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HomeAutomobileAirlines Won't Let You Fly When The Entire Top Of Your Skull...

Airlines Won’t Let You Fly When The Entire Top Of Your Skull Is Bleeding, Apparently

Hernandez-Garnier arrested

Screenshot: Local 10 News

Man, airlines have gotten so strict these days. You aren’t allowed to physically threaten and intimidate a crew member. You aren’t allowed to do any sex stuff. You aren’t allowed to complain about the food. And now, apparently, you aren’t allowed to fly if your head is bleeding. In fact, as one man recently found out, it can even get you arrested.

Eugenio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier is now in custody after he refused to get off the plane when crew members decided he was leaking too much blood from his head, Miami’s Local 10 News reports.

When Hernandez-Garnier boarded his flight from Miami to Las Vegas, he had a bloody forehead and was wearing a dirty bandage. For some mysterious, unknown reason, the crew didn’t like that. They asked him to clean himself up and replace the bandage, but he didn’t have another bandage. At that point, they reportedly began asking him to get off the plane because they were worried about him getting blood everywhere and also because they were worried about his health.

Instead of getting off the plane, Hernandez-Garnier and his companion Yusleydis Blanca Loyola pushed back, saying that “if they could not fly, no one else can either.” She also claimed he had recently had surgery, and although the (spoiler alert!) arrest report didn’t specify what kind of surgery it was, the Independent claims it was a hair transplant. Crew members warned them that they’d be arrested if they didn’t get off the plane, and eventually, that’s exactly what happened.

Unfortunately for the rest of the flight’s passengers, American Airlines ordered everyone else off the plane and delayed the flight. Both Loyola and Hernandez-Garnier were taken to a nearby hospital to be evaluated before being transferred to a local jail. They’ve both been charged with trespassing after a warning and resisting an officer without violence.

Police arrest Nevada couple after man is kicked off flight to Vegas due to bloody bandages


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