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HomeEntrepreneur3 Qualities That Make Star Employees Stand Out

3 Qualities That Make Star Employees Stand Out

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As the CEO and co-founder of a growing tech company, I’ve had the privilege of overseeing hundreds of employees as they’ve moved through our team. From leading a team of five to managing a robust team of over 150, I’ve seen firsthand what it takes for employees to stand out from the crowd.

The good news is that standing out is more straightforward and achievable than you might think. Whether you’re angling for a promotion, looking for mentorship or just want to be more recognized on your team, here’s what your boss might be looking for.

Related: 7 Character Traits That the Best Employees Share

1. You’re objectively great at your job

It might seem obvious, but being good at what you do is a huge part of getting noticed. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or if you’re in a management role. Either way, performance is key. There are many factors that help someone stand out, but in my mind, this is the most important.

If you want to stand out, make sure your KPIs and any other metrics are meeting (or, ideally, exceeding!) your targets and that you’re getting good results in your role. Consistency is also a factor — meeting your targets every once in a while isn’t a substitute for ongoing excellence. The more often you’re earning wins and driving business forward, the better.

Additionally, showing initiative by identifying problems and proposing solutions can set you apart. Employees who go beyond their job descriptions to contribute their own ideas show a level of commitment that gets noticed. It’s not just about doing your job well — it’s also about taking ownership and showing that you care about the company’s success as much as your own.

If you’re currently falling short on performance, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback to learn how you can improve. That’s showing initiative, too! And when you do outperform expectations or accomplish something big in your role, make sure to document your success in case you need to share it down the line.

2. You’re generally well-liked

Meeting all of your performance criteria is important, but if you’re rude or demeaning to your fellow team members, that doesn’t help you stand out in the right way. Being kind and approachable to the rest of the team (superiors and peers alike) shows that you care about more than just yourself.

Our culture at Lemonlight really emphasizes having a positive attitude at work, so this is one of the things I notice most. (This can be a great giveaway to what your leaders will be looking for, too! When in doubt, emulating your company values will likely help you get noticed).

If you have a chance to connect with your fellow team members, offer support to someone who needs it or just be a friendly face in the office or on Zoom, take the opportunity. It’s a great way to feel more integrated with the team and a great way for senior leaders to take notice.

Related: 3 Key Character Traits That Help Employees Quickly Rise Through the Ranks at Their Companies

3. You’re eager to learn

Finally, I really respect and value people who are working on bettering themselves, looking into growth in their role or staying on top of the industry. A genuine desire to be great is noticeable and impressive — and it’s hard to fake!

People who are eager to learn tend to see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than setbacks. They focus on improving and finding solutions, which is much more productive than dwelling on problems or blaming others. This attitude towards self-improvement tends to lead to better performance, too, so it can work doubly in your favor.

If you want to stand out, take the initiative to seek out learning opportunities: formal education, online courses or even just reading industry-related articles and books are all great options. Attending conferences, networking with industry professionals and participating in workshops can also help you learn and stay ahead of the curve. You can also check with your manager about what resources they think would be useful to help you grow.

Being proactive about your development shows that you’re committed to your role and the company. It shows that you’re not just doing the minimum to get by, but you’re actively seeking ways to excel and bring more value to the team.

Related: 6 Traits of Indispensable Employees

As I’ve watched our team grow over the years, a lot of things have changed, but these core qualities are always the mark of a great employee. We’ve had plenty of team members — both past and present — who will always stand out to me because they emulated these exact qualities.

If you’re looking for recognition, focus on these elements. Being great at your job, being well-liked and having a thirst for knowledge are what get star employees noticed. Embrace these elements, and you’ll be well on your way to making a lasting impression and achieving your career goals.


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