The other evening as I was on my daily hot girl walk I witnessed a Tesla Cybertruck honk at and swerve around a person on a bicycle to avoid striking them as it sped off onto a side street. Now, that’s not a rare sight for me. I sadly see tons of Cybertrucks every day in Los Angeles, and the vast majority of them are driven like a-holes, so normally I’d barely notice when something like this happens. This moment was different, though. As you can see from the photo, the Cybertruck had a freakin’ Nyan Cat wrap on it.
“I thought we left Nyan Cat back in 2011,” I can hear you saying, and I thought so too. I’ll even concede that maybe you thought Nyan Cat was still funny and cute in, like, 2016. We’re in 2025 now, though, and this sh*t is just bleak. If you’re still stuck in the land of epic memes, you need help. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised — Elon Musk is the king of using (and misusing) memes long after their popularity peak, so of course Cybertruck owners are as well. No one loves the tilted crying laughing emoji more than Tesla people.
Getting hit by any Cybertruck would suck, especially if any of its stainless-steel body panels are falling off, but getting hit by a Cybertruck with Nyan Cat plastered on it? That’s just embarrassing.