally, as in previous moscot models, the user may provide marginal distributions \(a\in \varDelta _N\) and \(b\in \varDelta _M\) over spatial samples in left and right datasets. In the context of, these may represent sample-level uncertainties or estimated cell numbers per spot for barcoding-based spatial technologies85,86,87.
The key output of is a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b)\) that links spatial samples across the two datasets. In particular, the ith row Pi,: represents the amount of probability mass transported from spatial sample i in the left dataset to any spatial sample j in the right dataset.
These definitions enabled us to formalize the aim of we sought to find a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b\)) that relates spatial samples across left and right datasets such that their distance in the shared transcriptome space is minimized while the correspondence between spatial arrangements is maximized.
Model description
To quantify the global distance between left and right datasets in the shared transcriptome space, we followed previous moscot models and defined a cost function \(c(x_i,y_j)\) and associated cost matrix \(C\in R_+^N\times M\). The matrix C quantifies expression distance in a shared latent space computed using PCA or scVI60. Using the transcriptome–cost matrix C in the W term and the spatial–cost matrices CX and CY in the GW term, we defined a FGW-type OT problem as for (equation (15)) and solved it using the mirror descent scheme (Supplementary Note 1). For samples with varying cell-type proportions, we optionally allowed for unbalancedness.
Multimodal data and scalability
We included additional multimodal data collected at left and right datasets in the W term. In particular, we followed moscot.time and used concatenated representations or joint latent space learning techniques.
We used the same scalability improvements as for In particular, we achieved fast runtimes on datasets of intermediate size through GPU acceleration and jitting. For atlas-scale left and right datasets, we used low-rank factorizations to achieve linear time and memory complexity (Supplementary Note 2).
Downstream applications supports both joint analysis of several spatial datasets in a CCF and 3D reconstruction of adjacent tissue sections through different alignment policies.
For joint analyses of several spatial datasets, we relied on a predefined CCF. To define such a CCF, one may either use a dedicated computational method or manually designate a spatial sample to serve as the CCF. Given a CCF \(X\in R^N\times D_x\) and R query datasets \(Y^(r)\in R^M_r\times D_r\forall r\in \1,…,R\\), solves a star-policy alignment problem whereby each query Y(r) \(Y^(r)\) is aligned against the central CCF X. To enable joint analysis of all query datasets Y(r) in terms of CCF spatial coordinates, we computed the projection
for projected gene expression \(\widetildeY^(r)\in R^N\times D_r\) and corresponding coupling matrix \(P^(r)\in R_+^N\times M_r\). Solving the star-policy alignment problem with and projecting into CCF coordinates enabled the joint analysis of all spatial query samples \(\Y^(1),…,Y^(R)\\).
For 3D reconstruction of adjacent tissue sections, let \(X^(r)\in R^N_r\times D_r\) represent gene expression of slide r for Nr spatial samples and Dr genes. Furthermore, let \(Z^(r)\in R^N_r\times 2\) represent the corresponding spatial coordinates. We considered R sequential slides, \(r\in \1,…,R\\). To align their coordinate systems, solves a sequential policy alignment problem, whereby each dataset X(r) is aligned against the next dataset X(r + 1) in the sequence. Given the corresponding coupling matrix \(P^(r)\in R_+^N_r\times N_r+1\), slide (r + 1) coordinates are transformed into slide r coordinates using
for \(\widetildeZ^(r+1)\in R^N_r\times 2\). We refer to this as the warping transformation because it nonlinearly warps Z(r + 1) coordinates onto Z(r) coordinates. Alternatively, implements the previously suggested affine-linear transformation. We recommend the warping transformation whenever nonlinear effects between adjacent slides are expected. By designating any reference slide r*, all other coordinate systems can be transformed into Z(r*) coordinates through sequential application of either the warping or the affine transformation.
In either case of the alignment problem, it is possible to further refine the alignment by solving an additional W-type problem on the spatial coordinates.
We interfaced with squidpy81 for further joint analyses of several spatial datasets in a CCF. For example, squidpy can be used to study expression heterogeneity at a defined spatial location in the CCF across several spatial datasets.
Moscot.spatiotemporal to decipher spatiotemporal variation
Model rationale, inputs and outputs
Cellular state-change processes, including development, regeneration and reprogramming, do not unfold in isolation in single cells but in constant communication with the surrounding tissue22. Recent experimental advancements have enabled spatially resolved gene expression measurements at near single-cell resolution across developmental processes. In particular, the Stereo-seq10 technology has been applied to various developmental settings10,33,88,89,90. These experiments produce a time series of gene expression measurements (as in moscot.time), with additional spatial readouts at each time point. With moscot.spatiotemporal, we developed a method to map cells across time points while preserving spatial organization, which enabled us to decipher spatiotemporal variation during complex cell-state changes.
Let \(X\in R^N\times D\) and \(Y\in R^M\times D\) represent pairs of state matrices for N and M spatial samples observed at early (t1) and late (t2) time points, respectively. In addition, as stated for, let \(C^X\in R_+^N\times N\) and \(C^Y\in R_+^M\times M\) encode spatial similarity among the N samples in X and the M samples in Y. Optionally, as in previous moscot models, the user may provide marginal distributions \(a\in \varDelta _N\) and \(b\in \varDelta _M\) over cells at t1 and t2. In the context of moscot.spatiotemporal, these usually correspond to cellular growth and death rates.
The key output of moscot.spatiotemporal is a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b)\) that links samples across the two time points. In particular, the ith row Pi,: represents the amount of probability mass transported from the t1 sample i to any t2 sample j.
These definitions enabled us to formalize the aim of we sought to find a coupling matrix \(P\in U(a,b)\) that relates t1 and t2 samples such that their distance in the shared transcriptome space is minimized. At the same time, the correspondence between spatial arrangements is maximized.
Model description
We used identical definitions to the model, where t1 samples play the part of the left dataset and t2 samples play the part of the right dataset. We adjusted the marginals to accommodate cellular growth and death rates as in the moscot.time model, and we optionally allowed for unbalancedness to handle noisy estimates.
Multimodal data and scalability
We used the same methods as in to include additional multimodal readout at t1 and t2, and we used the same strategy to scale our model to atlas-scale datasets (Supplementary Note 2).
Downstream applications
We extended our model to more than two time points using the same method as in moscot.time, and we supported all downstream analysis functions introduced for moscot.time. We extended the computation of ancestor and descendant probabilities to spatial regions. That is, the cell state P of interest in equation (10) may now represent a spatial region. Thus, enables spatial regionalization to be studied throughout cell-state changes.
We interfaced with squidpy81 for further downstream analyses of spatiotemporal variation. For example, squidpy can be used to study the spatial enrichment of a mapped cell state of interest across the temporal axis.
