PARIS — For its first wellness masterclass, Dior invited Elle Macpherson to share her vision.
The French luxury house will be hosting such masterclasses each quarter of the year at the Dior Spa in the Hôtel Plaza Athénée in Paris.
For the debut session, which exceptionally was open only to journalists, on March 5, the model-entrepreneur-author described pioneering in the well-being beauty space as the founder of nutritional supplements brand WelleCo. Macpherson addressed subjects including women’s vitality, beauty as linked to aging well and mind-body harmony, all wrapped into the theme of “Well Aging.”
“Beauty is not just the way you look, but it’s the way you feel,” said Macpherson. “It’s what you bring to your life and to other people’s lives — how charismatic, vital and enthused you feel. How joyful you are in life.”
Feeling well is crucial for that. She’s been using WelleCo’s clean, plant-based products for a decade now.
“That has got me through some of the most difficult times of my life,” said Macpherson.
Aside from following a nutrient program, she counseled that people follow simple routines, including drinking warm water and lemon after waking up, taking deep breaths, centering one’s self, putting their third eye in the sun and making a small note of gratitude.
“Take a few moments to check in with yourself,” she said. “Develop a relationship with your heart, start to listen to your intuition.”
MacPherson added: “You don’t have to work out for hours and hours at the gym — that’s what I found, especially [as] I’m 60 now.”
Meditate. Hug a tree. “It sounds really corny,” she said. “But it does amazing things for your energy field. You dispel all the negative ions that we have. Get some contact with nature somehow.”
Macpherson said the benefits of taking such steps are enormous. “You will see change so quickly,” she explained.
Macpherson also discussed her book, “Elle: Life, Lessons and Learning to Trust Yourself,” released at the end of last year.
“My purpose and my inspiration to write was to inspire and encourage other people to see the beauty in their lives — to see how their lives are meaningful, worthwhile and purposeful through their own experiences,” she said.
Macpherson called “Elle” “a book of wisdoms.”
“How do we see that life happens for us, instead of feeling like we are a victim of our lives, that we don’t have any control?” she said. “This is a book that will encourage you to feel empowered by your life and find the purpose in everything that you do, even if you don’t see it right at the very beginning.”
Macpherson said that as one starts to gain better knowledge of themself, they begin to enjoy life more.
“My life is just beginning,” she said, explaining it’s crucial to harness the new beginning in each experience a person has. “There are beginnings and endings all the time. It is so delightful when you make the decision to enjoy, to learn and to grow. This is what my book is about.”
A French version and audiobook of “Elle” are both forthcoming.
“I read the book [for the audiobook version], which was really fun,” said Macpherson. “I have a beautiful, loving partner who’s a musician. He scored the music, which is infused with healing frequencies.”
Also upcoming from WelleCo will be a new product that’s a clear protein water with electrolytes to consume after workouts.
“It’s cutting-edge technology,” said MacPherson. “It tastes great and refreshing.”
What advice would she give her younger self?
“Be me, my unique self, and trust myself,” said Macpherson. “That’s the most important thing.
“We’re all beautiful, have something to bring to our communities, to life — our special gifts and talents that we have within ourselves,” she continued. “It’s to have the confidence to bring that into the world, because the world needs it. We need variety.”
During each session of the masterclass, Dior, which is owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, pairs the discussion with a treatment from its spa menu, which participants can try on a chosen date. Linked to Macpherson’s talk was the light therapy technology found in the Dior Light Suite that reproduces sunlight and is said to reset circadian rhythms.
Upcoming masterclasses will be led by Rose Ferguson, a nutritionist and Dior wellness expert, focused on mindfully realigning body and soul on June 17. Siff Haider and Nish Samantray, founders of supplements brand Arrae, will discuss the links between intestinal health and the brain on Sept. 8. And facialist Hadda Akrim is to talk about global skin treatment on Dec. 2. These are linked to the Dior Skin Nutrition treatment, the D-Waves treatment and Kobi-Dior facial treatment, respectively.
The price per masterclass and featured treatment is 350 euros.