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HomeDroneDRONTEX 2024 Conference to Introduce Latest Trends in UnmannedAerial Systems – sUAS...

DRONTEX 2024 Conference to Introduce Latest Trends in UnmannedAerial Systems – sUAS News

On 16 and 17 October 2024, the national heritage building of Elektrárňa Piešťany will host the third
annual international conference of DRONTEX 2024, organised by the Mám Dron Association. The
event aims at interconnecting experts working on development and use of unmanned aerial
technologies and provide a venue for networking and presentation of their projects. Apart from
many speakers and participants from Slovakia, there will be representatives of the private sector,
government agencies, education institutions and security experts from all over Europe. This year, the
event will run in a hybrid mode, allowing participants not only to attend in person, but also to watch
an online streaming of the main programme with simultaneous interpretation and a virtual EXPO.


DRONTEX 2024 will offer an attractive two-day programme in form of presentations of top experts
on drones and their use in services, industry, and security applications, displays and exposition of
drones in the EXPO tent, and an evening banquette with networking. The ambassador of the event
is Mr Ivan Bella and the event will be hosted by Ján Mečiar.


The programme of the first day of the conference will be divided into the following sections:

  • Management of UAS operations in the EU
  • Advanced Drone Services
  • Research and Development of UAS Technologies
    Representatives of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), European Commission, Air Navigation
    Services of the Czech Republic (ŘLP ČR) and Poland (PANSA) will present the current situation and
    development of the unmanned aerial operations in the context of new features and the growing
    number of drones in the airspace. They will be followed by presentations of representatives of the
    private sector which will focus on inspections of underground spaces, high-voltage power lines, or
    rendering 3D-models using drones, as well as flights beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), and their
    utilisation in practical life. Scientist from prestigious European universities and scientific teams from
    Sweden, Denmark and the Czech Republic will present the latest research results on autonomous use
    of drones.
    The second day of the conference will focus on the security challenges related to drones in form of
    threats from above and the elimination thereof, as well as deployment of drones in building or
    border protection. The speakers will also deal with the topic of cyber security and autonomous
    unmanned system designed for special missions, as well as deployment of drones in rescue missions.

“Drones are the future. They are being used in more and more segments – from industrial applications to services, or in public administration. In the current security situation, they are a tool of
warfare, but also an opportunity to eliminate threats. We are glad that the DRONTEX conference is to
provide a venue for discussing the topics and an opportunity to share our experience and initiate new
cooperations,” said Rastislav Sopko, director of the Mám Dron Association.

You can find more information on the DRONTEX 2024 conference at:

About the Mám Dron Association

The Mám Dron Association was established as a civic association, focusing on increasing the
awareness on responsible use of the airspace. The association organises education events, operates
the mobile app of MamDron for safe drone operation, publishes the current information on
unmanned aerial systems at its website of, and aims to support the development
of drone segment in Slovakia by interconnecting experts and members of the drone community. The
peak of these efforts is the annual DRONTEX conference, which has quickly made quite a name since
its introduction, in particular, in the V4 member countries.

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