Temporal analysis
Unless stated otherwise, computations were done using SCANPY19 with default parameters. To obtain driver features for a subset of cells, for example, for a certain cell type, we correlated (Pearson’s or Spearman’s) the density of the pull-back distribution of the considered cell type with the corresponding feature, for example, (processed) gene expression. To compute target genes of a TF, we correlated the density of the push-forward distribution of the expression of the TF with all genes and identified highly correlated genes as target genes. The code is available at GitHub (
Moscot.time on a mouse embryogenesis atlas
The mouse embryogenesis atlas is a collection of data from different sources7,91,92,93,94. These datasets were preprocessed and annotated7, and we downloaded them as Seurat objects from
The authors of the study showed how their embedding computation successfully handled batch effects; therefore, we followed their pipeline and reproduced these representations by selecting genes using the FindVariableFeatures of Seurat (v.3) and batch-correcting the data using FindIntegrationAnchors95. For further analysis using moscot.time in Python, the Seurat objects were transformed into AnnData96 objects using SeuratData97. For the displayed UMAP98 of the E8.0–E8.25 pair of time points, we used the 30-dimensional Seurat PCA latent space and a kNN graph with k = 15.
Comparison of the memory and runtime benchmark between moscot.time and WOT
To investigate method scalability, we ran a memory and runtime benchmark. For this, we subsampled from the E11.5–E12.5 time point pair, which had the largest number of cells out of all time point pairs: 455,124 cells at E11.5 and 292,726 cells at E12.5. We generated 11 subsets of increasing size, each containing the same number of cells at E11.5 and E12.5, with a step size of 25,000 cells, up to a maximum of 275,00 cells in either time point.
We compared the performance of three different approaches: WOT, moscot.time and low-rank moscot.time. For moscot.time, we evaluated the cost function on the fly (online evaluation) to achieve linear memory complexity. For low-rank, we chose rank 2,000 because it showed the best accuracy scores in the low-rank comparison (see below). For the memory benchmark, we ran all algorithms on CPUs, as GPU memory benchmarking is difficult, and memory consumption is likely to be very similar on CPUs. For the runtime benchmark, we ran the moscot.time variants on GPUs, but had to run WOT on CPUs as it cannot make use of GPU acceleration. For entropic regularization of both WOT and moscot.time, we chose \(\epsilon =0.005\). For low-rank moscot.time, we chose \(\epsilon =0.0001\). For the left and right unbalancedness parameters \(\tau _a\) and \(\tau _b\), respectively, we choose \(\tau _a=0.9\) for full rank and \(\tau _a=0.09\) for low rank, and \(\tau _b=0.99995\) for both low rank and full rank. For these unbalancedness parameters, the apoptosis rates fell within the predefined window of 2–4%.
Accuracy benchmark between moscot.time and TOME
We compared the accuracy of the cell transitions inferred using moscot.time and TOME7. TOME is a kNN-based algorithm that was developed specifically for this dataset. For each t2 cell, TOME finds the k = 5 nearest neighbours at t1 and treats these as putative ancestors. By aggregating over cell states at both time points, TOME computes weighted ancestor and descendant relationships on the cell-state level. To improve robustness, TOME median-aggregates the inferred edges over 500 randomly subsampled cell sets, each containing 80% of all cells.
Of note, TOME computes neighbourhood relationships in a 3D UMAP space despite the known pitfalls of low-dimensional nonlinear representations99,100,101. In particular, low-dimensional embeddings such as UMAP or t-SNE102 do not preserve global data topology well103,104; trajectories inferred in such spaces are prone to suffering from projection artefacts. Moreover, TOME lacks the concept of probability mass conservation, whereby a considerable number of cells at t1 can remain without descendants. By contrast, moscot.time computes cell–cell distances in a higher dimensional latent space (30-dimensional PCA in this application), a crucial feature to faithfully describe the data topology of complex developmental state changes. Moreover, moscot.time is a probabilistic approach equipped with a notion of mass conservation grounded on OT.
We applied both moscot.time and TOME to all time-point pairs. Again we chose \(\tau _b\) fixed at 0.9995 and tuned \(\tau _a\) such that the resulting apoptosis rates are biologically plausible (see the section ‘Growth-rate comparison’). For moscot.time, we aggregated the cell-level couplings to cell-state transition rates using the pull-back operation of the corresponding cell state as described above. These cell-state transition rates correspond to the weighted cell-state transition edges obtained using TOME, which enabled direct comparison of both approaches.
Metrics for the accuracy benchmark for germ-layer and cell-type scores
We developed two metrics to evaluate the accuracy of obtained cell-state transitions: one germ-layer metric and one cell-type metric. First, our germ-layer metric aggregated cell states into germ layers and considered transitions within and across germ layers as correct and incorrect, respectively. This metric was motivated by the observation that cells typically do not cross germ layers105. A prominent exception to this rule is the neural crest, for which a transition from neuroectoderm into osteoblast progenitors (mesoderm) was allowed106. We followed the original publication7 in classifying cell types into neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. As in the original study, we excluded transitions between cell types that could not be unambiguously assigned to a germ layer and transitions with edge weights below 0.05.
Second, our cell-type metric compared every predicted transition with a curated set of allowed transitions. To curate the set of allowed transitions during mouse embryogenesis, we conducted an extensive literature search for all 89 cell types present in the data to identify previously reported ancestor and descendant states (Supplementary Table 2).
We computed accuracy scores for the germ-layer and cell-type metrics by dividing the weighted sums over all transitions that satisfied germ-layer boundaries and cell-type restrictions by the weighted sum over all transitions included in the evaluation, whereby weights are given by the edge weight. We mean-aggregated accuracy scores for pre-gastrulation (E3.5–E6.5), gastrulation (E6.5–E8.5) and organogenesis (E8.5–E13.5), for which we combined the accuracy scores of different time pairs by weighting by the amount of cell types for the starting time point.
Embedding robustness comparison
We compared the performance of moscot.time and TOME on two additional embeddings. First, we computed a PCA embedding on highly variable genes, identified using scanpy.pp.highly_variable_genes with default parameters. On these highly variable genes, we then ran to obtain the 30-dimensional PCA embedding used in moscot.time. TOME requires a 3D UMAP embedding. Hence, we used with default parameters and supplied a neighbourhood graph computed in the PCA embedding as input.
Second, we computed a scVI embedding. We split the data into the three stages that corresponded to pre-gastrulation, gastrulation and organogenesis. For each of these stages, we combined all time points into a single AnnData object on which we ran scVI. We used scanpy to compute highly variable genes with flavor=seurat_v3 and subsetted to 2,000 highly variable genes for pre-gastrulation, 3,000 for gastrulation and 5,000 for organogensis. For each stage, we trained a model with default parameters apart from using n_layers=2, n_latent=30, gene_likelihood=‘nb’ in scvi.model.SCVI. Notably, we did not perform any type of batch correction. We used the resulting 30-dimensional embedding directly in moscot.time, whereas for TOME, we ran to obtain the required 3D UMAP embedding.
We then ran moscot.time and TOME as outlined above, using germ-layer and cell-type scores as evaluation criteria. To obtain mappings with realistic apoptosis rates, for moscot.time, we tuned the left unbalancendess parameter \(\tau _a\) for each time point pair and latent representation to fall within the previously described windows (see also the section ‘Growth-rate comparison’).
Consistency checks with WOT
We compared moscot.time with WOT on the smaller time point pairs corresponding to pre-gastrulation and gastrulation stages, for which we could run WOT without memory issues. We ran both methods using the same entropic regularization and unbalancedness parameters and provided the same initial growth rates and median-normalized both cost matrices (default in WOT). We ran both methods until convergence and compared the resulting transport maps.
