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HomeHealthy LifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for August 11 to 17, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for August 11 to 17, 2024

In case you didn’t already think August was tense thanks to a wild Mercury retrograde, the drama will continue to play out in your weekly horoscope for August 11 to 17, 2024! The first quarter moon in Scorpio on August 12 brings you back to last week’s new moon in Leo. What intentions did you set, and what captured your attention? Now’s the time to take a step toward your goal.

Next up on August 14, Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Gemini unite at the same point in the sky. Mars is a planet of motivation, anger, war, and drive, while Jupiter is a planet of expansion, support, and beliefs. When these two planets connect, especially in the sign of Gemini, it can encourage you to speak your mind. You might find yourself standing up for your beliefs and getting into a debate or two. This can also coincide with the start of an exciting new chapter in your personal or professional life, but watch out for overconfidence and inflated egos. Don’t bite off more than you can chew!

On the same day, Mercury moves back into Leo on its retrograde path, bringing up events, topics, and ideas that emerged in mid-July (when Mercury was last in that portion of the sky). This can be a wonderful time to return to old hobbies or activities you enjoyed as a kid or teen, or to pick up creative projects that you put aside in the past. Misunderstandings and miscommunication might also feel a bit more dramatic or theatrical over the next few weeks.

Your healing journey is highlighted on August 15 when the Sun in Leo mingles with the asteroid Chiron in Aries. Showing up authentically and following your heart instead of listening to your head can be especially rewarding today, and will leave you feeling grateful and empowered.

Also on August 15, Mars in Gemini clashes into Saturn in Pisces—adding some drama to the end of the week. Mars demands action and risk, while Saturn refuses to budge, creating some conflicting, stop-and-go energy. It can feel like there are obstacles outside of your control that are keeping you from taking action or making progress on goals. This is not the time to pressure yourself to move mountains and get a ton done. Rest and slowing down may be necessary. In general, people may be in a more gruff and grumpy mood–yourself included!

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full August 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from August 11 to 17, 2024

  • Monday, August 12: First Quarter Moon in Scorpio
  • Tuesday, August 13: Moon enters Sagittarius
  • Wednesday, August 14: Mars in Gemini conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
  • Wednesday, August 14: Mercury Retrograde Enters Leo
  • Thursday, August 15: Sun in Leo trine Chiron in Aries
  • Thursday, August 15: Moon enters Capricorn
  • Thursday, August 15: Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
  • Saturday, August 17: Moon enters Aquarius

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for August 11 to 17, 2024


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

You’re full of ideas, Aries, when Mars in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Gemini on August 14. You may be ready to commit to learning something new or craft a plan to make one of your dreams come true. You may also find yourself being a bit more outspoken today, which can feel empowering but also land you in a few arguments.

On the same day, some of your exes or old flames might make their way to your DMs when Mercury retrograde enters Leo. Use this as a chance to reflect on old relationship patterns and dynamics. How have you grown and evolved? What did you learn? Use your discernment before you decide if someone should stay around in your life after the retrograde. The next few weeks are also a healthy time to do inner child healing work and to pick up old hobbies you used to enjoy as a teen or kid.

You might feel a little down or depressed when Mars in Gemini bumps into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. It’s hard to see the glass half full, but know that these feelings are temporary. You might also just simply feel more exhausted than normal, or hear a “no” when you were hoping for a “yes.”


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

You’re making an important financial decision,Taurus, when Mars in Gemini unites with Jupiter in Gemini on August 14. You could take on a new promotion or responsibility at work or experience a sudden shift in your finances. Maybe you’re setting a new savings goal for yourself or making a big purchase on a whim! It’s also possible your work receives kudos and support from others.

Home and family are top of mind once Mercury retrograde enters Leo on the same day. You could encounter some annoying issues around the house, like a leaky dishwasher or broken washing machine. The next few weeks can also bring up old issues with your chosen family, and make you feel more nostalgic than normal. Reflecting on your past can be incredibly helpful and healing right now.

It’s time to get serious about who and what you invest your time, energy, and money into when Mars in Gemini clashes into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. This isn’t the best day to ask others for financial support or to back some of your dreams. You could also brush up against drama in your social circle, which may help you realize who your true friends are.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You’re the main character, Gemini, when Mars and Jupiter (both in your sign) link up at the same point in the sky on August 14. You might set new ambitious personal goals for yourself or speak your mind in an empowering way. One thing’s for sure: It’s time to stand up for yourself and advocate for your needs and desires.

