A circus performer fell from a tightrope 16 feet in the air, hitting the ground hard and remaining motionless after impact … and it’s all on video.
Horrifying footage shows the performer perched on a chair balanced on poles held by 2 men on a tightrope … she’s standing up and sitting back down as part of the act — but when she tries to sit, she loses her footing and falls off to her right.
The performer appears to catch her leg on a rope on her way down, and her body flips before she lands on the ground … hard.
It all looks super painful … and it was … because she lies motionless on the ground as people rush over to help.
The performer was rushed to a hospital with serious injuries … including to her face. Fortunately, the damage was reportedly not life-threatening.
The female circus performer was part of a highwire troupe act from Colombia, performing with Gravity Circus at Glyne Gap Field in East Sussex, England.
Here’s hoping for a full recovery.