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HomeDroneOperationalized Innovation at Northern Strike 24  – sUAS News

Operationalized Innovation at Northern Strike 24  – sUAS News

By Andrew Gardner, CEO Crux Defense 

During Northern Strike 24, the Kelly Johnson Joint All-Domain Innovation Center (KJJADIC) demonstrated a groundbreaking approach to innovation integration. A field-fabricated drone successfully delivered life-saving medical supplies during a live-fire exercise, showcasing the power of “Operationalized Innovation.” 

Led by Lt. Col. Bartly “Shrek” Ward, KJJADIC collaborated with ARCWERX, the DAF Strategic Studies Group,  DIU, and CRUX Defense to pioneer a method where warfighters work directly with strategic leaders and program offices to transition innovations into acquisition and sustainment. This approach was on full display as 15 warfighter-driven capabilities were integrated into the exercise, providing a real-time demonstration of advanced technologies. 

A key highlight was the demonstration of Expeditionary Advanced Manufacturing, spearheaded by Lt. Col. Hans “Solo” Jagow, which empowered warfighters to produce critical parts in austere environments without relying on traditional supply chains or civilian contractors. This “Factory-at-the-front” was designed to be self-sustaining, providing significant value for the DoD in a contested logistics environment. 

The exercise showcased the integration of AI-generated 3D printable drones, modular sensor payloads, and cutting-edge threat detection systems. Despite challenges like power access and material formation in varied humidity, the team demonstrated their ability to fabricate and deploy drones on the fly, validating the assumptions laid out by the Transition Schoolhouse team. 

One of the most significant outcomes was the demonstration of an attritable drone delivering a medical payload under simulated combat conditions. This drone, dubbed “Crux 1,” successfully completed its mission, highlighting the potential of edge-fabricated aircraft in real-world scenarios. 

The exercise wasn’t just about technology—it was about the collaboration between industry and warfighters to solve problems quickly and effectively. KJJADIC’s efforts underscore the importance of leadership in integrating innovation into military capabilities, with a focus on transitioning these innovations to meet the immediate needs of warfighters. 

Looking ahead, the team will continue to advance these capabilities and brief National Guard Leadership at the 2025 WEPTAC, aiming to further develop a transition strategy to support procurement and sustainment. 

Andrew Gardner, CEO, Crux Defense 

Crux Defense serves the warfighter by collaborating with DoD warfighters, industry partners, and academia—the true sources of innovation. Integrating these innovations to empower strategic leaders in executing their missions. Through collaboration with industry, warfighters, and leadership, Crux transitions capabilities directly to those on the front lines. Crux also provides Defense Addressable Market (DAM) Reports, helping innovators identify market opportunities and connect with key mission stakeholders. 


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