People are misunderstanding you left and right once Mercury retrograde enters Leo later on August 14. You’re a magnet for typos and miscommunication, so triple-check those texts and emails before you hit send. You may also want to back up your devices and plan ahead when it comes to commuting to mitigate potential technology issues or travel delays!

There’s a dramatic and frustrating push and pull between your personal goals and your professional life on August 15 when Mars, in your sign, rams into Saturn in Pisces. Setting boundaries at work may be necessary, and you could also find yourself dealing with an egomaniac or power-hungry boss. People are full of it and grumpier than ever today. Pick your fights wisely.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

Bad habits beware, Cancer! You’re making big lifestyle changes when Mars and Jupiter, both in Gemini, meet up on August 14. The energy today can give you the final push and encouragement to change your behaviors and patterns that are dragging you down. You may also experience a moment of clarity during a dream or meditation session. An idea that you want to pursue might also begin to bounce around your imagination.

On the same day, Mercury retrograde enters Leo and brings attention to your finances. If you’re up for a raise or promotion, or are applying for a job, talks can be delayed. Checks can get lost in the mail and things you buy online will probably be disappointing and you’ll wind up returning them. This is also a productive time to rework your budget and set new savings goals for yourself.

You might be in a grumpy mood on August 15 when Mars in Gemini bumps into Saturn in Pisces. This is not the day to pack your schedule or take on more responsibilities. You’re worn thin emotionally and physically, so carve out some alone time so you can recharge if possible.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

You’re going after a new goal or dream, Leo, when Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Gemini link up on August 14. Maybe you’re committing to a new collaborative project or weekly volunteering at an organization you really believe in. This could also mark the beginning of a new friendship, or even have you mingling with someone exciting in your network!

On the same day, Mercury retrograde enters your sign, bringing mishaps and miscommunication your way. This can also bring some important people from your past back into your orbit over the next few weeks. For the most part, this invites you to slow down and reflect on who you are and your personal goals.

It might be time to set some boundaries with social media—or within some of your friendships—when Mars in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. You might also feel a bit worn down and like you’ve been overextending yourself. Something’s got to change!


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

You’re feeling ambitious, Virgo, and you’re making a lot of progress on your goals when Mars and Jupiter, both in Gemini, team up on August 14. You might take on a promotion or more responsibility at work. Your talent and skills are visible to others right now, and they’re eager to celebrate you for them! This could also mark the start of a new significant chapter in your life: like getting engaged, going back to school, or starting your own business!

Say no to plans later in the day when Mercury retrograde enters Leo. The next few weeks remind you that if you’re not resting, it will be impossible to get anything done! You’re feeling more tired than normal, but this down time will help you strengthen your intuition and set boundaries to protect your privacy and down time. You may also have a realization about a habit or behavior that needs changing.

Your relationships undergo some stress on August 15 when Mars in Gemini clashes into Saturn in Pisces. Maybe you’re working long hours and an important person in your life wants to spend more time with you. You could also find yourself at odds with a boss or annoying co-worker. This tension requires you to find a balance between those you care for and your personal goals.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

People better watch their words around you, Libra, when Mars in Gemini joins with Jupiter in Gemini on August 14. You’re ready to share your thoughts and opinions with anyone who will listen. This can be an important day for standing up for what you believe in, setting boundaries with others, moving along conversations, and initiating new projects. You’re feeling inspired and willing to take risks!

On the same day, Mercury retrograde enters Leo, bringing old friends and colleagues back into your life. Are these people really worth your time, or is their reemergence a sign to reflect on your growth? You may also reconsider some of your goals, or experience delays in collaborative projects.

Your regular routine is disrupted on August 15 when Mars in Gemini slams into Saturn in Pisces. Unforeseen circumstances might make you cancel fun plans. Information you learn today can also feel disheartening. Just know this energy will pass, it’s temporary!


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

You’re tired of complaining about the same thing over and over again, Scorpio, once Mars and Jupiter (both in Gemini) unite in the sky on August 14. You’re ready to make a change, release the past, and do something different. Emotionally, you may have the courage and enthusiasm to face some of your fears. This can also be a push or shove kind of moment regarding your finances. It may be time to ask a loved one for some support!