Comparison of full-rank to low-rank moscot.time for different choices of ranks
We compared full-rank to low-rank moscot.time, considering ranks 10, 100, 1,000 and 2,000. We ran the full-rank version with the exact same parameters as in the TOME comparison above. For the same entropic regularization parameter \(\epsilon \), low-rank transport maps had higher levels of entropy compared with full-rank maps. We used a smaller \(\epsilon \) of 0.0001 for low-rank approaches to counteract this effect. To obtain a good choice for the low-rank gradient step size \(\gamma \), we performed a grid search and found that \(\gamma =500\) was a suitable value. Full-rank moscot.time was run until convergence, whereas low-rank moscot.time was run with a fixed number of 1,000 iterations. We kept the right unbalancedness parameter \(\tau _b\) fixed at 0.99995 and tuned the left unbalancedness parameter \(\tau _a\) such that the apoptosis rates fell within the predefined ranges for the different stages of embryonic development107,108 (Supplementary Table 3).
Growth-rate comparison
Beyond comparisons on the germ-layer and cell-type levels, we wanted to evaluate how moscot.time and TOME compared on the single-cell level. However, the TOME method does not output single-cell transitions; it only reports aggregated cell-type transitions. Thus, to still have a baseline, we implemented a variant of the TOME approach, which we call clTOME, whereby we collected the neighbours that TOME identifies and aggregated them into a single-cell transport matrix. Again, following the original approach, we increased robustness by repeating the process over 500 randomly subsampled datasets, each containing 80% of the original cells. As subsampling also affected the cells of the later time point, we normalized the data such that columns in the early-to-late cell transition matrix summed to one. In other words, each t2 cell received the same unit mass of incoming transition probability. We did this to make the TOME and moscot.time transport matrices comparable, as the column-sum of the moscot.time transport matrix is close to uniformity because of the high unbalancedness parameter \(\tau _b\) of 0.99995. This interpretation of the kNN approach enabled us to define cell–cell coupling matrices in clTOME. Analogous to moscot.time, we used pull and push operations (see section ‘moscot.time for mapping cells across time’) to compute ancestors and descendants.
We computed cell-level couplings across time points using moscot.time and clTOME, excluding extraembryonic tissues to avoid introducing additional variance from the experimental protocol. For moscot.time, we did not initialize the growth rates using marker genes to enable a fair comparison with clTOME, which does not support such initialization. Instead, we ran moscot.time with uniform marginals and used unbalancedness to learn growth rates de novo. As before, we set \(\tau _b=0.99995\) and chose \(\tau _a\) such that the resulting predicted fraction of apoptotic cells lies within a biologically reasonable range107,108 (Supplementary Table 3). For both methods, we calculated growth rates through the left marginal (row sum) of the corresponding coupling matrix, \(\sum _jP_ij\). To avoid overcrowding our histograms of growth rates per cell type, we only showed the five cell types with most cells per time point.
An important aspect of interpreting trained OT growth rates (marginals) with biological growth rates is adjusting for the number of cells in the embryo. Specifically, we computed the change in population size between two time points, \(s=|e_1″”e_2|\) where \(|e_1|\) and \(|e_2|\) represent the estimated cell number at early and late embryo stages, respectively. Next, we scaled the mean growth rate of t1 cells by multiplying with the average number of ancestors s to obtain biologically interoperable growth rates. To obtain an estimate of the apoptosis rate, we calculated, for each cell, the difference between 1 and the scaled growth rate gi. If for a particular cell gi is smaller than 1, on average (1 – gi) of this cell dies.
By summing over these differences for all t1 cells for which the scaled growth rate was smaller than 1, we calculated the predicted number of dying cells at t1. We divided the sum by the total number of t1 cells in the dataset to obtain estimated apoptosis rates. We ran the above calculations independently for all time points for moscot.time and clTOME. We chose the target apoptotic range by combining information from various publications18,107,108,109,110,111. We chose the target apoptotic range for pre-gastrulation to be 10–15% apoptotic cells, 4–6% for gastrulation and 2–4% for organogenesis. For the time pair E8.5a–E8.5b, for which not real time passes but there is a transition in experimental methods, we aimed for a relatively high apoptosis rate of 10–40% to allow for the correction of sampling biases.
Correlating predicted growth rates with gene-set-based growth rates
To validate predicted growth rates, we correlated them with cell-cycle scores computed on the basis of marker gene expression using scanpy through In brief, the scanpy implementation of gene scoring follows the original suggestion in Seurat (v.1)112: it averages over genes in the supplied gene set, normalized by the average expression of a reference set of genes. For this comparison, we initialized marginals uniformly so that our algorithm was not aware of growth rates and we could use this information for validation.
We applied this strategy to a different dataset that comprised reprogramming mouse embryonic fibroblasts2. This dataset was better suited for the growth-rate comparison for two reasons. First, the gene set we used to score the cell cycle based on scRNA-seq data was tailored to mouse fibroblasts and haematopoietic stem cells113. Applying this gene set to the mouse embryogenesis atlas gave haematopoietic lineages consistently higher scores than other cell types, which contradicted previous biological findings114. Second, the mouse embryogenesis atlas represents an in vivo setting, for which each time point corresponds to a different individual, thereby leading to strong variations in cell-type proportions across time points, which are not driven by cellular growth and death but by cellular sampling effects. In particular, extraembryonic tissues were subject to large systematic sampling biases, most likely due to variations in sample handling.
By contrast, the mouse embryonic fibroblast reprogramming dataset was better suited given our gene set, and, as an in vitro setting, contained fewer biases in cell-type frequencies driven by cell sampling. We ran moscot.time using an entropic regularization of 0.0005 and unbalancedness parameters \(\tau _a=0.98\) and \(\tau _b=0.99995\). We then computed clTOME growth rates on the same dataset. We computed the cell-cycle scores using through the implementation of moscot with the gene set determined for mouse fibroblast and haematopoietic stem cells.
Comparison in terms of driver-gene correlations
To further assess the cell-level couplings predicted by moscot.time and TOME, we reasoned that high correlations between ancestor probabilities and known driver genes for a cell state are indicative of the success of the method. Thus, for the cell states described in the main text, we computed the ancestor distributions predicted using moscot.time and clTOME (see the section ‘moscot.time for mapping cells across time’). To exclude the influence of driver genes involved in unrelated differentiation events, we restricted the correlation computation to known progenitor populations. For each pulled cell state, we curated a list of known driver genes (Supplementary Table 4), filtered the list to contain only highly variable genes at the corresponding time point and imputed their expression using the decoder output of scVI with get_normalized_expression. After filtering to highly variable genes, we retained 36 genes for definitive endoderm, 18 genes for allantois, 39 genes for the first heart field and 106 genes for the pancreatic epithelium. We calculated Spearman’s correlation values between these imputed expression values and predicted ancestor distributions using scipy.stats.spearmanr115.
