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HomeNatureHigh-performers and specialists in neuroscience research

High-performers and specialists in neuroscience research

Strong focus

Among the top 25 countries for neuroscience output in the Nature Index, these ten have the highest proportion of neuroscience Share relative to their overall Share (neuroscience %). The United States, Germany, United Kingdom and Canada all rank within the top 10 overall for neuroscience; Norway and Portugal have the lowest overall ranks, at 22 and 23, respectively.

On the up

The Share of the fastest rising institutions in neuroscience for 2022–23 is shown over a five-year period. The University of Queensland in Australia is the only institution from outside China in the top five. The top-ranked institution in neuroscience overall, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was the sixth fastest riser, increasing its Share by 4.5% to reach 229.20 in 2023.

Institution outputs

Institutions with a special focus on neuroscience research are highlighted in this chart, which plots their neuroscience Share against their neuroscience %. Just over 10% of the top 200 institutions in neuroscience have more than 200 Share in the topic for the period 2019–23, and only 8.5% have more than 30% of their overall Share related to neuroscience.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing has a relatively low proportion of its Nature Index output focused on neuroscience research, but it has the 6th highest Share in the topic, at 378.76. Harvard University’s Share in neuroscience (996.17) dwarfs that of all other institutions. With 19.6% of its total Share in the Index related to neuroscience, this is a clear priority area. Neuroscience-related outputs represented 89.7% of the total Share of the Allen Institute in Seattle, Washington, for 2019–23. The institution is ranked 144th in the topic overall, with a Share of 53.15.


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