Your life path is up for revision once Mercury retrograde enters Leo on the same day. You might rethink your current ambitions and goals, or something about what you’re doing now could use an adjustment. If you’re in negotiations for a job, promotion, or raise, you may also face some temporary setbacks or delays.

It’s time to get back on track with your spending once Mars in Gemini collides into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. You may decide to pour more of your personal time or resources into a creative project, or choose to set limits around some of your superfluous spending. You could also feel creatively blocked today, so don’t push yourself to paint the next Mona Lisa overnight!


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

You’re making some major decisions in your relationships, Sagittarius, when Mars and Jupiter team up in Gemini on August 14. Maybe you’re signing on to a new work contract or someone close to you speaks their mind and catches you off guard. The energy today can run the gamut from dramatic to hopeful to argumentative. This energy is quite reactive and can lead to overconfidence, so take a few breaths before making any important life decisions you can’t just take back!

On the same day, Mercury retrograde enters Leo, and you may find yourself revisiting the way you see the world. Conversations that take place today encourage you to reframe your personal belief system. Mercury retrograde can also increase the likelihood of travel snafus over the next few weeks, and any important ongoing conversations, projects, or negotiations that you’re part of may experience temporary delays.

There’s tension in your close relationships on August 15 when Mars in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces. Maybe you’re at odds over a living situation, or an old unhealthy dynamic from your past comes up and rears its head. There may also be tension between your chosen family and a lover. You can feel a bit torn in two directions! This is an important day to set boundaries to protect your peace, even if it’s an uncomfortable process.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

Slow down, Capricorn, when Mars in Gemini meets up with Jupiter in Gemini on August 14. You can wind up overcommitting and leaving yourself exhausted. You may need to set a boundary at work today or negotiate the terms of taking on more responsibilities. You may also be a bit more accident prone, so this isn’t the day to try an overdo it at the gym or to get 20,000 steps in. Take it easy and prioritize rest if and when you can. (Your nervous system will thank you.)

On the same day, you’re dealing with a frustrating financial issue when Mercury retrograde moves into Leo. There’s some sort of temporary delay or setbacks with your finances, whether it’s a surprise bill or a delayed contract. But remember, it’s just temporary. Emotionally, old fears and worries can pop up, making this a fruitful time to engage in healing work and self-reflection.

Move and speak with intention when Mars in Gemini bumps into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. Words can sting today, and it’s also easy to feel bogged down by your commitments and responsibilities. If you’re working on a difficult project or trying to find a solution to a problem, today isn’t the best day for making progress.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

You’re ready to go all in on a creative project, Aquarius, when Mars in Gemini links up with Jupiter in Gemini on August 14. If you want to start a styling business or social media account for one of your hobbies, this is the day to commit and get started. The energy is also hot and passionate for anything from first dates, exploring kinks with a lover, or reigniting the spark in a romantic connection.

Once Mercury retrograde moves into Leo on the same day, exes may come out of the woodwork or make you feel more nostalgic about past relationships. You may also find yourself rehashing issues or addressing feelings that have been overlooked in your current relationships. These uncomfortable conversations can ultimately help you create a more solid foundation for your future.

It’s time to get serious about your budget when Mars in Gemini collides into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. This is a good time to prune your monthly subscriptions and get a better understanding of your spending. This can also be a healthy time to set boundaries around some of your indulgences in order to help you reach some of your goals.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

Your personal life is about to undergo a big shift, Pisces, when Mars in Gemini conjoins Jupiter in Gemini on August 14. This marks a fresh chapter for your living situation, as well as relationships with your chosen family. Maybe you find new roommates, do a massive purge of your personal items, or consider a cross-country move. You may also find yourself feeling more emotional and nostalgic.

Your daily routine starts to feel a little more overwhelming than usual once Mercury goes retrograde in Leo on the same day. Work can pile up and so can your personal commitments. The next few weeks remind you how critical it is to set boundaries and that “no” is a complete sentence. If there are habits of your own that you’re trying to break, this retrograde period gives you the momentum and courage to do so.

Family drama flares up on August 15 when Mars in Gemini rams into Saturn in your sign. Your loved ones might be critical of you or your goals. Do your best to set boundaries and ignore others’ opinions. You may also learn some information about your living situation or loved ones that requires your responsible and mature side to shine.


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