Metacell analysis
Another way to accelerate the computation of mappings is to aggregate cells into metacells. To investigate the performance of this possibility, we computed metacells using the popular Metacell-2 algorithm21 on E9.5 cells. However, we found that for the rare cell state primordial germ cells (30 cells or 0.03% of the population), no metacell was created, which made the inference of progenitors and ancestors of this cell state impossible.
We also computed metacells on the E10.5–E11.5 pair of time points and used moscot for temporal mapping, both on the single-cell and metacell levels. For this, we adjusted the marginals, making them proportional to the number of cells in the corresponding metacell. We chose \(\epsilon =0.005,\tau _b=0.99995\) and \(\tau _a=0.8\) such that the resulting apoptosis rate was in the range of 2–4%. To enable a fair comparison with moscot ran on single cells, we mapped the metacell coupling matrix back to the level of single cells. We then evaluated mapping accuracy using the curated cell-type and germ-layer transition scores as well as the correlation of E11.5 pancreatic epithelium ancestor probabilities with known driver genes for pancreas development. For the curated cell-type and germ-layer transitions, we set the threshold of transitions to consider to zero because the transition matrix from the metacell analysis contained many small entries.
Moscot.time on multimodal pancreas development
Dataset generation
Embryonic pancreata from NVF homozygous mice were collected and pooled together (8 pancreata from E14.5 and 11 pancreata from E15.5 for the first experiment (exp-1), and 10 pancreata from E15.5 and 10 pancreata from E16.5 for the second experiment (exp-2)). Trypsin (0.25%) was added to the samples for 5 min on ice and then incubated at 37 °C for 10 min. The single-cell samples were centrifuged at 1700 r.p.m. (290g) for 5 min at 4 °C. After removing the supernatant, cells were counted. Next, 5 µl rat IgG2a K isotype control (eBioscience, 12-4321-42) and anti-mouse CD326 (EpCAM) PE (eBioscience, 12-5791-81) was used for 1 × 106 cells (100 µl total volume). Samples were stained for 30 min at 4 °C following staining with DAPI to detect dead cells. After washing twice and resuspending in FACS buffer (PBS, 1% BSA and 0.5 mM EDTA), the single-cell samples were loaded for FACS analysis. The following gating strategy was used: main population > single-cells > living cells (DAPI–) > EpCAM+ (PE+) and NGN3+ (FITC+)/NGN3– (FITC–) cells. Sorted cells were pooled in a 2:1 (EpCAM+NGN3+: EpCAM+NGN3–) ratio and immediately used for isolation of nuclei.
To isolate nuclei, a low-input nucleus isolation protocol adapted from 10x Genomics was performed. In brief, sorted cells were washed once with 1 ml PBS + 1% BSA, counted on the basis of Trypan blue staining and centrifuged. Subsequently, the washed cell pellet was resuspended in chilled lysis buffer (50 μl per sample) and placed on ice for 4 min. Then, wash buffer (500 μl per sample) was added and nuclei were centrifuged. To gradually change from wash to diluted nucleus buffer, cells were washed once in a 1:1 mixture of wash buffer and diluted nucleus buffer and subsequently once with pure diluted nucleus buffer. The washed isolated nuclei were then resuspended in 7–10 μl diluted nucleus buffer and were, after quality control and counting, immediately used for single-cell multiome library preparation with a target recovery of 10,000 cells.
Libraries were prepared using the Chromium Next GEM Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression Reagent Bundle (10x Genomics, 1000283) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Libraries were sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq6000 platform following the recommendations from 10x Genomics. Raw reads from both experiments were jointly aligned to the GRCm38 mouse genome with Ensembl release 102 annotations and pre-processed using the 10x Genomics CellRangerARC pipeline (v.2.0.2) for downstream analyses.
We preprocessed the samples independently for gene expression and chromatin accessibility. Peaks were taken from the CellRanger output independently for each sample and subsequently merged.
With respect to gene expression, all cells with a mitochondrial gene fraction higher than 0.025 in E14.5 or higher than 0.02 in E15.5 were removed in exp-1. For exp-2, all cells in E15.5 with a mitochondrial gene fraction higher than 0.015 were removed, and the threshold for E16.5 was set to 0.02. Moreover, for exp-1, cells with fewer than 4,000 counts or more than 30,000 counts were removed in E14.5, and cells with fewer than 5,000 counts or more than 40,000 counts were removed in E15.5. For exp-2, the lower thresholds for both time points were chosen to be 3,000, whereas cells with a total gene count of at least 60,000 and 70,000 were removed for time point E15.5 and E16.5, respectively. All cells with fewer than 2,300 genes expressed were filtered out for E14.5 (exp-1). The analogous thresholds for E15.5 (exp-1), E15.5 (exp-2) and E16.5 (exp-2) were set to 2,700, 2,000 and 2,000, respectively.
Concerning ATAC modality, all cells in E14.5 (exp-1) with nucleome signals lower than 0.35 or higher than 1.75 were removed. All cells with transcription start site enrichment scores lower than 2.5 or higher than 7.5 were filtered out. Cells were also removed if their total open-chromatin region count was below 4,000 or above 150,000. Analogously, the minimum nucleosome signal was set to 0.3, 0.35 and 0.25 for E15.5 (exp-1), E15.5 (exp-2) and E16.5 (exp-2), respectively, whereas the upper threshold of the nucleosome signal was chosen to be 1.75, 1.5 and 1.4, respectively. Moreover, the lower threshold of the transcription start site enrichment score was set to 2.75, 2.5 and 2.5 for E15.5 (exp-1), E15.5 (exp-2) and E16.5 (exp-2), respectively, whereas the upper one was set to 10.5, 8 and 7.5, respectively. The lower total peak counts threshold was set to 4,000 for E15.5 (exp-1), E15.5 (exp-2) and E16.5 (exp-2), whereas the upper one was set to 100,000, 160,000 and 170,000, respectively.
After concatenation of the two samples, genes that were detected in fewer than 20 cells were filtered, which resulted in 20,244 genes.
Doublets were identified using a mean prediction of multiple doublet-detection methods. We used Scrublet116, scDblFinder117, DoubletDetection118, scds119, SOLO120 and DoubletFinder121. To identify doublets based on ATAC counts, we used AMULET122. Whenever at least three single methods out of the seven methods rated a cell to be a doublet, we considered the cell as doublet. In total, 12.60% doublets were identified in sample E14.5 (exp-1), 10.73% doublets in E15.5 (exp-1), 16.68% doublets in E15.5 (exp-2) and 15.11% doublets in E16.5 (exp-2).
Subsequently, clustering in MultiVI62 embedding was repeatedly performed, and clusters with a large majority of identified doublets were removed.
Cell-type annotation
To construct a weighted nearest neighbour graph, an embedding of both modalities is needed. Therefore, before performing a PCA (50 dimensions) on the log1P-tranformed gene expression data, the count data were normalized using SCTransform123 and cell-cycle genes and ambient genes were discarded. Ambient genes were identified using DropletUtils124. The ATAC data were processed by term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) normalization followed by singular-value decomposition using Signac, computing the first 50 singular components. Owing to a high correlation with the sequencing depth, the first and the fifth components were removed. Having computed respective embeddings for GEX and ATAC, we constructed a weighted nearest neighbour graph using MUON125 and used it for multimodal, unsupervised clustering. Unless stated otherwise, this is also the graph on which we computed UMAPs.
