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11 Reader Comments on Pets

11 Reader Comments on Pets

If there’s one thing I know about the Cup of Jo community, it’s that we love pets. If a house tour features a shy cat or snuggly dog, I need to wait only three minutes until a flood of “But what is the cat/pup’s name/backstory/zodiac sign?!” comments start flooding in. So, let’s boost our serotonin levels and talk about why pets are the best. Here are 11 great reader comments…

On unconditional love:

“Young and single, I walked into a rescue, and a dog reached his paw out from a crate, touched my hand and changed my life forever. Dogs always find the best in a person. He’s gotten to know my niece and appreciates her sticky hands and abandoned Nutri-Grain bars. He was the first person outside of my family to love me unconditionally. It’s still just the two of us, but sometimes I think about him meeting the other people I will love in the future.” — Kate

“Our family adopted a puppy, and I’m embarrassed to admit that, for quite a while, I didn’t like him. He nipped at the children, chewed up shoes and bothered our older dog. But, slowly, he wiggled his way into my heart, faults and all. The way he greets me with a big tail wag. The way he snuggles his body close. The way he gets his leash with excitement when he thinks we are taking him somewhere fun. Now I am his forever.” — Lindsay

On showing up for each other:

“Wilson the hamster helped me meet my running goal during quarantine. I read that hamsters run five miles a night, and there was no way I was going to let a hamster or 2020 beat me. So, I ran five miles a day on my treadmill. If I ever didn’t feel like running, all I had to do was listen for Wilson’s wheel. Then I knew I had to get up and go. I ended that year with 2039 miles run.” — Rebecca

“I was working from home on a tough day and got an email about a deal falling through — the final straw! I started crying, and my pug immediately hopped on the couch and put her paws on my shoulders as she licked my face. It was like having someone you love telling you everything is going to be all right.” — Christine

On pets being just like us:

“I read about how sniffing was like reading books for dogs. So, it makes me happy when my dog is taking extra sniffs; her reading warms my heart.” — Sadie

“When our dog turned two, I called my husband saying I thought he was ill, as he had done nothing but sleep on the couch all morning for two days in a row. It felt out of his character. My husband thought about it, then replied, “Well, it seems like we no longer have a puppy. We now have a dog.” — Rachel

On rituals:

“Our Basset mix is a couch-sleeping, bacon-eating cuddle bug. Our family’s favorite nightly ritual is watching Roy arrange the pillows on the couch for his maximum comfort.” — Sarah

“Every morning as I leave the house, I tell my husband I love him, my dog I love him more, and my cat I love him most. Having pets is possibly the best part of this happy life.” — Joanna

On learning from pets:

“Nancy Tillman wrote a wonderful book for kids called The Heaven of Animals. I read it while pregnant and started sobbing in the middle of Costco. Years later, someone gave it to one of my kids, and I still can’t read it without bawling, especially after we lost our sweet Goldie. The quote that always gets me: ‘When angels whisper in animal ears, it is your voice that each animal hears.’” — Jill

“I am an atheist, but this line from a superb documentary about Istanbul street cats, spoken by a gruff Turkish sailor, ran down my spine like an electric shock: ‘God brings us closer to him in different ways. For me, it was these animals. I guess I was worthy of his love.’ — Lauren

“My husband and I read ‘I Ask Percy How I Should Live My Life’ by Mary Oliver at my son’s first birthday, which underscores why dogs are love.” — Ari

I Ask Percy How I Should Live My Life
by Mary Oliver

Love, love, love, says Percy.
And hurry as fast as you can
along the shining beach, or the rubble, or the dust.
Then, go to sleep.
Give up your body heat, your beating heart.
Then, trust.

What about you? How have pets made your life feel full? We’d love to hear.

P.S. 14 adorable quarantine pets and human anatomy according to my dog.

(Photo by MaaHoo/Stocksy.)


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