One way to describe the noise-rock band YHWH Nailgun is to say they sound best when playing in a dark, concrete, abandoned train tunnel in Bushwick. Their 2022 EP, No Midwife and I Wingflap was like experimental rock for a horror game paranoiac, constantly jumpcutting between abject anguish and bright electronics. It makes you exhausted just listening to it. The latest single, “Sickle Walk,” from their forthcoming full-length debut 45 Points, is an 86-second blast of freak-rock. Mangled and barely legible, Zack Borzone’s voice whirls into gasps and guttural groans. Sam Pickard, who has drummed for fellow oddballs Godcaster, unleashes a rhythm so militant yet frenetic you could call it Sickly Walk; the twitchiness reminds me of stepTeam percussion, a dizzying rhythmic assault. like they’re performing occult exorcisms for math-rock heads.