Annotation was performed on the basis of the expression of marker genes as reported in previous studies34,42,113,126,127,128 (Supplementary Table 9) and cell-cycle scores for the proliferating populations computed using It is important to mention that we identified a cluster branching off the Ngn3High population, which we found to express similar genes as a cluster called Fev+ epsilon as previously described34. In fact, neither the cluster reported in that study34 nor the cluster found in our new dataset has a substantially high expression of Fev (Supplementary Fig. 28). Hence, we labelled this cluster as epsilon progenitors.
To arrive at the finer resolution of cell types as shown in Fig. 3e, subclustering was performed on the same neighbourhood graph (incorporating both modalities).
The moscot.time model
We computed the cost matrix defining the OT problem between E14.5 and E15.5 using the 30-nearest neighbours graph (computed with scanpy.pp.nearest_neighbors) on the MultiVI embedding to compute distances based on heat kernel diffusion (Supplementary Note 5). Hence, this graph was constructed on a different embedding than the one we used for unsupervised clustering to reduce the bias to one embedding.
Two moscot models were run on the basis of the weighted nearest neighbour graph for which construction is described above. First, a model was run on the full dataset. The moscot.time model was run with default parameters, but a bit of unbalancedness was introduced by setting \(\tau _a=\tau _b=0.99\). In detail, the regularization parameter \(\rm\epsilon \) was set to 10–3 and the cost matrix was scaled by its mean. To guarantee convergence, the number of iterations was increased to 107. Uniform marginals were chosen because the large abundance of highly proliferating ductal cells would have marginalized the influence of less-abundant cell types. It is also important to note that the dataset is FACS-sorted; therefore, proportions of initially sequenced cells are highly biased and do not reflect the true cell-type distribution. This also causes the final model to not predict descendants (ancestors) across one day (wall clock time). In effect, the directionality of the developmental process is kept, whereas its magnitude does not reflect ground-truth biological progress.
For the analysis of the endocrine branch, the OT solution was computed on a reduced dataset that only contained endocrine cells (alpha, beta, delta and epsilon) and their progenitors (cells labelled as Fev+ alpha, Fev+ beta, Fev+ delta, epsilon progenitors, Fev+, Ngn3High, Ngn3High cycling or Ngn3Low). Again, uniform marginals were chosen because the proliferation and apoptosis scores obtained from TemporalProblem.score_genes_for_marginals were almost constant. The OT solution was computed using standard parameters provided by moscot.
Studying the influence of the embedding and cost function
To demonstrate the stability of the OT predictions, we ran moscot with different hyperparameters, including the choice of the latent embedding (incorporating only one modality, that is, PCA space of gene expression, VAE embedding of gene expression (scVI space129), LSI space of ATAC, VAE embedding of peaks (PoissonATAC space), as well as incorporating both modalities by concatenation of the spaces (PCA–LSI, PCA–PoissonVI63, scVI–LSI and scVI–PoissonVI) as well as the MultiVI62) and the choice of cost (squared Euclidean, cosine cost, geodesics from heat diffusion with different number of neighbours \(k\in [\mathrm5,\; 10,\; 30,\; 50,\; 100]\)). This resulted in 63 different configurations of hyperparameters of the moscot model. We measured the stability using two metrics. We globally analysed the stability of the transport matrix by computing the Sinkhorn divergence between the transport plan aggregated to cell-type level and the aggregated transport plan of the moscot predictions we used to analyse the pancreas dataset throughout the rest of the article. Second, we assessed the stability with respect to the research question of the origin of delta and epsilon cells by measuring the differences in the probability of certain cell-type transitions. We also report the transitions from Fev+ beta cells to beta cells, which is biologically confirmed. We compared the mean (and s.d.) across all 63 configurations with the predictions of the outer coupling. We observed that the mean Sinkhorn divergence was much lower than the Sinkhorn divergence between the reference coupling and the outer coupling, which meant that all couplings are close to the reference coupling, which has been used throughout the article. Similarly, we observed much higher cell-type to cell-type transitions than those obtained with the outer coupling.
We aggregated the computed transport matrix to the cell-type level (A) and consecutively column-normalized to obtain probabilities of ancestry. We then computed the Sinkhorn divergence between the aggregated transport matrix A and the aggregated transport matrix of the reference B, which is the moscot coupling we used for the analysis of the pancreas dataset. The cost of the Sinkhorn divergence was chosen as a binary distance, that is, only with entries 0 and 1. We also considered the following transitions: delta from Fev+ delta; epsilon from epsilon progenitors; epsilon from Fev+ delta; Fev+ delta from epsilon progenitors; and beta from Fev+ beta (as a biologically known transition). We compared the values of these transitions with the transitions we obtained with the outer coupling.
We also report the probabilities of delta cells as being directly derived from Ngn3Low, a transition that is biologically implausible. Here we saw that the choice of the cost function mattered a lot, but was independent of the embedding. That is, when using the squared Euclidean cost or the cosine cost, we observed a significant proportion of this transition, whereas with the geodesic cost, we did not observe this transition.
Driver feature analysis with moscot.time
We computed driver features by correlating the density of the pull-back distribution with feature values. Moreover, when analysing the transition from epsilon to alpha cells, we excluded the Fev+ alpha population (the main progenitor cell type of alpha cells) from the set of considered cell types. That is, we set their ancestry probability to zero. This helped identify genes that are particularly activated in the epsilon cells when correlating the pull-back distribution with the processed gene expression.
Marker regions of chromatin accessibility
To identify marker regions of chromatin accessibility, a Wilcoxon test was run by calling FindMarkers provided in Seurat. The test was performed with default settings and the considered cell type was run with respect to all remaining cell types (subset to endocrine cells and endocrine progenitors; that is, Ngn3Low, Ngn3High, epsilon progenitors, Fev+, Fev+ delta, Fev+ alpha, Fev+ beta, alpha, beta, delta and epsilon).
Motif analysis
Motif data were downloaded from cisBP130. Position weight matrices and corresponding visualizations and metadata were downloaded as a bulk download after filtering by species (Mus musculus) on 1 March 2023. cisBP contains data from both experimentally measured binding activities and inferred ones (for example, from other species). TFs with DNA-binding domain amino-acid similarities above a certain threshold (defined for each DNA-binding domain class separately and provided by cisBP) were also considered as binding candidates.
We defined a TF to have an association with a motif if it was either directly measured or inferred and had a sufficiently high DNA-binding domain amino-acid similarity. That is, is reported as such by cisBP. This way, one motif can have an association with multiple TFs and one TF can have an association with multiple motifs.
To obtain motif scores on a single-cell level, chromVAR was run using the API provided in Signac. In effect, AddMotifs was called, followed by RunChromVAR. To obtain marker motifs with moscot, we considered the temporal order of gene expression and activity of a motif. Of note, moscot comes with a list of TFs for different species (human, mouse and Drosophila) obtained from the SCENIC+ database131. Thus, we computed driver TFs using the capability of moscot to compute driver features. Moreover, we performed a differential motif-activity test (Wilcoxon test using scanpy’s rank_genes_groups) based on the ChromVAR scores. Subsequently, we identified our marker motifs by combining these two sources of information. Therefore, we only kept marker TFs for which we had an associated TF.
