Look what the cat dragged in — a whole lot of tummy to pet diet camp … one fat feline weighing in at a hefty 38 pounds stumbled into a hairy situation.
Crumbs — a robust Russian cat living in a hospital on a diet of cookies and soup from the staff — was taken to a center in Perm, where he was put on a strict diet and workout routine.
Unfortunately, Crumbs didn’t enjoy his new living situation too much … ’cause officials at the center say he tried to escape — and, ended up stuck in a shoe rack.
Check out the pic … Crumbs got trapped between bars, with his face firmly planted in a pair of blue Crocs — looking like he’s regretting his decision to try to run off.
On the center’s Telegram account, one person wrote that Crumbs — Kroshik, as he’s called in Russian — mellowed out after getting a portion of food … but, he still wasn’t too keen on ending up so confined he didn’t even have enough room to swing a cat.

It’s good news he’s running around and getting stuck in tight spaces, though … ’cause when he was first brought into the center, Crumbs reportedly couldn’t even walk.
At 37.47 pounds — Crumbs’ weight when he was initially found — he was nearly 4 times the average house cat weight … though they expect him to drop weight quickly on his new regimen.
If the average cat has 9 lives … ya gotta wonder how many more Crumbs is hiding in his big ol’ body!!!