With the exception of a few big-name players, a large portion of the athletes playing college football tend to live in relative anonymity. It’s not hard to see why, given that they are all wearing helmets when on the field.
Team photos therefore allow to put faces to the names, and see that these modern-day gladiators are in fact human beings just like me and you. Only bigger, faster, stronger, and — in the case of the Colorado School of Mines football team — a bit more, let’s say, experimental with their looks.
What do we mean by that? Join us on a journey through the Orediggers’ newest team photos (and that’s by far not all of them — make sure to check them out yourself).
RB Braelon Tate
A redshirt sophomore, Tate is entering his third season with the Orediggers. By the looks of it, the first two have taken YEARS off his life.
DL Dominic Caggiano
Meet Engineer Wolverine. Well, on second thought, let’s see if we can increase the Wolverineness just a bit more.
TE Jack Walters
Ah, maybe that was a tad too much.
LB Carter Forsythe
You know that scene from the first Star Wars movie where Luke Skywalker is wearing a helmet with a visor down so that he can’t see anything and starts trusting the force to guide his movements? Apparently, Carter Forsythe is banking on that strategy as well.
LB Brock Ewing
Carter Forsythe is on one end of the vision spectrum, Brock Ewing is on the other. His authoritative stare — perfectly paired with the world’s bluest eyebrows — will have you question your decision to run the ball down that particular mine.
LB Aaron Gall
100 percent chance Aaron Gall is wearing a Pantera shirt under his jersey and rides a motorbike to practice.
DB Will Ramsey
“Hey Will, what haircut do you want?” “All of them, please.”
DL Brady Zingelmann
If his football career doesn’t work out, Brady Zingelmann can always still join the Colorado School of Mimes.
LB Sean Gilbert
Inside you, there are two wolves. Outside you, there are two hairstyles.
C Chandler Poggensee
Everything about Chandler Poggensee is perfect. His name. His hair. His beard(s). The fact that he comes from a town called Burleson. Or that he served as backup center last year behind a guy called Steele Petty.
OG Ben James
Civil War Salvador Dalí checking in.
DE Brayden Amacker
We finally have an answer to the question, “What if Pippi Longstocking was a 6-foot-2 defensive end from Texas?”
OG Christian Benedetto
“Well, well, well, Batman. We meet again, old foe. Let me ask you something [viciously raises right eyebrow while stroking his pet carp]: Do you really think you will find the stolen diamonds in my maze of mines? You fool. You ”
DL Evan Bish
The classic The Office episode where Michael Scott is late for work because he accidentally burned his foot in a George Foreman Grill, but as a beard.
RB Sam Beers
Sam Beers.
OL Jaxon Sayers
Ever wonder what Yukon Cornelius did after his adventures with Rudolph and Hermey? He became an offensive lineman at the Colorado School of Mines.