Cell-cycle analysis
We used the pancreatic endocrinogenesis dataset. As we studied the cell cycle in proliferative ductal cells, we removed immature and mature acinar cells. Consecutively, we computed OT couplings between E14.5 and E15.5, as well as between E15.5 and E16.5 on the shared MultiVI embedding (as for the main analysis of this dataset). Consecutively, we assigned cell-cycle phases as proposed132,133 to all proliferative ductal cells. By aggregating the transport matrix to cell-cycle-phase annotations and consecutive row normalization, we obtained transition probabilities for cell-cycle phase i to cell-cycle phase j (with ordered cell-cycle phases being defined as G1S, S, G2M, M and MG1). Note that we did not take transitions into account, which include non-cycling cells. In effect, the aggregated matrix A represents the probability that a cell of the early time in one cell-cycle phase transitions to a certain cell-cycle phase in the later time point. Correct (or wrong) directionality means that cells in cell-cycle phase i are more (or less) likely to transition to cell-cycle phase i + 1 rather than to cell-cycle phase i – 1. Here we assumed that i + 1 = 1 if i = 5 (hence the transition from MG1 (index 5) to G1S (index 1)) and i – 1 = 5 if i = 1 (hence the transition from G1S (index 1) to MG1 (index 5)) to close the circle. In other words, we considered a transition i to i – 1 as bad (wrong direction) and i to i + 1 as good (right direction). Thus, we were able to build a score from the 5-by-5 aggregated transport matrix A by adding the scores \(-A_i,i-1\) (note the minus) and \(+A_i,i+1\) (note the plus). If the score was positive, this meant that the direction is correct (as more cells go from stage i to i + 1 than from stage i to stage i – 1). We computed the score for both transitions E14.5–E15.5 and E15.5–E16.5, and performed a permutation test (by permuting all non-diagonal entries of A) with 10,000 permutations.
Trajectory inference with different trajectory-inference methods
We used diffusion pseudo-time134, scVelo39, veloVI135, MultiVelo136, CytoTrace137 and the ConnectivityKernel16 in CellRank to predict trajectories in the pancreatic endocrinogenesis dataset. As we were interested in the endocrine-cell trajectories, we filtered the dataset to endocrine cells and their progenitors. We then applied the GPCCA estimator in CellRank to each corresponding trajectory-inference kernel. To compute fate probabilities, we used compute_fate_probabilities and aggregate_fate_probabilities to plot the fate probabilities and aggregated cell-type to cell-type transition matrices. We used the plot_projection method to generate the stream embedding plots. We used all default arguments provided for the methods, and only increased max_epochs in VeloVI to 50. When using graphs, we used the WNN graph as described above. For building the RealTimeKernel with moscot, we set the weight of the ConnectivityKernel to 0.001 to strengthen the influence of moscot and weaken the influence of the ConnectivityKernel. We highlight that the transition probabilities computed with CellRank rely on a different procedure than the transition probabilities we computed with moscot.
Labelling of the quality of trajectory-inference methods
To assess the reliability of the trajectory-inference methods, we assessed their performance by focusing on the well-studied fate probabilities of the alpha and beta cell lineage. In effect, we consider the fate probabilities of alpha, beta, Fev+ alpha and Fev+ beta cells, with alpha, beta, delta and epsilon being possible lineages. We considered a transition to be correct if the highest fate probability is the biologically most likely one (that is, alpha→alpha, Fev+ alpha→alpha, beta→beta, Fev+ beta→beta). Finally, we assigned a method a green dot if all of the four transitions are correct, an orange dot if three out of four transitions are correct, and a red dot for other outcomes.
Assessment of the consistency with the fate probabilities of moscot
To assess the consistency of the predictions between the mode and moscot, we computed the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between aggregated fate probabilities as output using CellRank.
Diffusion pseudotime based on different modalities
For studying the influence of the modality for the prediction of diffusion pseudotime, we constructed a graph (using scanpy.pp.neighbors with default parameters) based on the PCA for the gene expression and LSI for the ATAC modality. For diffusion pseudotime computation, we used the weighted nearest neighbour implementation in muon with default parameters.
Interpretability of the transport map with Sparse Monge
We applied sparse Monge (described above) to endocrine progenitors in time points E15.5 and E16.5. We selected the most highly variable genes using scanpy.pp.highly_variable_genes with the default configuration, that is, flavor=‘seurat’. This resulted in 2,551 highly variable genes. We then transported the cells from E15.5 to cells in E16.5 in normalized and log1P-transformed space, using the elastic L1 cost with regularizor \(\gamma =10\) (equation (13)). As previously described47, we then identified relevant genes per single cell by determining whether the displacement of a cell is higher than 10–6. Subsequently, we referred to this cell-specific set of genes as important genes. We identified the most relevant genes per cell type by computing the fraction of cells of this cell type to have the gene as an important gene. For recovering variability in fate decisions, we computed a nearest neighbour graph (k = 50) and computed the Jaccard similarity between the important genes of the cell considered and the important genes of the neighbourhood. We computed one minus this score to obtain a notion of dissimilarity.
Gene KO of NEUROD2 and iPS cell differentiation to pancreatic endocrine cells
All statistical analyses were performed using one-way analysis of variance with GraphPad Prism 10.
In vitro differentiation of iPS cells to pancreatic endocrine cells
Two homozygous NEUROD2 KO, nuclear H2B-Venus reporter (NEUROD2nVenus/nVenus) iPS cell clones and the heterozygous hiPSC-INS-T2A-H2B-Cherry reporter (INSCherry/WT) iPS cell line (as the control) were used. We used the multistep differentiation protocol for in vitro differentiation of iPS cells into endocrine and islet cells that includes the stage (S) definitive endoderm (S1), primitive gut tube (S2), pancreatic progenitor 1 (PP1) (S3), PP2 (S4) and endocrine lineage (S5, 6) as previously described138,139. The C-peptide–mCherry reporter human iPS cell line (HMGUi001-A-8) and NEUROD2nVenus/nVenus iPS cell clones (HMGUi001-A-42) were used. All cell lines were routinely tested to ensure that they were negative for mycoplasma. The sample size was determined on the basis of the available experimental data. Antibodies used were goat anti-somatostatin, 1:300, polyclonal (D-20) (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, SC-7819) and mouse anti-ghrelin, 1:250, monoclonal (2F4) (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, SC-293422).
RNA extraction and qPCR analysis
Total RNA was isolated from samples using a miRNeasy mini kit (Qiagen). Reverse transcription was then performed using a SuperScript Vilo cDNA synthesis kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Predesigned TaqMan probes (Life Technologies) were used for qPCR analysis (sequences listed in Supplementary Table 1). The reaction mix for each sample contained 20 ng cDNA, 4.5 µl nuclease-free water, 5 µl TaqMan Advanced master mix (Life Technologies) and 0.5 µl TaqMan probe (Life Technologies). The reactions were run on a QuantStudio 7 Flex instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific). GAPDH was used as the reference gene for normalization. To preserve the spread in the data and to facilitate statistical analysis assuming equal variance, Ct values from KO samples were normalized to the average control value140. Data from independent samples within a single qPCR run were analysed together (more detail is provided in the source data). The following primers were used: Hs02758991_g1 for GAPDH, Hs00356144_m1 for SST, Hs01074053_m1 for GHRL, Hs02741908_m1 for INS, Hs01031536_m1 for GCG and Hs00242160_m1 for HHEX.
Immunostaining and imaging
Cryosection preparation, fixing and immunostaining were performed as previously described45. The following primary antibodies were used: somatostatin (D-20) goat polyclonal (Santa Cruz sc-7819) and ghrelin mouse monoclonal (Santa Cruz sc-293422). Pictures were taken using a Leica DMI 6000 microscope with using LAS AF software. Images were analysed and quantified using LAS AF and ImageJ software programs.
Spatial analysis
Benchmarking across a range of spatial datasets
We benchmarked the mapping problem of moscot against two state-of-the art methods, Tangram23 and gimVI24, as implemented in scVI tools60. We used previously published datasets25. From these datasets, we selected ones that we were able to reprocess, which resulted in 14 that we considered for the benchmark. Furthermore, in contrast to the original benchmark, we did not use the single-cell dataset as reference, as we were not confident that such data represented a faithful ground-truth for comparing the methods. Therefore, we split the spatial dataset such that 50% of the data points were treated as the single-cell reference and 50% were treated as spatial data. We also explicitly maintained the data type as input consistent with model requirements. Therefore, we normalized and log1P-transformed counts for both moscot and Tangram and we kept raw unnormalized counts for gimVI. We randomly held out 100 genes if the total number of genes in a dataset was >2,000, otherwise we held out 10 genes. We trained models on the remaining genes and evaluated performance using Spearman’s correlation. We report the mean Spearman’s correlations across three random seeds (including random seeds both for dataset split and initialization and training routines). For some datasets, Tangram or gimVI could not be run either due to time complexity (we set a maximum budget of 5 GPU h–1 for each method to run) or errors of the models (for example, an inability to match gene identifiers between training and imputed data).
Specifically, we ran the sweep on the following parameters:
moscot: epsilon entropy regularization parameter, alpha interpolation parameter between W term and GW term, and tau_a unbalancedness term for the spatial dataset (source). For the cost, we tried cosine and squared Euclidean cost for the linear and quadratic term and joint_attr; that is, the representation to use for the linear term. We assessed both PCA and gene expression on a common set of genes present in both spatial and single-cell datasets.
Tangram: learning rate and number of epochs.
gimVI: number of epochs and number of latent dimensions.
We also report memory and time complexity for each algorithm across datasets and seeds. All experiments were run on GPUs on the Helmholtz Cluster (mix of V100 and A100 GPUs).
Spatial correspondence
Spatial correspondence was computed as follows. First, we computed n increasing spatial distance (Euclidean) thresholds between all data points in the dataset. Then, at each threshold level, we computed the gene-expression similarity (Euclidean distance) between all genes in all the spots for which (Euclidean) distance was below the selected threshold. The spatial correspondence was then calculated as the Pearson’s correlation between gene-expression similarity and the spatial-distance thresholds. The computation is implemented as a method of moscot’s mapping problem. on the liver
We applied the mapping problem of to the mouse liver dataset from Vizgen MERSCOPE downloaded from We processed the dataset following standard scanpy and squidpy processing. For the single-cell reference, we downloaded the CITE-seq dataset from, which was reported in a previous study26. We used the mapping problem in the following way: we used the set of 336 common genes for the linear term, whereas for the quadratic term, we used the PCA of gene expression for the single-cell reference dataset and the PCA gene expression concatenated to the spatial coordinates for the spatial dataset. We then performed the gene expression and protein imputation by computing the barycentric projection (equation (16)) of protein expression to the spatial dataset. The same barycentric projection approach was also used to transfer annotations of cell types from the single-cell reference to the spatial dataset. on spatial ATAC–seq data
To benchmark whether leveraging the multimodal representation improves modality mapping, we considered a previously processed dataset for joint multimodal RNA and ATAC profiling of human tonsils141. The dataset consists of a single slide of human tonsil biopsy samples, profiled with a modified version of the DBiT-seq technology, which is able to profile both chromatin accessibility and gene expression for the same capture locations. In total, the dataset consists of 2,500 unique capture locations. We performed feature selection, PCA and dimensionality reduction with UMAP with the standard Scanpy workflow. We randomly split the dataset into two parts and used the first half as the proxy single-cell dataset, which consisted of gene-expression and chromatin-accessibility information, and the second half as the proxy spatial dataset, which consisted of gene-expression and spatial coordinates. We then set out to evaluate whether utilizing the additional modality for the quadratic term in the mapping problem would improve the prediction of chromatin accessibility in the ATAC case. We used the ATAC information for the spatial dataset only for evaluation, which was measured using the Pearson’s correlation of peak accessibility as predicted by the barycentric projection of the single-cell dataset. In particular, we evaluated the average correlation of the top ten marker peaks for the seven clusters provided by the authors, which resulted in a total of 70 accessibility peaks. All experiments were run on GPUs on the Helmholtz Cluster (mix of V100 and A100 GPUs). Benchmarks were run using Hydra.
Benchmarking of on simulated data
We benchmarked the alignment problem of moscot against two other state-of-the-art alignment methods: PASTE4 and GPSA30. We chose the same computational budgets across all methods; that is, 12 unique sets of hyperparameters:
Moscot: epsilon (entropy regularization parameter) and alpha (interpolation parameter between W term and GW term).
PASTE: alpha (interpolation parameter between W term and GW term) and norm (scaling of the cost matrix).
GPSA: kernel (kernel for the Gaussian Process), n_epochs (number of epochs) and lr (learning rate).
Owing to the inability to run GPSA on GPUs, we ran all methods on CPUs. We generated four synthetic datasets based on the data generation described in the GPSA publication30. In brief, samples from random normal distribution were generated to build a synthetic gene-expression file arranged in a grid. Points were then randomly subsampled by a fraction of 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 of the original datasets, so that the total number of points did not match in the source and target dataset. This approach was similar to the previously used benchmark settings4,30. However, to make all three methods comparable, we used the barycentric projection (equation (16)) of spatial coordinates with respect to the coupling for both PASTE and moscot. Because of the low sample size of the experiments, we ran moscot in full-rank mode (as opposed to low-rank mode). Larger datasets, such as the one analysed in the main text, would be prohibitively large for both PASTE and GPSA. on mouse brain coronal sections
We applied the alignment problem of moscot to a large-scale MERFISH dataset from Vizgen MERSCOPE ( Specifically, two sections of the mouse coronal brain. We aligned three samples from three different mice for each section. We performed the first alignment with the alignment problem of moscot in the affine mode (equation (17)). Thus, two out of the three slices were aligned to the remaining one, which was chosen as the reference. Furthermore, we performed a second alignment on FGW-aligned coordinates with a W-type problem to obtain an improved warped alignment. This turned out to prove useful in low-rank settings. We performed the same operations for both triplets of coronal sections.
Gene-consistency analysis of aligned slices
We assessed the quality of the alignment based on gene expression only, as we did not have cell-type annotations for the brain sections of interest. To this end, we computed the neighbour graph in the aligned space using squidpy (kNN mode with at least 30 neighbours for each observation). Then, for each gene, we filtered cells with no expression and retrieved neighbours of the reference section (0) from the two other sections (1 and 2). We then assessed the gene-expression histogram across all cells in the query sections that were neighbours in the reference section and reported the expression of the gene of interest. We performed this analysis across all genes and reported the L1 Wasserstein distance between gene-expression histograms. A low L1 Wasserstein distance between the gene-expression density of the query section and the gene-expression density of the reference section meant that the set of cells in the reference is similar to the matched cells of the aligned section. Conversely, if the L1 Wasserstein distance was high, it meant that neighbouring cells in the query and reference slides are not similar in gene-expression distribution, which therefore highlights a potential mismatch in the alignment. It should be noted that a source of such a mismatch could also be the intrinsic biological variability between tissue sections. Nevertheless, because we did not have access to tissue-section annotations, we decided to use the gene-expression similarity metric described above to quantitatively evaluate alignment consistency. We further evaluated whether the distribution of L1 Wasserstein distance between query and reference sections showed a correlation with the mean expression of the gene. We did not observe a strong association, which highlighted the fact that this analysis is robust to gene-expression variability. All results are reported in Supplementary Fig. 14.
Spatiotemporal analysis of mouse embryogenesis Stereo-seq data
We used a previously published mouse embryogenesis Stereo-seq dataset10. The data were preprocessed and annotated by the authors of that study and available for download as AnnData objects from In the reported analysis, for full embryo mapping, we used Mouse_embryo_all_stage.h5ad, a file that contains a single slide for each time point and annotations to major tissue and organs (hereafter referred to as annotations). This file was also used to extract brain bins from early time points. For the latest time point, E16.5, we used the detailed brain annotation slide given in 16.5_E1S3_cell_bin_whole_brain.h5ad. For each section, we used the ‘count’ layer and performed standard preprocessing with scanpy. We filtered bins (min_genes = 200) and genes (min_cells = 3), normalized cell counts and log-transformed the data.
To perform analysis over brain bins, and to transfer the annotation from E16.5 to earlier time points (E13.5–E15.5), we extracted bins annotated as ‘brain’ from the full embryo AnnData object and merged them with the E16.5 annotated brain AnnData object.
Mapping accuracy
We used moscot.spatiotemporal on each time pair of the data and calculated annotation-transition rates. We compared the accuracy to moscot.time, TOME7 and PASTE2 (ref. 31) using the germ-layer and annotation-transition accuracy as described above. In both moscot settings, we fixed epsilon (\(\epsilon =1e-4\)), used the unbalanced low-rank approach, used rank \(=\,500\), \(\gamma =100\) and performed a grid search for \(\tau _a,\tau _b\in \\mathrm0.01,\; 0.05,\; 1.0\\). We included biologically informed priors using growth-rate and death-rate modelling computed by moscot. For moscot.spatiotemporal, we also performed a grid search for the interpolation parameter \(\alpha \in \\mathrm0.0,\; 0.2,\; 0.4,\; 0.6,\; 0.8,\; 0.9\\). To assess TOME performance, we followed the code base For PASTE2 evaluation, we used published code However, owing to scaling limitations, we subsampled the data at each time point to n = 2,000 cells. We evaluated performance over subsamples from ten different random seeds.
Moscot analysis
Using dedicated analysis functions in moscot, we identified TF driver genes and putative target genes for the liver. For the analysis of driver genes, we first computed the pull-back of liver annotation from each pair of time points. Next, driver genes were obtained using moscot.compute_features_correlation between the aggregated pull-back and gene expression. Similarly, for the identification of target genes, we computed the push-forward of Hnf4a across time points and evaluated its correlation with gene expression.
Mapping annotations across time points
We used the detailed cell-type annotation provided for E16.5 brain to infer annotations of earlier time points. We mapped bins across time points using a higher rank (rank = 10,000), now possible as we were considering a subpopulation of the bins. To obtain the annotation, we started from the last couple (E15.5 and E16.5) and used the moscot.spatiotemporal transition matrix aggregated over annotations. We assigned each bin at E15.5 with the most probable annotation. Once we had the annotations for E15.5, we repeated this procedure to earlier time points. To evaluate the accuracy of the annotations, we used Scanpy’s rank_genes_groups with respect to the inferred annotations. For each annotation, we queried whether the marker genes, as previously reported10, were within the top 50 ranked genes. We reported the percentage of annotations for which this condition held.
CellRank analysis
We used CellRank to infer marker genes associated with terminal states. To define the CellRank kernel, K, a matrix containing bins from all time points, was used to obtain the transition probabilities between bins as follows:
Obtain a sparse representation of the moscot.spatiotemporal transition maps. These transition matrices occupy the superdiagonal of K as they transport bins from early to late time points.
Compute the transition matrices within each time point based on gene-expression similarity. These values occupy the diagonal of K.
Combine the above with weights 0.9 and 0.1, respectively to obtain K.
Row-normalize K.
We used GPCCA estimator142 in CellRank to compute terminal states, independently, for the full embryo and brain bins. We defined each terminal state by assigning the 30 most likely bins to it. We computed absorption probabilities on the Markov chain to these combined sets per terminal state group and interpreted these as fate probabilities. We correlated expression for each gene with the computed fate probabilities across all bins. We identified the top 20 most strongly correlated genes and TFs per terminal group. The list of mouse TFs was downloaded from AnimalTFDB (!/download).
Moscot.spatiotemporal of Drosophila embryo
We set out to investigate how moscot.spatiotemporal could be used to study the embryo development of Drosophila and we leveraged a 3D dataset profiled using Stereo-seq technology10. We downloaded the preprocessed dataset provided by the authors33. We performed highly variable gene selection, PCA and dimensionality reduction using UMAP with Scanpy. We then solved a moscot.spatiotemporal problem using PCA embedding for the linear term and normalized spatial coordinates in the quadratic term. We performed cell transition analysis as described for moscot.time and visualized transported mass between the source and target using both the push and pull operator and cell-transition matrices. We further performed a pull operation of indicator vectors of cell types of the CNS and muscle tissue and correlated it with the expression of all genes. We visualized the highest correlating genes, which revealed key TFs, both previously unknown and previously reported by the authors, involved in CNS and muscle tissue development.
Ethics statement
Animal studies were conducted with adherence to relevant ethical guidelines for the use of animals in research in agreement with German animal welfare legislation with the approved guidelines of the Society of Laboratory Animals (GV-SOLAS) and the Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA). The study was approved by the Helmholtz Munich Animal Welfare Body and by the Government of Upper Bavaria. NVF mice were kept at the central facilities at Helmholtz Munich under specific pathogen-free conditions in animal rooms with light cycles of 12–12  h, temperature of 20–24 °C and humidity of 45–65%. The mice received sterile filtered water and a standard diet for rodents ad libitum.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.